Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-03-02 Thread legrand legrand
> Thanks for the suggestion.  Yes I could change the sql and when using only
> one filter for int_otherid2 it does use all 3 columns as the index key.

explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT
FROM tabledata WHERE dtdatetime <= '2020-01-20 03:05:00.013' AND
gDiagnosticId IN ('3c99d61b-21a1-42ea-92a8-3cc88d79f3f1') AND
  ivehicleid=8149 ORDER BY dtdatetime DESC LIMIT 1


 Limit  (cost=0.71..85.13 rows=1 width=84) (actual time=300.820..300.821
rows=1 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=17665 read=1
   ->  Index Scan Backward using
ix_tabledata_intid_timestampdate_intotherid3_intotherid2 on tabledata
(cost=0.71..41960.39 rows=497 width=84) (actual time=300.808..300.809
rows=1 loops=1)
 Index Cond: ((int_id = 8149) AND (timestamp_date <= '2020-01-20
03:05:00.013'::timestamp without time zone) AND (int_otherid2 =
 Buffers: shared hit=17665 read=1
 Planning time: 58.769 ms
 Execution time: 300.895 ms
(7 rows)

> I still haven't been able to explain why this changed all of a sudden (I
> am
> working on reproducing this error in a test environment) but this could be
> a good workaround.  I might be able to just make 6 calls or maybe rewrite
> the original query some other way in order to get it to use all 3 keys of
> the index.  I'll have to do some more testing

Parsing of 58 ms and 300 ms for 17665 memory blocks read is very very bad
Are those shared buffers in memory or SWAPPED ?
Is the server CPU bounded or limited ?

May be you should dump some data for a test case on an other platform 
(any desktop) to get a comparison point


Sent from:

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-03-02 Thread Ben Snaidero
On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 11:22 AM Jeff Janes  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:33 AM Ben Snaidero 
> wrote:
>> I have the following query that was on average running in ~2ms suddenly
>> jump up to on average ~25ms.
> What are you averaging over?  The plan you show us is slow enough that if
> you were averaging over the last 1000 executions, that one execution could
> skew the entire average just by itself.  When individual execution times
> can vary over 4 powers of 10, I don't think averages are a very good way of
> analyzing things.
>> This query is called millions of time per day and there were cases of the
>> query taking 20-30 seconds.  Below is the explain analyze of one such
>> example.
>> When seeing this issue, the server was under some CPU pressure but even
>> with that, I would not think it should get as slow as shown below as we are
>> using SSDs and none of the windows disk counters (IOPS, queue length) show
>> any value that would be of concern.
> What is the average and expected random read latency on your SSDs?  Have
> you benchmarked them (outside of the database system) to see if they are
> performing as expected?
>>  Rows Removed by Filter: 91686
>>  Buffers: shared hit=12102 read=13259 written=111
> Do the faster executions have fewer rows removed by the filter (and fewer
> buffers read), or are they just faster despite having about the same values?
>> We took a perfview during the issue and below is the call stack from a
>> process running this query, two call paths are shown.
> I've never used perfview.  But if I try to naively interpret it similar to
> gdb backtrace, it doesn't make much sense to me.  InitBufTable is only
> called by "postmaster" while starting the database, how could it be part of
> call paths during regular operations?  Are these views of the slow-running
> back end itself, or of some other postgresql process which was idle at the
> time the snapshot was taken?
> Cheers,
> Jeff

Query statistics were averaged over ~3million calls so I don't think a
single outlier would skew the results too much.

The perfview call stack is similar to gdb backtrace.  I am 99% sure that
this call path is from the backend running this query as we queried
pg_stat_activity at the time of the perfview and cross-referenced the
PIDs.  That said I am going to try building on windows with debug symbols
enabled and see if I can use gdb to debug and confirm.

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-03-02 Thread Ben Snaidero
On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 2:00 PM legrand legrand 

> Hello,
> I'm not able to use your perfs diagrams,
> but it seems to me that not using 3rd column of that index (int_otherid2)
> generates an IO problem.
> Could you give us the result of
> explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT
> tabledata.uuid_id,tabledata.int_id,tabledata.timestamp_date,tabledata.int_otherid,tabledata.float_value,tabledata.int_otherid2,tabledata.int_otherid3,tabledata.int_rowver
> FROM tabledata
> WHERE timestamp_date <= '2020-02-24 03:05:00.013'::timestamp without time
> zone
> ND int_otherid3 = '3ad2b707-a068-42e8-b0f2-6c8570953760'
> AND tabledata.int_id=8149
> ORDER BY timestamp_date DESC
> and this for each value of int_otherid3 ?
> and tell us if you are able to change the sql ?
> Thanks
> Regards
> PAscal
Thanks for the suggestion.  Yes I could change the sql and when using only
one filter for int_otherid2 it does use all 3 columns as the index key.

explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT
FROM tabledata WHERE dtdatetime <= '2020-01-20 03:05:00.013' AND
gDiagnosticId IN ('3c99d61b-21a1-42ea-92a8-3cc88d79f3f1') AND
  ivehicleid=8149 ORDER BY dtdatetime DESC LIMIT 1


 Limit  (cost=0.71..85.13 rows=1 width=84) (actual time=300.820..300.821
rows=1 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=17665 read=1
   ->  Index Scan Backward using
ix_tabledata_intid_timestampdate_intotherid3_intotherid2 on tabledata
(cost=0.71..41960.39 rows=497 width=84) (actual time=300.808..300.809
rows=1 loops=1)
 Index Cond: ((int_id = 8149) AND (timestamp_date <= '2020-01-20
03:05:00.013'::timestamp without time zone) AND (int_otherid2 =
 Buffers: shared hit=17665 read=1
 Planning time: 58.769 ms
 Execution time: 300.895 ms
(7 rows)

I still haven't been able to explain why this changed all of a sudden (I am
working on reproducing this error in a test environment) but this could be
a good workaround.  I might be able to just make 6 calls or maybe rewrite
the original query some other way in order to get it to use all 3 keys of
the index.  I'll have to do some more testing

Thanks again.

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-29 Thread Jeff Janes
On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:33 AM Ben Snaidero 

> I have the following query that was on average running in ~2ms suddenly
> jump up to on average ~25ms.

What are you averaging over?  The plan you show us is slow enough that if
you were averaging over the last 1000 executions, that one execution could
skew the entire average just by itself.  When individual execution times
can vary over 4 powers of 10, I don't think averages are a very good way of
analyzing things.

> This query is called millions of time per day and there were cases of the
> query taking 20-30 seconds.  Below is the explain analyze of one such
> example.
> When seeing this issue, the server was under some CPU pressure but even
> with that, I would not think it should get as slow as shown below as we are
> using SSDs and none of the windows disk counters (IOPS, queue length) show
> any value that would be of concern.

What is the average and expected random read latency on your SSDs?  Have
you benchmarked them (outside of the database system) to see if they are
performing as expected?

>  Rows Removed by Filter: 91686
>  Buffers: shared hit=12102 read=13259 written=111

Do the faster executions have fewer rows removed by the filter (and fewer
buffers read), or are they just faster despite having about the same values?

> We took a perfview during the issue and below is the call stack from a
> process running this query, two call paths are shown.

I've never used perfview.  But if I try to naively interpret it similar to
gdb backtrace, it doesn't make much sense to me.  InitBufTable is only
called by "postmaster" while starting the database, how could it be part of
call paths during regular operations?  Are these views of the slow-running
back end itself, or of some other postgresql process which was idle at the
time the snapshot was taken?




Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-28 Thread legrand legrand
I'm not able to use your perfs diagrams, 
but it seems to me that not using 3rd column of that index (int_otherid2)
generates an IO problem.

Could you give us the result of

explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT
FROM tabledata 
WHERE timestamp_date <= '2020-02-24 03:05:00.013'::timestamp without time
ND int_otherid3 = '3ad2b707-a068-42e8-b0f2-6c8570953760'
AND tabledata.int_id=8149 
ORDER BY timestamp_date DESC 

and this for each value of int_otherid3 ?
and tell us if you are able to change the sql ?


Sent from:

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-28 Thread Ben Snaidero
On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 11:41 AM Michael Lewis  wrote:

> If no updates or deletes are happening on the table, it would be best
> practice to set up a scheduled manual vacuum analyze to ensure statistics
> and the visibility map is updated. Other than creating the index on the
> first two columns only, I'm out of ideas. Hopefully someone running
> Postgres at large scale on Windows will chime in.

Yep.  We run manual vacuum freeze analyze weekly to ensure visibility map
is updated and statistics are up to date.

Thanks for taking the time to look.

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-28 Thread Michael Lewis
If no updates or deletes are happening on the table, it would be best
practice to set up a scheduled manual vacuum analyze to ensure statistics
and the visibility map is updated. Other than creating the index on the
first two columns only, I'm out of ideas. Hopefully someone running
Postgres at large scale on Windows will chime in.

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-28 Thread Ben Snaidero
On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:54 AM Michael Lewis  wrote:

> How big is ix_tabledata_intid_timestampdate_intotherid3_intotherid2 on
> disk? If you create another index with same fields, how much space does it
> take? Real question- are you vacuuming aggressively enough for your
> workload? Your index name seems to indicate that intotherid3 would be the
> third key, and yet the planner chose not to scan that deep and instead
> filtered after it found the relevant tuples based on intid and
> timestampdate. That seems peculiar to me.
> The documentation discourages multi-column indexes because they have
> limited application unless the same fields are always used. Personally, I
> don't love reviewing the stats of indexscans or how many tuples were
> fetched and having to guess how deeply the index was scanned for the
> various queries involved.
> I'd wonder if an index on only intid_timestampdate would be both much
> smaller and also have a more right-leaning pattern of information being
> added and accessed in terms of keeping frequently needing blocks in shared
> buffers.
> As a side note, that planning time seems high to me for such a simple
> query. Have you increased default_statistics_target significantly perhaps?

In this case the index is quite large ~400GB but as you can see from the
explain plan it's doing a backward scan and not accessing that many
buffers.  Other servers with this issue are much smaller.  We have
autovacuum set to the default setting but this table does not get any
deletes so I don't think that is the problem.  I think the reason it does
not go deeper into the index keys is because it's just looking for the
first occurence based on date (limit 1) not all of them although even if
looking for all of them I think it would still scan in the same way since
there would be other intotherid3 values between the ones in this search key

In regards to default_statistics_target I have not increased this value at

All this said regarding statistics and vacuum/bloat we restored a two day
old copy of the database (on one of the servers experiencing the issue) and
the issue was still present.  These systems are all on cloud infrastructure
so I am leaning towards it being something hardware related (especially as
it's only happening on a few servers) but our cloud provider says nothing
has changed in this respect.

Re: Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-27 Thread Michael Lewis
How big is ix_tabledata_intid_timestampdate_intotherid3_intotherid2 on
disk? If you create another index with same fields, how much space does it
take? Real question- are you vacuuming aggressively enough for your
workload? Your index name seems to indicate that intotherid3 would be the
third key, and yet the planner chose not to scan that deep and instead
filtered after it found the relevant tuples based on intid and
timestampdate. That seems peculiar to me.

The documentation discourages multi-column indexes because they have
limited application unless the same fields are always used. Personally, I
don't love reviewing the stats of indexscans or how many tuples were
fetched and having to guess how deeply the index was scanned for the
various queries involved.

I'd wonder if an index on only intid_timestampdate would be both much
smaller and also have a more right-leaning pattern of information being
added and accessed in terms of keeping frequently needing blocks in shared

As a side note, that planning time seems high to me for such a simple
query. Have you increased default_statistics_target significantly perhaps?


Many DataFileRead - IO waits

2020-02-27 Thread Ben Snaidero
Running into a strange issue that just popped up on a few servers in my
environment and was wondering if the community had any insight into as to
what could be causing the issue.

First, a bit of background. I am running Postgres 10.11 on Windows (but
have seen similar issue on a server running 11.6)
Windows Version:
Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-  -  -  
10 0  14393  0

I have the following query that was on average running in ~2ms suddenly
jump up to on average ~25ms.  This query is called millions of time per day
and there were cases of the query taking 20-30 seconds.  Below is the
explain analyze of one such example.
When seeing this issue, the server was under some CPU pressure but even
with that, I would not think it should get as slow as shown below as we are
using SSDs and none of the windows disk counters (IOPS, queue length) show
any value that would be of concern.

explain (analyze,buffers) SELECT
FROM tabledata WHERE timestamp_date <= $1 AND int_otherid3 IN
($2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) AND tabledata.int_id=$8 ORDER BY timestamp_date DESC


 Limit  (cost=0.71..139.67 rows=1 width=84) (actual
time=17719.076..17719.077 rows=1 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=12102 read=13259 written=111
   ->  Index Scan Backward using
ix_tabledata_intid_timestampdate_intotherid3_intotherid2 on tabledata
 (cost=0.71..2112828.54 rows=15204 width=84) (actual
time=17719.056..17719.057 rows=1 loops=1)
 Index Cond: ((int_id = 8149) AND (timestamp_date <=
'2020-02-24 03:05:00.013'::timestamp without time zone))
 Filter: (int_otherid3 = ANY
 Rows Removed by Filter: 91686
 Buffers: shared hit=12102 read=13259 written=111
 Planning time: 203.153 ms
 Execution time: 17719.200 ms
(9 rows)

If I look at pg_stat_activity while the query is running all of the calls
to this query have the same wait event.
wait_event - DataFileRead
wait_event_type - IO

We took a perfview during the issue and below is the call stack from a
process running this query, two call paths are shown.

+ ntoskrnl!MiChargeWsles
|+ ntoskrnl!MiObtainSystemCacheView
||+ ntoskrnl!MmMapViewInSystemCache
|| + ntoskrnl!CcGetVacbMiss
||  + ntoskrnl!CcGetVirtualAddress
||   + ntoskrnl!CcMapAndCopyFromCache
||+ ntoskrnl!CcCopyReadEx
|| + ntfs!NtfsCopyReadA
|| |+ fltmgr!FltpPerformFastIoCall
|| | + fltmgr!FltpPassThroughFastIo
|| |  + fltmgr!FltpFastIoRead
|| |   + ntoskrnl!NtReadFile
|| |+ ntdll!NtReadFile
|| | + kernelbase!ReadFile
|| |  + msvcr120!_read_nolock
|| |   + msvcr120!_read
|| |+ postgres!PathNameOpenFile
|| | + postgres!??mdclose
|| |  + postgres!ScheduleBufferTagForWriteback
|| |   + postgres!InitBufTable
|| |+ postgres!??PrefetchBuffer
|| ||+ postgres!index_getnext_tid
|| || + postgres!index_fetch_heap
|| ||  + postgres!ExecIndexEvalRuntimeKeys
|| ||   + postgres!ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno
|| ||+ postgres!tupledesc_match
|| || + postgres!recompute_limits
|| ||  + postgres!CheckValidRowMarkRel
|| ||   + postgres!list_length
|| ||+ pg_stat_statements!pgss_ExecutorRun
|| || + postgres!PortalRunFetch
|| ||  + postgres!PortalStart
|| ||   + postgres!exec_bind_message
|| ||+ postgres!PostgresMain
|| || + postgres!BackendInitialize
|| ||  + postgres!ClosePostmasterPorts
|| ||   + postgres!main
|| ||+ postgres!_onexit
|| || + kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk
|| ||  + ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart

+ ntoskrnl!MiChargeWsles
|+ ntoskrnl!MiReleaseSystemCacheView
| + ntoskrnl!MmUnmapViewInSystemCache
|  + ntoskrnl!CcUnmapVacb
|   + ntoskrnl!CcUnmapVacbArray