[PERFORM] Update INSERT RULE while running for Partitioning

2006-07-07 Thread Gene
I'm using PostgreSQL 8.1.4 in a Hibernate Application and I am
attempting to use partitioning via Inherited tables. At first I was
going to create a rule per sub-table based on a date range, but found
out with multiple rules postgres will only return the affected-row
count on the last rule which gives Hibernate problems. So now I'm
thinking the way to do it is just have one rule at a time and when I
want to start appending data to a new partition, just change the rule
on the parent table and also update the constraint on the last table to
reflect the date ranges contained so that constraint_exclusion will
work. this should perform better also. For instance
Starting off with:
Parent (Rule on insert instead insert into Child2)
 Child1 (Constraint date = somedate1)
 Child2 (Constraint date  somedate1)

Now I want to create another Partition:

Create Table Child3
Update Parent Rule( instead insert into Child3)
somedate2 = max(date) from Child2
Update Child2 Constraint( date  somedate1 AND date = somedate2 )
Set Constraint Child3 (date  somedate2)

Which ends up with:
Parent (Rule on insert instead insert into Child2)

 Child1 (Constraint date = somedate1)

 Child2 (Constraint date  somedate1 AND date = somedate2) Child3 (Constraint date  somedate2)Anyone else tried this or expect it to work consistently (without stopping db)? Is it possible that there could be a race condition for the insertion and constraints or will the transaction prevent that from occurring? I've done some testing and it seems to work but I could just get lucky so far and not lose any data :)
Thanks for any help,Gene

Re: [PERFORM] getting better performance

2006-07-07 Thread Markus Schaber
Hi, Eugeny,

Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:

 Do you add / remove tables a lot?  Could be you've got system catalog
 Yes, almost each table is dropped and re-created in 3-5 days.

If your really recreate the same table, TRUNCATE may be a better
solution than dropping and recreation.


Markus Schaber | Logical TrackingTracing International AG
Dipl. Inf. | Software Development GIS

Fight against software patents in EU! www.ffii.org www.nosoftwarepatents.org

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] need vacuum after insert/truncate/insert?

2006-07-07 Thread Markus Schaber
Hi, Craig,

Craig A. James wrote:
 If I insert a bunch of rows, then truncate, then insert a bunch more
 rows, do I need to vacuum?  I've been assuming that TRUNCATE TABLE is a
 brute-force technique that more-or-less tosses the old table and starts
 fresh so that no vacuum is necessary.
 Second question: Same scenario as above, but now the table has indexes. 
 Is a reindex needed, or are the indexes they truncated too?

AFAIK, both table and indices are cut down nicely.

But you will need an ANALYZE after refilling of the table, to have
current statistics.


Markus Schaber | Logical TrackingTracing International AG
Dipl. Inf. | Software Development GIS

Fight against software patents in EU! www.ffii.org www.nosoftwarepatents.org

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Update INSERT RULE while running for Partitioning

2006-07-07 Thread Markus Schaber
Hi, Gene,

Gene wrote:
 I'm using PostgreSQL 8.1.4 in a Hibernate Application and I am
 attempting to use partitioning via Inherited tables. At first I was
 going to create a rule per sub-table based on a date range, but found
 out with multiple rules postgres will only return the affected-row count
 on the last rule which gives Hibernate problems.

This could be considered a PostgreSQL bug - maybe you should discuss
this on the appropriate list (general, hackers)?

Markus Schaber | Logical TrackingTracing International AG
Dipl. Inf. | Software Development GIS

Fight against software patents in EU! www.ffii.org www.nosoftwarepatents.org

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[PERFORM] longest prefix match querries

2006-07-07 Thread Hripchenko Sergey
Hi, all.

i'm trying to tune application which makes alots of queries
with semantics(find LONGEST PREFIX MATCH in a string) like:

FROM tarif
WHERE $1 LIKE prefix
ORDER BY length(prefix) DESC

from table like:

id bigint NOT NULL,
prefix varchar(55) NOT NULL,
cost numeric(x, x) not null

where $1 is the phone numbers.. for example.
it's common task for voice billing applications.

so, generally i can do it that ways:

WHERE $1 LIKE prefix
WHERE $1 ~ prefix
WHERE position(prefix in $1) = 0

surely i must adopt prefix for matching rules,
e.g. LIKE prefix || '%'
and the best is to create trigger which modifies prefix on
insert/update time

BUT! this methods doesn't use indexes!!
this is the main disadvantage.

voip3a=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT cost FROM tarif WHERE '78123319060' like prefix 
ORDER BY length(prefix) LIMIT 1;
 Limit  (cost=3028.90..3028.90 rows=1 width=22) (actual time=162.189..162.192 
rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=3028.90..3030.43 rows=612 width=22) (actual 
time=162.181..162.181 rows=1 loops=1)
 Sort Key: length((prefix)::text)
 -  Seq Scan on tarif  (cost=0.00..3000.57 rows=612 width=22) (actual 
time=4.132..161.715 rows=39 loops=1)
   Filter: ('78123319060'::text ~~ (prefix)::text)
 Total runtime: 162.340 ms
(6 rows)

voip3a=# SELECT count(*) from tarif;

(1 row)

AND there are many more effective algorithms for searching LONGEST PREFIX
MATCH in a string.. like
for example

Is there any ways to improve perfomance?
May be implement indexes using Tire algoritm ?
(if so can you please show me some url's to start...)

Thanks, Sergey

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Calling a SP from Curosor loop

2006-07-07 Thread Merlin Moncure

On 29 Jun 2006 10:00:35 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have SP, which has a cursor iterations. Need to call another SP for
every loop iteration of the cursor. The pseudo code is as follows..

i would suggest converting your code to pl/pgsql and reposting.  that
look awfully like t-sql stored procedure, you may as well be saying,
'gobble de gook bak wakka bakka bak!', got it? :-)

(aside: pg/pgsql functions support nested calls, recursion, etc and
should provide no problems when properly written).


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] suggested RAID controller for FreeBSD 6.1 +

2006-07-07 Thread Ron Peacetree
Adaptecs RAID controllers as all underwhelming.

The best commodity RAID controllers in terms of performance, size of available 
BBC, connectivity technologies (all of IDE, SCSI, SATA and FC are supported), 
etc are made by Areca.

Get one of Areca's RAID controllers that hold up to 2 GB of BBC.
ARC-11xx are the PCI-X based products.
ARC-12xx are the PCI-E based products.

Reviews at places like tweakers.net
Areca is based in Taiwan, but has European and US offices as well

Ron Peacetree

-Original Message-
From: Kenji Morishige [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jul 5, 2006 7:46 PM
To: pgsql-performance@postgresql.org
Subject: [PERFORM] suggested RAID controller for FreeBSD 6.1 + PostgreSQL 8.1

I am currently running FreeBSD 4.11 (due to IT requirements for now) and
Adaptec's 2200S RAID controller running in RAID5.  I was advised in the past
that the 2200S is actually a poor performing controller and obviously the
RAID5 is less than ideal for databases.  I chose to run the controller in
RAID5 as the tech I talked to suggested that the 2200S was primarily designed
for RAID5 and it would operate the best that way.  My server is a dual Xeon
  3.06Ghz box running on a motherboard approximately 2-3 years old now.  I'd
like to know what an ideal RAID controller that would be compatible with
FreeBSD 6.1 would be these days.

Thanks in advance,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Update INSERT RULE while running for Partitioning

2006-07-07 Thread Dave Chapeskie
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 03:51:38AM -0400, Gene wrote:
 Starting off with:
 Parent (Rule on insert instead insert into Child2)
  Child1 (Constraint date = somedate1)
  Child2 (Constraint date  somedate1)
 Now I want to create another Partition:
 Create Table Child3
 Update Parent Rule( instead insert into Child3)
 somedate2 = max(date) from Child2
 Update Child2 Constraint( date  somedate1 AND date = somedate2 )
 Set Constraint Child3 (date  somedate2)

Be aware that adding a constraint with ALTER TABLE will involve a whole
table scan (at least in 8.1.2 or earlier).  This is true even if if you
have an index such that EXPLAIN SELECT EXISTS (SELECT date  somedate1
AND date = somedate2 FROM Child2) claims it will run fast.  ALTER
TABLE is coded to always do a heap scan for constraint changes.

To avoid this, this I've made a minor modification to my local
PostgreSQL to give a construct similar to Oracle's NOVALIDATE.  I allow
To use this safely without any race conditions I setup my last partition
with an explicit end time and possible extend it if needed.

  child1 CHECK(ts = '-infinity' and ts  t1)
  child2 CHECK(ts = t1 and ts  t2)
  child3 CHECK(ts = t2 and ts  t3)

Here doing:
  CHECK(ts = t2 and ts  t4) IGNORE EXISTING;
is safe if t4 = t3.

I have a regular cron job that makes sure if CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
approaches tn (the highest constraint time) it either makes a new
partition (actually, in my case, recycles an old partition) or extends
the last partition.  My data is such that inserts with a timestamp in
the future make no sense.

 Anyone else tried this or expect it to work consistently (without stopping

Note that using ALTER TABLE to add a constraint as well as using DROP
TABLE or TRUNCATE to remove/recycle partitions are DDL commands that
require exclusive locks.  This will block both readers and writers to
the table(s) and can also cause readers and writers to now interfere
with each other.

For example, my work load is a lot of continuous small inserts with
some long running queries (reports).  MVCC allows these to not block
each other at all.  However, if my cron job comes along and naively
attempts to do DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, or ALTER TABLE it will block on the
long running queries.  This in turn will cause new INSERT transactions
to queue up behind my waiting exclusive lock and now I effectively have
reports blocking inserts.

Always think twice about running DDL commands on a live database;
especially in an automated fashion.

There are methods to alleviate or work around some of the issues of
getting an exclusive lock but I haven't found a true solution yet.
I'd imagine that implementing true partitioning within the PostgreSQL
back-end would solve this.  Presumably because it would know that adding
a new partition, etc can be done without locking out readers at all
and it would use something other than an exclusive lock to do the DDL

 Is it possible that there could be a race condition for the insertion
 and constraints or will the transaction prevent that from occurring?

The required exclusive locks will prevent race conditions.  (If you were
to use something like my IGNORE EXISTING you'd need to make sure you
manually got an exclusive lock before looking up the maximum value to
set as the new constraint.)

Dave Chapeskie

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] how to tune this query.

2006-07-07 Thread Merlin Moncure

On 7/4/06, Luckys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
I got this query, I'm having indexes for PropertyId and Dates columns across
all the tables, but still it takes ages to get me the result. What indexes
would be proposed on this, or I'm helpless?

I would suggest posting your table schemas and describe what you want
the results to look like.  After years of following this list, I
regard your query as something of a classic.  There simply has to be
an easier way of writing it.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [PERFORM] Opteron/FreeBSD/PostgreSQL performance poor

2006-07-07 Thread andy rost

Hi Merlin,

Thanks for the input. Please see below ...

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On 7/5/06, andy rost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

fsync = on  # turns forced synchronization

have you tried turning this off and measuring performance?

No, not yet. We're trying a couple of outher avenues before manipulating 
this parameter.

stats_command_string = on

I would turn this off unless you absoltely require it.  It is
expensive for what it does.

We've turned this off

a) All 4 CPUs are nearly always 0% idle;
b) The system load level is nearly always in excess of 20;

I am guessing your system is spending all it's time syncing.  If so,
it's solvable (again, just run fsync=off for a bit and compare).

We've reduced the load significantly primarily by moving pg_xlog to its 
own drive and by increasing the effective cache size. While we still see 
 high load levels, they don't last very long. We're trying improve 
performance from several angles but are taking it one step at a time. 
Eventually we'll experiment with fsynch

c) the output from vmstat -w 10 looks like:
  procs  memory  pagedisks faults  

  r b w avmfre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr aa0 aa1   in   sy  cs us
sy id
21 0 3 1242976 327936 2766   0   0   0 2264   0   2   2 17397 140332
104846 18 82  1

is that 100k context switches over 10 seconds or one second? that
might be something to check out.  pg 8.1 is regarded as the solution
to any cs problem, though.

According to man top, that's 100K per second. I'm interested in your 
recommendation but am not sure what pg 8.1 references

NOTE - small user demands and high system demands
d) Running top indicates a significant number or sblock states and
occasional smwai states;
e) ps auxww | grep postgres doesn't show anything abnormal;
f) ESQL applications are very slow.

We VACUUM ANALYZE user databases every four hours. We VACUUM template1
every 4 hours. We make a copy of the current WAL every minute. We create
a PIT recovery archive daily daily. None of these, individually seem to
place much strain on the server.

your server should be able to handle this easily.

Hopefully I've supplied enough information to start diagnosing the
problem. Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions are greatly appreciated ...

can you please approximate roughly how many transactions per second
your server is handling while you are getting the 20 load condition
(and, if possible, broken down into read and write transactions)?

Do you have any suggestions on how I might obtain these metrics?


Thanks again Merlin ...



Andrew Rost
National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC)
National Weather Service, NOAA
1735 Lake Dr. West, Chanhassen, MN 55317-8582
Voice: (952)361-6610 x 234
Fax: (952)361-6634

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[PERFORM] Delete is very slow; PG not using existing index to check foreign keys

2006-07-07 Thread K-Bob body
I've got a problem where Deletes on a certain table are taking very long (5 
sec) (PG 8.1.3, linux). Explain Analyze on the delete shows that two 
(automatically created) triggers caused by foreign keys are responsible for 
99% of the time.
* The two tables are large (1.5mm and 400k rows), so sequential scans do 
take a long time.
* I've got indices on these tables, but PG doesn't appear to be using them 
during the delete.
* If I run the same SELECT in psql, it does use the index and responds very 

For example, I interrupted the Delete, and it appears that it was executing 
a select from an FK table:
 SELECT 1 FROM ONLY public.party_aliases x WHERE owner_party_id = $1 

OK, that's fine. There's an index on that column:
 CREATE INDEX party_aliases_owner_party_idx ON party_aliases USING btree 
(owner_party_id, id);

I've run ANALYZE, and that doesn't appear to make any difference. Why would 
PG use the index when I run the select myself, but do a sequential scan when 
the same statement is run by the delete trigger?

I looked through the mailing lists, but most suggestions appeared to be 1) 
create an index, or 2) run analyze. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Kian Wright

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


2006-07-07 Thread William Scott Jordan

Hi Jeff,

We are running ANALYZE with the hourly VACUUMs.  Most of the time the 
VACUUM for this table looks like this:

INFO:  vacuuming public.event_sums
INFO:  index event_sums_event_available now contains 35669 row 
versions in 1524 pages

DETAIL:  22736 index row versions were removed.
1171 index pages have been deleted, 1142 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.03s/0.04u sec elapsed 0.06 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_date_available now contains 35669 row 
versions in 3260 pages

DETAIL:  22736 index row versions were removed.
1106 index pages have been deleted, 1086 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.06s/0.14u sec elapsed 0.20 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_price_available now contains 35669 row 
versions in 2399 pages

DETAIL:  22736 index row versions were removed.
16 index pages have been deleted, 16 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.05s/0.13u sec elapsed 0.17 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: removed 22736 row versions in 1175 pages
DETAIL:  CPU 0.03s/0.05u sec elapsed 0.08 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: found 22736 removable, 35669 nonremovable row 
versions in 27866 pages

DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 767199 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 0.49s/0.45u sec elapsed 0.93 sec.

Without any increase in table traffic, every few weeks, things start 
to look like this:

INFO:  vacuuming public.event_sums
INFO:  index event_sums_event_available now contains 56121 row 
versions in 2256 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
1777 index pages have been deleted, 1635 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.03s/0.16u sec elapsed 1.04 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_date_available now contains 56121 row 
versions in 5504 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
2267 index pages have been deleted, 2202 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.15s/0.25u sec elapsed 13.91 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_price_available now contains 56121 row 
versions in 4929 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
149 index pages have been deleted, 149 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.13s/0.33u sec elapsed 0.51 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: removed 102936 row versions in 3796 pages
DETAIL:  CPU 0.31s/0.26u sec elapsed 0.92 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: found 102936 removable, 35972 nonremovable row 
versions in 170937 pages

DETAIL:  8008 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 4840134 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 5.13s/1.68u sec elapsed 209.38 sec.
INFO:  analyzing public.event_sums
INFO:  event_sums: 171629 pages, 3000 rows sampled, 7328 estimated total rows

There are a few things in the second vacuum results that catch my 
eye, but I don't have the skill set to diagnose the problem.  I do 
know, however, that a REINDEX followed by a VACUUM FULL seems to make 
the symptoms go away for a while.

And I agree that we should upgrade to an 8.x version of PG, but as 
with many things in life time, money, and risk conspire against me.


At 04:18 PM 7/7/2006, you wrote:

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:

Hi all!

Can anyone explain to me what VACUUM does that REINDEX doesn't?  We 
have a frequently updated table on Postgres 7.4 on FC3 with about 
35000 rows which we VACUUM hourly and VACUUM FULL once per day.  It 
seem like the table still slows to a crawl every few 
weeks.  Running a REINDEX by itself or a VACUUM FULL by itself 
doesn't seem to help, but running a REINDEX followed immediately by 
a VACUUM FULL seems to solve the problem.

I'm trying to decide now if we need to include a daily REINDEX 
along with our daily VACUUM FULL, and more importantly I'm just 
curious to know why we should or shouldn't do that.

Any information on this subject would be appreciated.


If you're having to VACUUM FULL that often, then it's likely your 
FSM settings are too low.  What does the last few lines of VACUUM 
VERBOSE say?  Also, are you running ANALYZE with the vacuums or just 
running VACUUM?  You still need to run ANALYZE to update the planner 
statistics, otherwise things might slowly grind to a halt.  Also, 
you should probably consider setting up autovacuum and upgrading to 
8.0 or 8.1 for better performance overall.

Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly


2006-07-07 Thread Jeff Frost

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:

Hi Jeff,

We are running ANALYZE with the hourly VACUUMs.  Most of the time the VACUUM 
for this table looks like this:

INFO:  vacuuming public.event_sums
INFO:  index event_sums_event_available now contains 56121 row versions in 
2256 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
1777 index pages have been deleted, 1635 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.03s/0.16u sec elapsed 1.04 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_date_available now contains 56121 row versions in 
5504 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
2267 index pages have been deleted, 2202 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.15s/0.25u sec elapsed 13.91 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_price_available now contains 56121 row versions in 
4929 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
149 index pages have been deleted, 149 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.13s/0.33u sec elapsed 0.51 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: removed 102936 row versions in 3796 pages
DETAIL:  CPU 0.31s/0.26u sec elapsed 0.92 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: found 102936 removable, 35972 nonremovable row versions 
in 170937 pages

DETAIL:  8008 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 4840134 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 5.13s/1.68u sec elapsed 209.38 sec.
INFO:  analyzing public.event_sums
INFO:  event_sums: 171629 pages, 3000 rows sampled, 7328 estimated total 

Hmmm..I was looking for something that looks like this:

INFO:  free space map: 109 relations, 204 pages stored; 1792 total pages 
DETAIL:  Allocated FSM size: 1000 relations + 2 pages = 182 kB shared 


Maybe 7.4 doesn't give this?  Or maybe you need to run vacuumdb -a -v to get 

There are a few things in the second vacuum results that catch my eye, but I 
don't have the skill set to diagnose the problem.  I do know, however, that a 
REINDEX followed by a VACUUM FULL seems to make the symptoms go away for a 

And I agree that we should upgrade to an 8.x version of PG, but as with many 
things in life time, money, and risk conspire against me.

You should still be able to use autovacuum, which might make you a little 
happier.  Which 7.4 version are you using?


At 04:18 PM 7/7/2006, you wrote:

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:

Hi all!

Can anyone explain to me what VACUUM does that REINDEX doesn't?  We have a 
frequently updated table on Postgres 7.4 on FC3 with about 35000 rows 
which we VACUUM hourly and VACUUM FULL once per day.  It seem like the 
table still slows to a crawl every few weeks.  Running a REINDEX by itself 
or a VACUUM FULL by itself doesn't seem to help, but running a REINDEX 
followed immediately by a VACUUM FULL seems to solve the problem.

I'm trying to decide now if we need to include a daily REINDEX along with 
our daily VACUUM FULL, and more importantly I'm just curious to know why 
we should or shouldn't do that.

Any information on this subject would be appreciated.


If you're having to VACUUM FULL that often, then it's likely your FSM 
settings are too low.  What does the last few lines of VACUUM VERBOSE say? 
Also, are you running ANALYZE with the vacuums or just running VACUUM?  You 
still need to run ANALYZE to update the planner statistics, otherwise 
things might slowly grind to a halt.  Also, you should probably consider 
setting up autovacuum and upgrading to 8.0 or 8.1 for better performance 

Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954

Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly


2006-07-07 Thread William Scott Jordan

Hi Jeff,

Ah, okay.  I see what information you were looking for.  Doing a 
VACUUM on the full DB, we get the following results:

INFO:  free space map: 885 relations, 8315 pages stored; 177632 total 
pages needed
DETAIL:  Allocated FSM size: 1000 relations + 2 pages = 178 kB 
shared memory.


At 05:22 PM 7/7/2006, you wrote:

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:

Hi Jeff,

We are running ANALYZE with the hourly VACUUMs.  Most of the time 
the VACUUM for this table looks like this:

INFO:  vacuuming public.event_sums
INFO:  index event_sums_event_available now contains 56121 row 
versions in 2256 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
1777 index pages have been deleted, 1635 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.03s/0.16u sec elapsed 1.04 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_date_available now contains 56121 row 
versions in 5504 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
2267 index pages have been deleted, 2202 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.15s/0.25u sec elapsed 13.91 sec.
INFO:  index event_sums_price_available now contains 56121 row 
versions in 4929 pages

DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
149 index pages have been deleted, 149 are currently reusable.
CPU 0.13s/0.33u sec elapsed 0.51 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: removed 102936 row versions in 3796 pages
DETAIL:  CPU 0.31s/0.26u sec elapsed 0.92 sec.
INFO:  event_sums: found 102936 removable, 35972 nonremovable row 
versions in 170937 pages

DETAIL:  8008 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 4840134 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 5.13s/1.68u sec elapsed 209.38 sec.
INFO:  analyzing public.event_sums
INFO:  event_sums: 171629 pages, 3000 rows sampled, 7328 
estimated total rows

Hmmm..I was looking for something that looks like this:

INFO:  free space map: 109 relations, 204 pages stored; 1792 total 
pages needed
DETAIL:  Allocated FSM size: 1000 relations + 2 pages = 182 kB 
shared memory.


Maybe 7.4 doesn't give this?  Or maybe you need to run vacuumdb -a 
-v to get it?

There are a few things in the second vacuum results that catch my 
eye, but I don't have the skill set to diagnose the problem.  I do 
know, however, that a REINDEX followed by a VACUUM FULL seems to 
make the symptoms go away for a while.

And I agree that we should upgrade to an 8.x version of PG, but as 
with many things in life time, money, and risk conspire against me.

You should still be able to use autovacuum, which might make you a 
little happier.  Which 7.4 version are you using?


At 04:18 PM 7/7/2006, you wrote:

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:

Hi all!
Can anyone explain to me what VACUUM does that REINDEX 
doesn't?  We have a frequently updated table on Postgres 7.4 on 
FC3 with about 35000 rows which we VACUUM hourly and VACUUM FULL 
once per day.  It seem like the table still slows to a crawl 
every few weeks.  Running a REINDEX by itself or a VACUUM FULL by 
itself doesn't seem to help, but running a REINDEX followed 
immediately by a VACUUM FULL seems to solve the problem.
I'm trying to decide now if we need to include a daily REINDEX 
along with our daily VACUUM FULL, and more importantly I'm just 
curious to know why we should or shouldn't do that.

Any information on this subject would be appreciated.

If you're having to VACUUM FULL that often, then it's likely your 
FSM settings are too low.  What does the last few lines of VACUUM 
VERBOSE say? Also, are you running ANALYZE with the vacuums or 
just running VACUUM?  You still need to run ANALYZE to update the 
planner statistics, otherwise things might slowly grind to a 
halt.  Also, you should probably consider setting up autovacuum 
and upgrading to 8.0 or 8.1 for better performance overall.

Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954

Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?



2006-07-07 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On Friday 07 July 2006 17:48, William Scott Jordan wrote:
 Hi Jeff,

 Ah, okay.  I see what information you were looking for.  Doing a
 VACUUM on the full DB, we get the following results:

 INFO:  free space map: 885 relations, 8315 pages stored; 177632 total
 pages needed
 DETAIL:  Allocated FSM size: 1000 relations + 2 pages = 178 kB
 shared memory.

There is one problem right there. Your max_fsm_pages is not enough, or at 
least you aren't vacuuming enough.

Either increase your max_fsm_pages or vacuum more often.

Also, honestly -- upgrade to 8.1 :)

Joshua D. Drake


 At 05:22 PM 7/7/2006, you wrote:
 On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:
 Hi Jeff,
 We are running ANALYZE with the hourly VACUUMs.  Most of the time
 the VACUUM for this table looks like this:
 INFO:  vacuuming public.event_sums
 INFO:  index event_sums_event_available now contains 56121 row
 versions in 2256 pages
 DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
 1777 index pages have been deleted, 1635 are currently reusable.
 CPU 0.03s/0.16u sec elapsed 1.04 sec.
 INFO:  index event_sums_date_available now contains 56121 row
 versions in 5504 pages
 DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
 2267 index pages have been deleted, 2202 are currently reusable.
 CPU 0.15s/0.25u sec elapsed 13.91 sec.
 INFO:  index event_sums_price_available now contains 56121 row
 versions in 4929 pages
 DETAIL:  102936 index row versions were removed.
 149 index pages have been deleted, 149 are currently reusable.
 CPU 0.13s/0.33u sec elapsed 0.51 sec.
 INFO:  event_sums: removed 102936 row versions in 3796 pages
 DETAIL:  CPU 0.31s/0.26u sec elapsed 0.92 sec.
 INFO:  event_sums: found 102936 removable, 35972 nonremovable row
 versions in 170937 pages
 DETAIL:  8008 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
 There were 4840134 unused item pointers.
 0 pages are entirely empty.
 CPU 5.13s/1.68u sec elapsed 209.38 sec.
 INFO:  analyzing public.event_sums
 INFO:  event_sums: 171629 pages, 3000 rows sampled, 7328
 estimated total rows
 Hmmm..I was looking for something that looks like this:
 INFO:  free space map: 109 relations, 204 pages stored; 1792 total
 pages needed
 DETAIL:  Allocated FSM size: 1000 relations + 2 pages = 182 kB
 shared memory.
 Maybe 7.4 doesn't give this?  Or maybe you need to run vacuumdb -a
 -v to get it?
 There are a few things in the second vacuum results that catch my
 eye, but I don't have the skill set to diagnose the problem.  I do
 know, however, that a REINDEX followed by a VACUUM FULL seems to
 make the symptoms go away for a while.
 And I agree that we should upgrade to an 8.x version of PG, but as
 with many things in life time, money, and risk conspire against me.
 You should still be able to use autovacuum, which might make you a
 little happier.  Which 7.4 version are you using?
 At 04:18 PM 7/7/2006, you wrote:
 On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, William Scott Jordan wrote:
 Hi all!
 Can anyone explain to me what VACUUM does that REINDEX
 doesn't?  We have a frequently updated table on Postgres 7.4 on
 FC3 with about 35000 rows which we VACUUM hourly and VACUUM FULL
 once per day.  It seem like the table still slows to a crawl
 every few weeks.  Running a REINDEX by itself or a VACUUM FULL by
 itself doesn't seem to help, but running a REINDEX followed
 immediately by a VACUUM FULL seems to solve the problem.
 I'm trying to decide now if we need to include a daily REINDEX
 along with our daily VACUUM FULL, and more importantly I'm just
 curious to know why we should or shouldn't do that.
 Any information on this subject would be appreciated.
 If you're having to VACUUM FULL that often, then it's likely your
 FSM settings are too low.  What does the last few lines of VACUUM
 VERBOSE say? Also, are you running ANALYZE with the vacuums or
 just running VACUUM?  You still need to run ANALYZE to update the
 planner statistics, otherwise things might slowly grind to a
 halt.  Also, you should probably consider setting up autovacuum
 and upgrading to 8.0 or 8.1 for better performance overall.
 Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
 Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954
 Jeff Frost, Owner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Frost Consulting, LLC   http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
 Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954

 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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---(end of broadcast)---


2006-07-07 Thread Chris Hoover
On 7/7/06, William Scott Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Jeff,Ah, okay.I see what information you were looking for.Doing aVACUUM on the full DB, we get the following results:INFO:free space map: 885 relations, 8315 pages stored; 177632 total
pages neededDETAIL:Allocated FSM size: 1000 relations + 2 pages = 178 kBshared memory.-WilliamWilliam,You need to increase your fsm settings. The database is telling you it is trying to store 177K+ pages, but you have only provided it with 20K. Since these pages are cheap, I would set your fsm up with at least the following.
max_fsm_pages 50max_fsm_relations 5000This should provide PostgreSQL with enough space to work. You still might need to run one more vacuum full once you change the setting so that you can recover the space that was lost due to your fsm begin to small. Keep an eye on these last couple of lines from vacuum and adjust your setting accordingly. It may take a couple of tries to get PostgreSQL happy. Once your fsm is large enough, you should be able to dispense with the vacuum fulls and reindexes and just do normal vacuuming.
Also in regards to the vacuum vs reindex. Reindexing is great and gives you nice clean virgin indexes, however, if you do not run an analyze (or vacuum analyze), the database will not have statistics for the new indexes. This will cause the planner to make bad choices.
What I used to do before upgrading to 8.1 was run a vacuum full, reindexdb, vacuum analyze every weekend (we were on 7.3.4). This gave me pristine indexes and tables for Monday's start of the week.If you can, look hard at upgrading to 
8.1.x as it will fix a lot of the issues you are having with autovacuum (along with a ton of other improvements).HTH,Chris


2006-07-07 Thread Joshua D. Drake


 You need to increase your fsm settings.  The database is telling you it is
 trying to store 177K+ pages, but you have only provided it with 20K.  Since
 these pages are cheap, I would set your fsm up with at least the following.

 max_fsm_pages 50
 max_fsm_relations 5000

 This should provide PostgreSQL with enough space to work.  You still might
 need to run one more vacuum full once you change the setting so that you
 can recover the space that was lost due to your fsm begin to small. 
Yes he will need to run a vacuum full but I actually doubt he needs to 
increase his max_fsm_pages that much, he just needs to vacuum more.

Joshua D. Drake

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
