Re: Fluctuating performance of updates on small table with trigger

2022-06-29 Thread Justin Pryzby
On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 09:31:58PM +0200, Mikkel Lauritsen wrote:
> In short I'm running PostgreSQL 14.1 on Linux on a small test machine with

should try to upgrade to 14.4, for $reasons

> Is there any feasible way to find out what it is that causes Postgres to
> start doing slow updates? My guess would be a buffer filling up or something
> similar, but the regularity between runs paired with the irregular lengths
> of the fast and slow phases in each run doesn't really seem to fit with
> this.

Set log_checkpoints=on, log_autovacuum_min_duration=0, log_lock_waits=on, and
enable autoexplain with auto_explain.log_nested_statements=on.

Then see what's in the logs when that happens.

@hackers: the first two of those are enabled by default in 15dev, and this
inquiry seems to support that change.


Fluctuating performance of updates on small table with trigger

2022-06-29 Thread Mikkel Lauritsen

Hi all,

I have a performance issue that I would really appreciate if somebody 
could help me better understand and investigate. I experience 
fluctuating performance of combined updates and inserts, seemingly 
following a pattern which isn't immediately obvious.

In short I'm running PostgreSQL 14.1 on Linux on a small test machine 
with 16 GB ram. Postgres is configured with shared_buffers = 4GB, 
max_wal_size = 1GB.

The database contains a table with 14 columns and 10 rows. The total 
size of the table according to pg_total_relation_size is 20MB (so 
basically nothing) and the table has no indexes, defaults or 

The table has one "before update, on each row"-trigger where the trigger 
function does an insert in the table and then lets the update complete 
by replacing NEW with OLD with one column modified. Each update 
therefore becomes an insert immediately followed by an update.

There is only a single client which is written in Java and it runs on 
the same machine as the database. It generates a reproducible load 
consisting mainly of updates of two columns in single rows with a few 
inserts mixed in. The inserts and updates are grouped together in 
transactions of currently 2 operations.

Inserts are always fast. As measured by an imprecise millisecond counter 
they consistently take 0-1 ms.

Updates (that as mentioned above also cause an insert) are in phases 
fast, 0-1 ms, and in phases mainly slow, about 10 ms. Performance starts 
out fine, but then it seems that something happens that "flips a switch" 
causing the updates to become slow for a while. A bit later they speed 
up again, and the pattern repeats. When the updates are slow about 1 in 
10 is fast, but it is highly irregular when that happens.

What puzzles me is that each time I run the test load against the table 
it's always the exact same number of inserts/updates that happen in the 
fast and slow phases. At first 56 pure inserts mixed with 1531 fast 
updates, then 71 inserts and 606 slow updates, then 33 inserts and 471 
fast updates etc. In other words, the time to do an update follows an 
irregular square wave, where the "wavelength" (fast and slow phases) is 
about 200-1500 updates. Apparently the flips between fast and slow keep 
happening so there's no steady state.

The fact that the flips always happen after the same number of 
inserts/updates makes me think that the underlying reason must be pretty 
deterministic but there is no immediately discernible structure in the 
load at the times when the update performance slows down. When it speeds 
up again it is seemingly always at a point where at least 3 inserts are 
executed right after each other, but that may be a coincidence.

Is there any feasible way to find out what it is that causes Postgres to 
start doing slow updates? My guess would be a buffer filling up or 
something similar, but the regularity between runs paired with the 
irregular lengths of the fast and slow phases in each run doesn't really 
seem to fit with this.

Best regards & thanks,
  Mikkel Lauritsen