Re: [PERFORM] hyperthreaded cpu still an issue in 8.4?

2009-07-29 Thread Greg Smith

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

Well the real problem is that pgbench itself does not scale too well to lots 
of concurrent connections and/or to high transaction rates so it seriously 
skews the result.

Sure, but that's what the multi-threaded pgbench code aims to fix, which 
didn't show up until after you ran your tests.  I got the 90K select TPS 
with a completely unoptimized postgresql.conf, so that's by no means the 
best it's possible to get out of the new pgbench code on this hardware. 
I've seen as much as a 40% improvement over the standard pgbench code in 
my limited testing so far, and the patch author has seen a 450% one.  You 
might be able to see at least the same results you got from sysbench out 
of it.

* Greg Smith Baltimore, MD

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Re: [PERFORM] hyperthreaded cpu still an issue in 8.4?

2009-07-29 Thread Stefan Kaltenbrunner

Greg Smith wrote:

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

Well the real problem is that pgbench itself does not scale too well 
to lots of concurrent connections and/or to high transaction rates so 
it seriously skews the result.

Sure, but that's what the multi-threaded pgbench code aims to fix, which 
didn't show up until after you ran your tests.  I got the 90K select TPS 
with a completely unoptimized postgresql.conf, so that's by no means the 
best it's possible to get out of the new pgbench code on this hardware. 
I've seen as much as a 40% improvement over the standard pgbench code in 
my limited testing so far, and the patch author has seen a 450% one.  
You might be able to see at least the same results you got from sysbench 
out of it.

oh - the 90k tps are with the new multithreaded pgbench? missed that 
fact. As you can see from my results I managed to get 83k with the 8.4 
pgbench on a slightly slower Nehalem which does not sound too impressive 
for the new code...


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Re: [PERFORM] hyperthreaded cpu still an issue in 8.4?

2009-07-29 Thread Greg Smith

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

oh - the 90k tps are with the new multithreaded pgbench? missed that fact. As 
you can see from my results I managed to get 83k with the 8.4 pgbench on a 
slightly slower Nehalem which does not sound too impressive for the new 

I got 96K with the default postgresql.conf - 32MB shared_buffers etc. - 
and I didn't even try to find the sweet spot yet for things like number of 
threads, that's just the first useful number that popped out.  I saw as 
much as 87K with the regular one too.  I already planned to run the test 
set you did for comparison sake at some point.

* Greg Smith Baltimore, MD

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Re: [PERFORM] select query performance question

2009-07-29 Thread Thomas Zaksek

Kevin Grittner wrote:
Thomas Zaksek wrote: 

Is this query plan near to optimal or are their any serious flaws?

I didn't see any problem with the query, but with the information

provided, we can't really tell if you need to reconfigure something,
or maybe add an index.
The plan generated for the query is doing an index scan and on one

table and randomly accessing related rows in another, with an average
time per result row of about 4ms.  Either you've got *really* fast
drives or you're getting some benefit from cache.  Some obvious
What version of PostgreSQL is this?
What OS is the server on?
What does the server hardware look like?  (RAM, drive array, etc.)
What are the non-default lines in the postgresql.conf file?
What are the definitions of these two tables?  How many rows?

Postgresql 8.3

Freebsd 7.2

A HP Server with  Dual Opteron, 8GB Ram and a RAID 5 SCSI System

\d+ de_mw;
  Table de_mw
Column  |   Type   | Modifiers  
| Description

nr  | integer  | not null default nextval('de_mw_nr_seq'::regclass) |
j_ges   | smallint ||
mw_abh  | integer  ||
mw_test | bit(19)  ||
   de_mw_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (nr)
   de_mw_j_ges_key UNIQUE, btree (j_ges, mw_abh, mw_test)
   de_nw_nr_idx btree (nr)
Has OIDs: no

\d+ messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13
Table messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13
   Column | Type | Modifiers | Description
ganglinientyp | character(1) | not null  |
minute_tag| smallint | not null  |
zs_nr | integer  | not null  |
mw_nr | integer  |   |
   messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (ganglinientyp, 
minute_tag, zs_nr)
   messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13_gtyp_minute_tag_idx btree 
(ganglinientyp, minute_tag)
   messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13_gtyp_minute_tag_zs_nr_idx btree 
(ganglinientyp, minute_tag, zs_nr)

   messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13_minute_tag_idx btree (minute_tag)
Foreign-key constraints:
   messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13_mw_nr_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mw_nr) 
REFERENCES de_mw(nr)
   messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13_zs_nr_fkey FOREIGN KEY (zs_nr) 
REFERENCES de_zs(zs)

Inherits: messungen_v_dat
Has OIDs: no

select count(*) from messungen_v_dat_2009_04_13
traffic_nrw_0_4_0-# ;
(1 row)

traffic_nrw_0_4_0=# select count(*) from de_mw;
(1 row)

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Re: [PERFORM] hyperthreaded cpu still an issue in 8.4?

2009-07-29 Thread Matthew Wakeling

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Dave Youatt wrote:

Unlikely. Different threads on the same CPU core share their resources, so they 
need an explicit communication channel at all (I'm simplifying massively here). 
A real
interconnect is only needed between CPUs and between different cores on a CPU, 
and of
course to the outside world. Scott's explanation of why SMT works better now is 
much more
likely to be the real reason.

Actually, no, I wrote that. Please give at least some indication when 
replying to an email which parts of it are your words and which are quotes 
from someone else. Emails can be incredibly confusing without that 

You actually wrote:

:-) there's also this interconnect thingie between sockets, cores and memory. 
Nehalem has
a new one (for Intel), integrated memory controller, that is.  And a new 
on-chip cache

This, (like I mention elsewhere) will make the CPU faster overall, but is 
unlikely to increase the performance gain of switching SMT on. In fact, 
having a lower latency memory controller is more likely to reduce some of 
the problem that SMT is trying to address - that of a single thread 
stalling on memory access.

Having said that, memory access latency is not scaling as quickly as CPU 
speed, so over time SMT is going to get more important.


Take care that thou useth the proper method when thou taketh the measure of
high-voltage circuits so that thou doth not incinerate both thee and the
meter; for verily, though thou has no account number and can be easily
replaced, the meter doth have one, and as a consequence, bringeth much woe
upon the Supply Department.   -- The Ten Commandments of Electronics
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Re: [PERFORM] hyperthreaded cpu still an issue in 8.4?

2009-07-29 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Greg wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Scott Marlowe wrote:

 Just FYI, I ran the same basic test but with -c 10 since -c shouldn't
 really be greater than -s

 That's only true if you're running the TPC-B-like or other write tests,
 where access to the small branches table becomes a serious hotspot for
 contention.  The select-only test has no such specific restriction as it
 only operations on the big accounts table.  Often peak throughput is closer
 to a very small multiple on the number of cores though, and possibly even
 clients=cores, presumably because it's more efficient to approximately peg
 one backend per core rather than switch among more than one on each--reduced
 L1 cache contention etc.  That's the behavior you measured when your test
 showed better results with c=10 than c=16 on a 8 core system, rather than
 suffering less from the c must be  s contention limitation.

 Sadly I don't have or expect to have a W5580 in the near future though, the
 X5550 @ 2.67GHz is the bang for the buck sweet spot right now and
 accordingly that's what I have in the lab at Truviso.  As Merlin points out,
 that's still plenty to spank any select-only pgbench results I've ever seen.
  The multi-threaded pgbench batch submitted by Itagaki Takahiro recently is
 here just in time to really exercise these new processors properly.

Can I trouble you for a single client run, say:

pgbench -S -c 1 -t 25

I'd like to see how much of your improvement comes from SMT and how
much comes from general improvements to the cpu...


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Re: [PERFORM] Full text search with ORDER BY performance issue

2009-07-29 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Oleg wrote:
 Here's a couple of queries:

 archive= explain analyze select * from a where  comment_tsv @@
 plainto_tsquery('love') order by timestamp desc limit 24 offset 0;

 Limit  (cost=453248.73..453248.79 rows=24 width=281) (actual
 time=188441.047..188441.148 rows=24 loops=1)
  -  Sort  (cost=453248.73..453882.82 rows=253635 width=281) (actual
 time=188441.043..188441.079 rows=24 loops=1)
        Sort Key: timestamp
        Sort Method:  top-N heapsort  Memory: 42kB
        -  Bitmap Heap Scan on a  (cost=17782.16..446166.02 rows=253635
 width=281) (actual time=2198.930..187948.050 rows=256378 loops=1)
              Recheck Cond: (comment_tsv @@ plainto_tsquery('love'::text))
              -  Bitmap Index Scan on timestamp_comment_gin
 (cost=0.00..17718.75 rows=253635 width=0) (actual time=2113.664..2113.664
 rows=259828 loops=1)
                    Index Cond: (comment_tsv @@
 Total runtime: 188442.617 ms
 (9 rows)

 archive= explain analyze select * from a where  comment_tsv @@
 plainto_tsquery('love') limit 24 offset 0;

 Limit  (cost=0.00..66.34 rows=24 width=281) (actual time=14.632..53.647
 rows=24 loops=1)
  -  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..701071.49 rows=253635 width=281) (actual
 time=14.629..53.588 rows=24 loops=1)
        Filter: (comment_tsv @@ plainto_tsquery('love'::text))
 Total runtime: 53.731 ms
 (4 rows)

 First one runs painfully slow.

 Hmm, everything is already written in explain :) In the first query 253635
 rows should be readed from disk and sorted, while in the
 second query only 24 (random) rows readed from disk, so there is 4
 difference and in the worst case you should expected time for the 1st query
 about 53*10^4 ms.

If love is an uncommon word, there's no help for queries of this type
being slow unless the GIN index can return the results in order.  But
if love is a common word, then it would be faster to do an index scan
by timestamp on the baserel and then treat comment_tsv @@
plainto_tsquery('love') as a filter condition.  Is this a selectivity
estimation bug?


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Re: [PERFORM] Full text search with ORDER BY performance issue

2009-07-29 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas writes:
 If love is an uncommon word, there's no help for queries of this type
 being slow unless the GIN index can return the results in order.  But
 if love is a common word, then it would be faster to do an index scan
 by timestamp on the baserel and then treat comment_tsv @@
 plainto_tsquery('love') as a filter condition.  Is this a selectivity
 estimation bug?

Doesn't look like it: estimated number of matches is 253635, actual is
259828, which is really astonishingly close considering what we have to
work with.  It's not clear though what fraction of the total that

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] Full text search with ORDER BY performance issue

2009-07-29 Thread PFC

If love is an uncommon word, there's no help for queries of this type
being slow unless the GIN index can return the results in order.  But
if love is a common word, then it would be faster to do an index scan
by timestamp on the baserel and then treat comment_tsv @@
plainto_tsquery('love') as a filter condition.  Is this a selectivity
estimation bug?

	If you have really lots of documents to index (this seems the case)  
perhaps you should consider Xapian. It is very easy to use (although, of  
course, tsearch integrated in Postgres is much easier since you have  
nothing to install), and it is *incredibly* fast.

	In my tests (2 years ago) with many gigabytes of stuff to search into,  
differences became obvious when the data set is much bigger than RAM.
	- Postgres' fulltext was 10-100x faster than MySQL fulltext on searches  
(lol) (and even a lot more faster on INSERTs...)

- and Xapian was 10-100 times faster than Postgres' fulltext.

(on a small table which fits in RAM, differences are small).

	Of course Xapian is not Postgres when you talk about update  
	(single writer = fulltext index updating background job is needed, a  
simple Python script does the job)

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Re: [PERFORM] Full text search with ORDER BY performance issue

2009-07-29 Thread Robert Haas
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Tom wrote:
 Robert Haas writes:
 If love is an uncommon word, there's no help for queries of this type
 being slow unless the GIN index can return the results in order.  But
 if love is a common word, then it would be faster to do an index scan
 by timestamp on the baserel and then treat comment_tsv @@
 plainto_tsquery('love') as a filter condition.  Is this a selectivity
 estimation bug?

 Doesn't look like it: estimated number of matches is 253635, actual is
 259828, which is really astonishingly close considering what we have to
 work with.  It's not clear though what fraction of the total that

Hmm, good point.  It seems like it would be useful to force the
planner into use the other plan and get EXPLAIN ANALYZE output for
that for comparison purposes, but off the top of my head I don't know
how to do that.


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Re: [PERFORM] Full text search with ORDER BY performance issue

2009-07-29 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas writes:
 Hmm, good point.  It seems like it would be useful to force the
 planner into use the other plan and get EXPLAIN ANALYZE output for
 that for comparison purposes, but off the top of my head I don't know
 how to do that.

The standard way is

drop index index_you_dont_want_used;
explain problem-query;

Ain't transactional DDL wonderful?

(If this is a production system, you do have to worry about the DROP
transiently locking the table; but if you put the above in a script
rather than doing it by hand, it should be fast enough to not be a big

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] Full text search with ORDER BY performance issue

2009-07-29 Thread Robert Haas
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Tom wrote:
 Ain't transactional DDL wonderful?

Yes.  :-)


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[PERFORM] autovacuum 'stuck' ?

2009-07-29 Thread Doug Hunley
When reviewing the vacuum logs, I notice that on any given day
autovacuum only seems to touch four of the tables in one of our
schemas (not counting toast tables). However, if I look at the
pgstatspack output for the same day, I see that there are plenty of
other tables receiving a high number of inserts and deletes. How can I
tell if autovacuum is accurately choosing the tables that need its
attention (these four tables apparently) or if autovacuum is simply
never making it to the other tables cause its too busy with these
tables (my suspicion)? This is on 8.3.7 with the following settings in
autovacuum = on
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 250
autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 125
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.2
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
autovacuum_naptime = 5min

Any/all other information can be provided as needed. TIA, again.
Douglas J Hunley, RHCT : : Twitter: @hunleyd

Obsessively opposed to the typical.

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