Re: [PERFORM] database tuning

2007-12-07 Thread Richard Huxton

kelvan wrote:
hi i need to know all the database overhead sizes and block header sizes etc 
etc as I have a very complex database to build and it needs to be speed 
tuned beyond reckoning


I am using postgres 8.1 if anyone can post links to pages containing over 
head information and index block header information it would be most 
appreciated as I cannot seem to find anything

I'd look to the source if you care that strongly. Don't rely on any info 
found on the internet unless it explicitly mentions 8.1 - these things 
change. Have a look in backend/storage/ and backend/access/ I'd 
guess (not a hacker myself).

Some thoughts though:
1. If you care that strongly about performance, start building it with 8.3

2. Does your testing show that index storage overheads are/will be a 
problem? If not, I'd concentrate on the testing to make sure you've 
identified the bottlenecks first.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] Trouble with LEFT JOIN using VIEWS.

2007-12-07 Thread Tom Lane
=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Piotr_Gasid=B3o?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I've just hit problem, that is unusual for me.

 View definition:
   SELECT, users.user_name, users.extra IS NOT NULL AS has_extra
 FROM users;

What you've got here is a non-nullable target list, which creates an
optimization fence when used in the nullable side of an outer join.
The problem is that has_extra should read as NULL in the query output
for a sites_secure row that has no match in users_secure_with_has_extra,
but making users.extra go to null will not make that happen, so there's
a constraint on where the expression can be evaluated.  The current
planner has no way to deal with that except by restricting the plan

We have some ideas about how to fix this, but don't hold your breath
... it's going to take major surgery on the planner, AFAICS.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[PERFORM] Trouble with LEFT JOIN using VIEWS.

2007-12-07 Thread Piotr Gasidło


I've just hit problem, that is unusual for me.

quaker= \d sites
Table public.sites
  Column   |   Type| Modifiers 

 id| integer   | not null default 

 site_name | character varying | not null
 user_id   | integer   | not null
 extra | integer   |
sites_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
sites_site_name_key_unique UNIQUE, btree (site_name text_pattern_ops)
sites_user_id_key btree (user_id)

quaker= \d users
Table public.users
  Column   |   Type| Modifiers 

 id| integer   | not null default 

 user_name | character varying | not null
 extra | integer   |
users_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Both tables filled with 100k records of random data. In users id is in 
range from 1..100k, same in sites. In sites user_id is random, range 
from 1..150k.

I've created views:

quaker= \d users_secure
View public.users_secure
  Column   |   Type| Modifiers
 id| integer   |
 user_name | character varying |
View definition:
 SELECT, users.user_name
   FROM users;

quaker= \d users_secure_with_has_extra
 View public.users_secure_with_has_extra
  Column   |   Type| Modifiers
 id| integer   |
 user_name | character varying |
 has_extra | boolean   |
View definition:
 SELECT, users.user_name, users.extra IS NOT NULL AS has_extra
   FROM users;

Now, when I do simple query to find all data for sites matching 
site_name like 'H3bh%' (there are at least one record in sites matching 
this condition).

quaker= explain analyze select s.site_name,u.user_name from 
sites_secure s left join users_secure_with_has_extra u on = 
s.user_id where site_name like 'H3bh%' order by site_name limit 10;


 Limit  (cost=3897.02..3897.03 rows=2 width=44) (actual 
time=430.326..430.331 rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=3897.02..3897.03 rows=2 width=44) (actual 
time=430.321..430.323 rows=1 loops=1)

 Sort Key: sites.site_name
 -  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..3897.01 rows=2 
width=44) (actual time=290.103..430.301 rows=1 loops=1)

   Join Filter: ( = outer.user_id)
   -  Index Scan using sites_site_name_key_unique on sites 
 (cost=0.00..6.01 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.044..0.054 rows=1 
 Index Cond: (((site_name)::text ~=~ 'H3bh'::text) 
AND ((site_name)::text ~~ 'H3bi'::text))

 Filter: ((site_name)::text ~~ 'H3bh%'::text)
   -  Seq Scan on users  (cost=0.00..1641.00 rows=10 
width=20) (actual time=0.007..245.406 rows=10 loops=1)

 Total runtime: 430.432 ms
(10 rows)

When I resign from LEFT JOIN users_secure_with_has_extra, and put JOIN 
instead I've got:

quaker= explain analyze select s.site_name,u.user_name from 
sites_secure s join users_secure_with_has_extra u on = s.user_id 
where site_name like 'H3bh%' order by site_name limit 10;


 Limit  (cost=9.05..9.06 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=0.112..0.118 
rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=9.05..9.06 rows=1 width=24) (actual 
time=0.106..0.108 rows=1 loops=1)

 Sort Key: sites.site_name
 -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..9.04 rows=1 width=24) (actual 
time=0.073..0.088 rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Index Scan using sites_site_name_key_unique on sites 
 (cost=0.00..6.01 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.044..0.050 rows=1 
 Index Cond: (((site_name)::text ~=~ 'H3bh'::text) 
AND ((site_name)::text ~~ 'H3bi'::text))

 Filter: ((site_name)::text ~~ 'H3bh%'::text)
   -  Index Scan using users_pkey on users 
(cost=0.00..3.02 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.019..0.023 rows=1 loops=1)

 Index Cond: ( = outer.user_id)
 Total runtime: 0.216 ms
(10 rows)

As explain shows PostgreSQL is using index scan on users, instead of seq 
scan like in example above.

Now. When I use view with no has_extra field (important: field is a 
simple function on extra field) I get expectable results. Both using 

quaker= explain analyze select s.site_name,u.user_name from 
sites_secure s left join users_secure u on 

[PERFORM] Cost-Based Vacuum Delay tuning

2007-12-07 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau

I'm currently trying to tune the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay in a
8.2.5 server. The aim is to reduce as much as possible the
performance impact of vacuums on application queries, with the
background idea of running autovacuum as much as possible[1].

My test involves vacuuming a large table, and measuring the
completion time, as the vacuuming proceeds, of a rather long
running application query (involving a table different from the
one being vacuumed) which cannot fit entirely in buffers (and the
completion time of the vacuum, because it needs not be too slow,
of course).

I ran my tests with a few combinations of
vacuum_cost_delay/vacuum_cost_limit, while keeping the other
parameters set to the default from the 8.2.5 tarball:

vacuum_cost_page_hit = 1
vacuum_cost_page_miss = 10
vacuum_cost_page_dirty = 20

The completion time of the query is about 16 seconds in
isolation. With a vacuuming proceeding, here are the results:

  vacuum_cost_delay/vacuum_cost_limit  (deactivated)  20/200   40/200   
100/1000   150/1000   200/1000   300/1000

VACUUM ANALYZE time54 s112 s188 s109 s  
 152 s  190 s  274 s
SELECT time50 s 28 s 26 s 24 s  
  22 s   20 s   19 s

I have noticed that others (Alvaro, Joshua) suggest to set
vacuum_cost_delay as low as 10 or 20 ms, however in my situation
I'd like to lower the performance impact in application queries
and will probably choose 150/1000 where only a +40% is seen -
I'm curious if anyone else has followed the same path, or is
there any outstanding flaw I've missed here? I'm talking
outstanding, as of course any local decision may be different in
the hope of favouring a different database/application behaviour.

Other than that, it's the results obtained with the design
principle of Cost-Base Vacuum Delay, which I find a little
surprising. Of course, I think it has been thought through a lot,
and my observations are probably naive, but I'm going to throw my
ideas anyway, who knows.

I'd think that it would be possible to lower yet again the impact
of vacuuming on other queries, while keeping a vacuuming time
with little overhead, if dynamically changing the delays related
to database activity, rather than using fixed costs and delays.
For example, before and after each vacuum sleep delay is
completed, pg could:

- check the amount of currently running queries
  (pg_stat_activity), and continue sleeping if it is above a
  configured threshold; by following this path, databases with
  peak activities could use a threshold of 1 and have zero
  ressource comsumption for vacuuming during peaks, still having
  nearly no time completion overhead for vacuuming out of peaks
  (since the check is performed also before the sleep delay,
  which would be deactivated if no queries are running); if we
  can afford a luxury implementation, we could always have a
  maximum sleep time configuration, which would allow vacuuming
  to proceed a little bit even when there's no timeframe with low
  enough database activity

- alternatively, pg could make use of some longer term statistics
  (load average, IO statistics) to dynamically pause the
  vacuuming - this I guess is related to the host OS and probably
  more difficult to have working correctly with multiple disks
  and/or processes running - however, if you want high
  performance from PostgreSQL, you probably won't host other IO
  applications on the same disk(s)

While I'm at it, a different Cost-Based Vacuum Delay issue:
VACUUM FULL also follows the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay tunings.
While it makes total sense when you want to perform a query on
another table, it becomes a problem when your query is waiting
for the exclusive lock on the vacuumed table. Potentially, you
will have the vacuuming proceeding slowly because of the
Cost-Based Vacuum Delay, and a blocked application because the
application queries are just waiting.

I'm wondering if it would not be possible to dynamically ignore
(or lower, if it makes more sense?) the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay
during vacuum full, if a configurable amount of queries are
waiting for the lock?

(please save yourself from answering you should never run VACUUM
FULL if you're vacuuming enough - as long as VACUUM FULL is
available in PostgreSQL, there's no reason to not make it as
practically usable as possible, albeit with low dev priority)

[1] inspired by

Guillaume Cottenceau, MNC Mobile News Channel SA, an Alcatel-Lucent Company
Av. de la Gare 10, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] database tuning

2007-12-07 Thread Simon Riggs
On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 12:45 +1200, kelvan wrote:

 hi i need to know all the database overhead sizes and block header sizes etc 
 etc as I have a very complex database to build and it needs to be speed 
 tuned beyond reckoning

If your need-for-speed is so high, I would suggest using 8.3 or at least
looking at the 8.3 documentation.

This release is very nearly production and is much faster than 8.1 or
8.2. You may not have realised that Postgres dot releases are actually
major releases and have significant speed differences.

There's not much to be done about the overheads you mention, so best to
concentrate your efforts on index planning for your most frequently
executed queries.

  Simon Riggs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] Cost-Based Vacuum Delay tuning

2007-12-07 Thread Erik Jones

On Dec 7, 2007, at 4:50 AM, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:


I'm currently trying to tune the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay in a
8.2.5 server. The aim is to reduce as much as possible the
performance impact of vacuums on application queries, with the
background idea of running autovacuum as much as possible[1].

My test involves vacuuming a large table, and measuring the
completion time, as the vacuuming proceeds, of a rather long
running application query (involving a table different from the
one being vacuumed) which cannot fit entirely in buffers (and the
completion time of the vacuum, because it needs not be too slow,
of course).

I ran my tests with a few combinations of
vacuum_cost_delay/vacuum_cost_limit, while keeping the other
parameters set to the default from the 8.2.5 tarball:

vacuum_cost_page_hit = 1
vacuum_cost_page_miss = 10
vacuum_cost_page_dirty = 20

The completion time of the query is about 16 seconds in
isolation. With a vacuuming proceeding, here are the results:

  vacuum_cost_delay/vacuum_cost_limit  (deactivated)  20/200
40/200   100/1000   150/1000   200/1000   300/1000

VACUUM ANALYZE time54 s112 s188  
s109 s   152 s  190 s  274 s
SELECT time50 s 28 s 26  
s 24 s22 s   20 s   19 s

While you do mention that the table you're running your select on is  
too big to fit in the shared_buffers, the drop in time between the  
first run and the rest most likely still reflects the fact that when  
running those tests successively a good portion of the table will  
already be in shared_buffers as well as being in the filesystem  
cache, i.e. very little of the runs after the first will have to hit  
the disk much.

I have noticed that others (Alvaro, Joshua) suggest to set
vacuum_cost_delay as low as 10 or 20 ms, however in my situation
I'd like to lower the performance impact in application queries
and will probably choose 150/1000 where only a +40% is seen -
I'm curious if anyone else has followed the same path, or is
there any outstanding flaw I've missed here? I'm talking
outstanding, as of course any local decision may be different in
the hope of favouring a different database/application behaviour.

Other than that, it's the results obtained with the design
principle of Cost-Base Vacuum Delay, which I find a little
surprising. Of course, I think it has been thought through a lot,
and my observations are probably naive, but I'm going to throw my
ideas anyway, who knows.

I'd think that it would be possible to lower yet again the impact
of vacuuming on other queries, while keeping a vacuuming time
with little overhead, if dynamically changing the delays related
to database activity, rather than using fixed costs and delays.
For example, before and after each vacuum sleep delay is
completed, pg could:

- check the amount of currently running queries
  (pg_stat_activity), and continue sleeping if it is above a
  configured threshold; by following this path, databases with
  peak activities could use a threshold of 1 and have zero
  ressource comsumption for vacuuming during peaks, still having
  nearly no time completion overhead for vacuuming out of peaks
  (since the check is performed also before the sleep delay,
  which would be deactivated if no queries are running); if we
  can afford a luxury implementation, we could always have a
  maximum sleep time configuration, which would allow vacuuming
  to proceed a little bit even when there's no timeframe with low
  enough database activity

- alternatively, pg could make use of some longer term statistics
  (load average, IO statistics) to dynamically pause the
  vacuuming - this I guess is related to the host OS and probably
  more difficult to have working correctly with multiple disks
  and/or processes running - however, if you want high
  performance from PostgreSQL, you probably won't host other IO
  applications on the same disk(s)

These ideas have been discussed much.  Look in the archives to the  
beginning of this year.  I think the general consensus was that it  
would be good have multiple autovacuum workers that could be tuned  
for different times or workloads.  I know Alvarro was going to work  
on something along those lines but I'm not sure what's made it into  
8.3 or what's still definitely planned for the future.

While I'm at it, a different Cost-Based Vacuum Delay issue:
VACUUM FULL also follows the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay tunings.
While it makes total sense when you want to perform a query on
another table, it becomes a problem when your query is waiting
for the exclusive lock on the vacuumed table. Potentially, you
will have the vacuuming proceeding slowly because of the
Cost-Based Vacuum Delay, and a blocked application because the
application queries are just waiting.

I'm wondering if it would not be possible to dynamically ignore
(or lower, if it makes more sense?) the Cost-Based 

Re: [PERFORM] TB-sized databases

2007-12-07 Thread Robert Treat
On Thursday 06 December 2007 04:38, Simon Riggs wrote:

 On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 15:07 -0500, Robert Treat wrote:
  If the whole performance of your system depends upon indexed access, then
  maybe you need a database that gives you a way to force index access at
  the query level?

 That sounds like a request for hints, which is OT here, ISTM.

If you want to eat peas, and someone suggests you use a knife, can I only  
argue the validity of using a knife? I'd rather just recommend a spoon. 

  I think you're completly overlooking the effect of disk latency has on
  query times.  We run queries all the time that can vary from 4 hours to
  12 hours in time based solely on the amount of concurrent load on the
  system, even though they always plan with the same cost.

 Not at all. If we had statement_cost_limit then it would be applied
 after planning and before execution begins. The limit would be based
 upon the planner's estimate, not the likely actual execution time.

This is nice, but it doesnt prevent slow queries reliably (which seemed to 
be in the original complaints), since query time cannot be directly traced 
back to statement cost. 

 So yes a query may vary in execution time by a large factor as you
 suggest, and it would be difficult to set the proposed parameter
 accurately. However, the same is also true of statement_timeout, which
 we currently support, so I don't see this point as an blocker.

 Which leaves us at the burning question: Would you use such a facility,
 or would the difficulty in setting it exactly prevent you from using it
 for real?

I'm not sure. My personal instincts are that the solution is too fuzzy for me 
to rely on, and if it isnt reliable, it's not a good solution. If you look at 
all of the things people seem to think this will solve, I think I can raise 
an alternative option that would be a more definitive solution:

prevent queries from taking longer than x - statement_timeout.

prevent planner from switching to bad plan - hint system

prevent query from consuming too many resources - true resource 
restrictions at the database level

I'm not so much against the idea of a statement cost limit, but I think we 
need to realize that it does not really solve as many problems as people 
think, in cases where it will help it often will do so poorly, and that there 
are probably better solutions available to those problems.  Of course if you 
back me into a corner I'll agree a poor solution is better than no solution, 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] database tuning

2007-12-07 Thread kelvan

Simon Riggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 12:45 +1200, kelvan wrote:

 hi i need to know all the database overhead sizes and block header sizes 
 etc as I have a very complex database to build and it needs to be speed
 tuned beyond reckoning

 If your need-for-speed is so high, I would suggest using 8.3 or at least
 looking at the 8.3 documentation.

 This release is very nearly production and is much faster than 8.1 or
 8.2. You may not have realised that Postgres dot releases are actually
 major releases and have significant speed differences.

 There's not much to be done about the overheads you mention, so best to
 concentrate your efforts on index planning for your most frequently
 executed queries.

  Simon Riggs

 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Simon Riggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 12:45 +1200, kelvan wrote:

 hi i need to know all the database overhead sizes and block header sizes 
 etc as I have a very complex database to build and it needs to be speed
 tuned beyond reckoning

 If your need-for-speed is so high, I would suggest using 8.3 or at least
 looking at the 8.3 documentation.

 This release is very nearly production and is much faster than 8.1 or
 8.2. You may not have realised that Postgres dot releases are actually
 major releases and have significant speed differences.

 There's not much to be done about the overheads you mention, so best to
 concentrate your efforts on index planning for your most frequently
 executed queries.

  Simon Riggs

 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

ok heres the thing i dont have a choice i just have to work with whats given 
whether it is good or not why i need these overheads is for block 
calculations and and tablespace calculations i have to keep everything in a 
very very small area on the hdd for head reading speed as the server i am 
forced to use is a peice of crap so i need to do my calculations to resolve 

it is not that i dont know how to do my job i understand effective indexing 
materlized views and all other effects of database tuning is was my major 
aspect in my study i just need to know the numbers to do what i have to do.

i am new to postgres i have used many other database management systems i 
know the over heads for all of them just not this one if someone could 
please be of assisstance.

let me give a breef outlay of what i have without breaking my confidentality 

mac server mac os 10.x
postgres 8.2.5 (appologies i just got updated documentation with errors 
fixed in it)
70gig hdd
5 gig ram
4 cpus (not that it matters as postgres is not multi threading)

and i have to support approxmatally anywhere from 5000 - 3 users all 
using it concurentally

as you can see this server wouldnt be my first choice (or my last choice) 
but as i said i have not choice at this time.
the interface programmer and i have come up with ways to solve certian 
problems in preformance that this server produces but i still need to tune 
the database

if you need any other information for someone to give me the overheads then 
please ask but i may not be able to tell you


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[PERFORM] Measuring table and index bloat

2007-12-07 Thread Greg Smith
One of those things that comes up regularly on this list in particular are 
people whose performance issues relate to bloated tables or indexes. 
What I've always found curious is that I've never seen a good way 
suggested to actually measure said bloat in any useful numeric 
terms--until today.

Greg Sabino Mullane just released a Nagios plug-in for PostgreSQL that you 
can grab at , and while that is itself 
nice the thing I found most remarkable is the bloat check.  The majority 
of that code is an impressive bit of SQL that anyone could use even if you 
have no interest in Nagios, which is why I point it out for broader 
attention.  Look in for the check_bloat routine and 
the big statement starting at the aptly labled This was fun to write 
section.  If you pull that out of there and replace $MINPAGES and 
$MINIPAGES near the end with real values, you can pop that into a 
standalone query and execute it directly.  Results look something like 
this (reformatting for e-mail):

schemaname | tablename | reltuples | relpages | otta  | tbloat | 
public | accounts  |   250 |41667 | 40382 |1.0 |

wastedpages | wastedbytes | wastedsize |  iname  | ituples |
   1285 |10526720 | 10 MB  | accounts_pkey   | 250 |

ipages | iotta | ibloat | wastedipages | wastedibytes | wastedisize
  5594 | 35488 |0.2 |0 |0 | 0 bytes

I'd be curious to hear from those of you who have struggled with this 
class of problem in the past as to whether you feel this quantifies the 
issue usefully.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baltimore, MD

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] TB-sized databases

2007-12-07 Thread Ron Mayer
Tom Lane wrote:
 Ron Mayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Tom Lane wrote:
 There's something fishy about this --- given that that plan has a lower
 cost estimate, it should've picked it without any artificial

One final thing I find curious about this is that the estimated
number of rows is much closer in the offset 0 form of the query.

Since the logic itself is identical, I would have expected the
estimated total number of rows for both forms of this query to
be identical.

Any reason the two plans estimate a different total number of rows?

(explain statements for the two forms of the same query
from earlier in the thread here: )

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Cost-Based Vacuum Delay tuning

2007-12-07 Thread Erik Jones

On Dec 7, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:

Erik Jones erik 'at' writes:

  vacuum_cost_delay/vacuum_cost_limit  (deactivated)  20/200
40/200   100/1000   150/1000   200/1000   300/1000

VACUUM ANALYZE time54 s112 s188
s109 s   152 s  190 s  274 s
SELECT time50 s 28 s 26
s 24 s22 s   20 s   19 s

While you do mention that the table you're running your select on is
too big to fit in the shared_buffers, the drop in time between the
first run and the rest most likely still reflects the fact that when

These figures don't show a difference between first run and
subsequent runs. For each parameter tuning, a couple of runs are
fired after database restart, and once the value is approximately
constant, it's picked and put in this table. The deactivated
shows the (stable, from subsequent runs) figure when vacuum delay
is disabled (vacuum_cost_delay parameter quoted), not the first
run, if that's where the confusion came from.

It was.

Is it on pgsql-hackers? I haven't found much stuff in
pgsql-performance while looking for vacuum_cost_delay tuning.

would be good have multiple autovacuum workers that could be tuned
for different times or workloads.  I know Alvarro was going to work

Sounds interesting.

Run the initial archive search against pgsql-general over the last  
year for a thread called 'Autovacuum Improvements'

I'm wondering if it would not be possible to dynamically ignore
(or lower, if it makes more sense?) the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay
during vacuum full, if a configurable amount of queries are
waiting for the lock?

(please save yourself from answering you should never run VACUUM
FULL if you're vacuuming enough - as long as VACUUM FULL is
available in PostgreSQL, there's no reason to not make it as
practically usable as possible, albeit with low dev priority)

Ok, I won't say what you said not to say.  But, I will say that I
don't agree with you're conjecture that VACUUM FULL should be made
more lightweight, it's like using dynamite to knock a whole in a wall
for a window.

Thanks for opening a new kind of trol^Hargument against VACUUM
FULL, that one's more fresh (at least to me, who doesn't follow
the list too close anyway).

Just for the record, I inherited a poorly (actually, not would
be more appropriate) tuned database, containing more than 90% of
dead tuples on large tables, and I witnessed quite some
performance improvement while I could fix that.

If you really want the VACUUM FULL effect without having to deal with  
vacuum_cost_delay, use CLUSTER.  It also re-writes the table and,  
AFAIK, is not subject to any of the vacuum related configuration  
parameters.  I'd argue that if you really need VACUUM FULL, you may  
as well use CLUSTER to get a good ordering of the re-written table.

Erik Jones

Software Developer | Emma®
800.595.4401 or 615.292.5888
615.292.0777 (fax)

Emma helps organizations everywhere communicate  market in style.
Visit us online at

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Cost-Based Vacuum Delay tuning

2007-12-07 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau
Erik Jones erik 'at' writes:

   vacuum_cost_delay/vacuum_cost_limit  (deactivated)  20/200
 40/200   100/1000   150/1000   200/1000   300/1000

 VACUUM ANALYZE time54 s112 s188
 s109 s   152 s  190 s  274 s
 SELECT time50 s 28 s 26
 s 24 s22 s   20 s   19 s

 While you do mention that the table you're running your select on is
 too big to fit in the shared_buffers, the drop in time between the
 first run and the rest most likely still reflects the fact that when

These figures don't show a difference between first run and
subsequent runs. For each parameter tuning, a couple of runs are
fired after database restart, and once the value is approximately
constant, it's picked and put in this table. The deactivated
shows the (stable, from subsequent runs) figure when vacuum delay
is disabled (vacuum_cost_delay parameter quoted), not the first
run, if that's where the confusion came from.

 running those tests successively a good portion of the table will
 already be in shared_buffers as well as being in the filesystem
 cache, i.e. very little of the runs after the first will have to hit

A dd sized at the total RAM size is run between each test (not
between each parameter tuning, between each *query test*), to
remove the OS disk cache effect. Of course, the PostgreSQL
caching effect cannot be removed (maybe, it shouldn't, as after
all this caching is here to improve performance), but the query
is selected to generate a lot of disk activity even between each
run (that's why I said a query which cannot fit entirely in

 the disk much.

I have of course checked that the subsequent runs mean
essentially disk activity, not CPU activity.

 - alternatively, pg could make use of some longer term statistics
   (load average, IO statistics) to dynamically pause the
   vacuuming - this I guess is related to the host OS and probably
   more difficult to have working correctly with multiple disks
   and/or processes running - however, if you want high
   performance from PostgreSQL, you probably won't host other IO
   applications on the same disk(s)

 These ideas have been discussed much.  Look in the archives to the
 beginning of this year.  I think the general consensus was that it

Is it on pgsql-hackers? I haven't found much stuff in
pgsql-performance while looking for vacuum_cost_delay tuning.

 would be good have multiple autovacuum workers that could be tuned
 for different times or workloads.  I know Alvarro was going to work

Sounds interesting.

 I'm wondering if it would not be possible to dynamically ignore
 (or lower, if it makes more sense?) the Cost-Based Vacuum Delay
 during vacuum full, if a configurable amount of queries are
 waiting for the lock?

 (please save yourself from answering you should never run VACUUM
 FULL if you're vacuuming enough - as long as VACUUM FULL is
 available in PostgreSQL, there's no reason to not make it as
 practically usable as possible, albeit with low dev priority)

 Ok, I won't say what you said not to say.  But, I will say that I
 don't agree with you're conjecture that VACUUM FULL should be made
 more lightweight, it's like using dynamite to knock a whole in a wall
 for a window.

Thanks for opening a new kind of trol^Hargument against VACUUM
FULL, that one's more fresh (at least to me, who doesn't follow
the list too close anyway).

Just for the record, I inherited a poorly (actually, not would
be more appropriate) tuned database, containing more than 90% of
dead tuples on large tables, and I witnessed quite some
performance improvement while I could fix that.

Guillaume Cottenceau, MNC Mobile News Channel SA, an Alcatel-Lucent Company
Av. de la Gare 10, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland - direct +41 21 317 50 36

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend