Is anyone working on this?

Tom Lane wrote:
> korry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The problem is that, each time you go through
> > pgwin32_waitforsinglesocket(), you tie the *same* kernel object
> > (waitevent is static) to each socket.
> > The fix is pretty simple - just call WSAEventSelect( s, waitevent, 0 )
> > after WaitForMultipleObjectsEx() returns.  That disassociates the socket
> > from the Event (it will get re-associated the next time
> > pgwin32_waitforsingleselect() is called.  
> Hmm.  Presumably we don't do this a whole lot (use multiple sockets) or
> we'd have noticed before.  Perhaps better would be to keep an additional
> static variable saying which socket the event is currently associated
> to, and only issue the extra WSAEventSelect calls if we need to change
> it.  Or is WSAEventSelect fast enough that it doesn't matter?

Here's a simple patch that fixes the problem (I haven't explored the performance of this patch compared to Tom's suggestion).

        -- Korry
Index: src/backend/port/win32/socket.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/port/win32/socket.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -w -c -r1.11 socket.c
*** src/backend/port/win32/socket.c	5 Mar 2006 15:58:35 -0000	1.11
--- src/backend/port/win32/socket.c	29 Jul 2006 12:13:19 -0000
*** 132,137 ****
--- 132,154 ----
  	events[1] = waitevent;
  	r = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(2, events, FALSE, INFINITE, TRUE);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * NOTE: we must disassociate this socket from waitevent - if we don't, then 
+ 	 *       we may accidentally fire waitevent at some point in the future if,
+ 	 *		 for example, the socket is closed.  That normally would not be a 
+ 	 *		 problem, but if you ever have two (or more) sockets in a single 
+ 	 *		 backend, they *ALL* share the same waitevent. So, if you pass through
+ 	 *		 this function for socket1 and socket2, a close on EITHER socket will
+ 	 *		 trigger an FD_CLOSE event, regardless of whether you're waiting for
+ 	 *		 socket1 or socket2.  That means that if you are waiting for socket1
+ 	 *		 and socket2 gets some interesting traffic (an FD_CLOSE or FD_READ
+ 	 *		 event for example), the above call to WaitForMultipleObjectsEx() 
+ 	 *		 will return even though nothing actually happened to socket1. Nasty...
+ 	 */
+ 	WSAEventSelect(s, waitevent, 0 );
  	if (r == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || r == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)
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