> >> This seems odd.  As near as I can tell, O_SYNC is simply a command to do
> >> fsync implicitly during each write call.  It cannot save any I/O unless
> >> I'm missing something significant.  Where is the performance difference
> >> coming from?
> > Yes, odd, but sure very reproducible here.
> I tried this on HPUX 10.20, which has not only O_SYNC but also O_DSYNC

AIX has O_DSYNC (which is _FDATASYNC) too, but I assumed O_SYNC 
would be more portable. Now we have two, maybe it is more widespread
than I thought.

> I attach my modified version of Andreas' program.  Note I do 
> not believe his assertion that close() implies fsync() --- on the machines I've
> used, it demonstrably does not sync.

Ok, I am not sure, but essentially do we need it to sync ? The OS sure isn't
supposed to notice after closing the file, that it ran out of disk space.


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