Re: [HACKERS] significant semi join overestimates (with CTEs)

2016-02-23 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:32 AM, Tomas Vondra
> Firstly, we could clamp the join cardinality estimate to the size of
> cartesian product, eliminating at least the most obvious over-estimates.
> Secondly, I think it'd be nice to somehow eliminate the sudden jumps in the
> estimates - I'm not quite sure why need the three different formulas in
> eqjoinsel_semi, so maybe we can get rid of some of them?

I don't have any particularly intelligent commentary on the second
point right at the moment, but I emphatically agree with you on the
first one.  I've seen that problem a number of times and it seems
completely ludicrous to me.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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[HACKERS] significant semi join overestimates (with CTEs)

2016-02-21 Thread Tomas Vondra


while investigating a poor query plan choice, I've noticed suspicious 
semi join estimates looking like this:

 ->  Nested Loop  (cost=35.52..1787.31 rows=281653470 width=566)
   Buffers: shared hit=9305
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=34.81..36.81 rows=200 width=32)
 Group Key: data.column1
 ->  CTE Scan on data  (cost=0.00..30.94 rows=1547 width=32)
   ->  Index Scan using t_pkey on t (cost=0.71..8.74 rows=1 ...)
 Index Cond: ((a = data.column1) AND (...))
 Buffers: shared hit=9305

Notice the cardinality estimates - we expect the outer relation to have 
200 rows, and for each of the 200 rows 1 matching row in the inner rel. 
Yet we estimate the join cardinality to be ~280M rows, which is rather 
excessive (it even exceeds the cartesian product cardinality).

So, how could this happen? Quite easily, actually ...

Consider a simple table


and this query:

WITH data AS (VALUES (1), (2), (3), ... list of more IDs ...)
WHERE a IN (SELECT column1 FROM data);

This is a simple semi join - the planner will do a HashAggregate on the 
CTE to find the list of distinct values, and then it will do a lookup on 
't' table to find matching rows. There may be additional conditions, as 
suggested by the initial plan, but let's ignore that for now.

Now, the CTE actually has 1547 values in it, but the HashAggregate is 
estimated to output just 200 values. Where does that come from?

Turns out, when there are no stats for the relation (e.g. when it's a 
CTE), get_variable_numdistinct() behaves differently depending on the 
cardinality of the relation. Essentially, this happens:

  *isdefault = false;
  return rows;
 *isdefault = true;

i.e. we cap the ndistinct estimate to DEFAULT_NUM_DISTINCT and for some 
reason return different value for the 'isdefault' flag.

Then, eqjoinsel_semi() falls through to this part of the code, as there 
is no MCV for the CTE table:

if (!isdefault1 && !isdefault2)
if (nd1 <= nd2 || nd2 < 0)
selec = 1.0 - nullfrac1;
selec = (nd2 / nd1) * (1.0 - nullfrac1);
selec = 0.5 * (1.0 - nullfrac1);

Assuming the other side of the join is a regular table with proper stats 
(isdefault=false), depending on the CTE cardinality we fall into 
different branches of the if condition.

When rows<200, we end up with isdefault=false and use e.g.

selec = (nd2 / nd1) * (1.0 - nullfrac1)

which produces a sane estimate. But with rows >= 200, we suddenly switch 
to the other estimate

selec = 0.5 * (1.0 - nullfrac1);

which completely ignores the ndistinct values and instead evaluates to 
0.5 (when nullfrac1=0.0). This is the source of overestimates, because 
the actual join selectivity is way lower than 0.5 and we simply do

rows = outer_rows * jselec;

in calc_joinrel_size_estimate() for JOIN_SEMI. It's not difficult to 
construct examples of those over-estimates - attached are two scripts 
with examples demonstrating the issue, differing in the scale of the 

It's also possible to construct examples for the inner if condition (see 

if (nd1 <= nd2 || nd2 < 0)
selec = 1.0 - nullfrac1;
selec = (nd2 / nd1) * (1.0 - nullfrac1);

but in this case we only switch between selec=1.0 and 0.5 (again, 
assuming nullfrac=0.0). While this sudden jump in estimates is not 
great, it can't result in such excessive estimates.

Clearly, this use of CTEs is a bit unnecessary and it's trivial to 
replace it with a simple IN() clause.

Moreover we can't really expect good estimates without stats, and I 
don't think changing DEFAULT_NUM_DISTINCT from one arbitrary value to 
some other arbitrary value would help much - we'd only see the strange 
plan changes with different numbers of values in the CTE. But perhaps we 
can do at least a bit better.

Firstly, we could clamp the join cardinality estimate to the size of 
cartesian product, eliminating at least the most obvious over-estimates.

Secondly, I think it'd be nice to somehow eliminate the sudden jumps in 
the estimates - I'm not quite sure why need the three different formulas 
in eqjoinsel_semi, so maybe we can get rid of some of them?


Tomas Vondra
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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