Re: [PERFORM] Request for feedback on hardware for a new database server

2011-03-22 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Oliver Charles wrote:

 At MusicBrainz we're looking to get a new database server, and are
 hoping to buy this in the next couple of days. I'm mostly a software
 guy, but I'm posting this on behalf of Rob, who's actually going to be
 buying the hardware. Here's a quote of what we're looking to get:

    I'm working to spec out a bad-ass 1U database server with loads of
    cores (12), RAM (24GB) and drives (4 SAS) in a hardware RAID-1,0

    1 * SuperMicro 2016R-URF, 1U, redundant power supply, 4 SATA/SAS
    drive bays 2
    2 * Intel Xeon X5650 Westmere 2.66GHz 12MB L3 Cache LGA 1366 95W
    Six-Core Server Processor 2
    2 * Crucial 24GB (3 x 4GB) DDR3 SDRAM ECC Registered DDR3 1333,
    CT3KIT51272BV1339 1
    1 * LSI MegaRAID SATA/SAS 9260-4i ($379) (linux support [1])
    1 * HighPoint RocketRAID 4320 PCI-Express x8 ($429)
    1 * Adaptec RAID 3405 controller ($354)
    4 * Fujitsu MBA3147RC 147GB 15000 RPM

    SuperMicro machines have treated us really well over time (better
    than Dell or Sun boxes), so I am really happy to throw more money in
    their direction.  Redundant power supplies seem like a good idea for
    a database server.

    For $400 more we can get hexa core processors as opposed to quad
    core processors at 2.66Ghz. This seems like a really good deal --
    any thoughts on this?

    Crucial memory has also served us really well, so that is a

    The RAID controller cards are where I need to most feedback! Of the
    LSI, Highpoint or Adaptec cards, which one is likely to have native
    linux support that does not require custom drivers to be installed?
    The LSI card has great specs at a great price point with Linux
    support, but installing the custom driver sounds like a pain. Does
    anyone have any experience with these cards?

    We've opted to not go for SSD drives in the server just yet -- it
    doesn't seem clear how well SSDs do in a driver environment.

    That's it -- anyone have any feedback?

 Just a quick bit more information. Our database is certainly weighted
 towards being read heavy, rather than write heavy (with a read-only web
 service accounting for ~90% of our traffic). Our tables vary in size,
 with the upperbound being around 10mil rows.

It doesn't sound like SSD are a good fit for you -- you have small
enough data that you can easily buffer in RAM and not enough writing
to bottleneck you on the I/O side.  The #1 server building mistake is
focusing too much on cpu and not enough on i/o, but as noted by others
you should be ok with a decent raid controller with a bbu on it.  A
bbu will make a tremendous difference in server responsiveness to
sudden write bursts (like vacuum), which is particularly critical with
your whole setup being on a single physical volume.

Keeping your o/s and the db on the same LUN is a dangerous btw because
it can limit your ability to log in and deal with certain classes of
emergency situations.  It's possible to do a hybrid type setup where
you keep your o/s mounted on a CF or even a thumb drive(s) (most 1U
servers now have internal usb ports for exactly this purpose) but this
takes a certain bit of preparation and understanding what is sane to
do with flash..

My other concern with your setup is you might not have room for
expansion unless you have an unallocated pci-e slot in the back (some
1U have 1, some have 2).  With an extra slot, you can pop a sas hba in
the future attached to an enclosure if your storage requirements go up

Option '2' is to go all out on the raid controller right now, so that
you have both internal and external sas ports, although these tend to
be much more expensive.  Option '3' is to just 2U now, leaving
yourself room for backplane expansion.

Putting it all together, I am not a fan of 1U database boxes unless
you are breaking the storage out -- there are ways you can get burned
so that you have to redo all your storage volumes (assuming you are
not using LVM, which I have very mixed feelings about) or even buy a
completely new server -- both scenarios can be expensive in terms of


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Re: [PERFORM] Help: massive parallel update to the same table

2011-03-22 Thread Red Maple

I have found the bug in my code that made the update to the same row in the
table instead of two different row. Now I have all cores up and running

Thank you for all your help.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Kevin Grittner

 Red Maple wrote:

  Here is my function. If I comment out the update then it would run
  all the cores, if not then only one core will run



select sysuptime
  into this_sysuptime
  from ap_sysuptime
  where ap_id = this_id
  for update;
-- ==
--  if I comment out the next update
--then all cores will be running,
--else only one core will be running
-- ==
update ap_sysuptime
  set sysuptime  = this_sysuptime,
  last_contacted = now()
  where ap_id = this_id;

 This proves that you're not showing us the important part.  The
 update locks the same row previously locked by the SELECT FOR
 UPDATE, so any effect at the row level would be a serialization
 failure based on a write conflict, which doesn't sound like your
 problem.  They get different locks at the table level, though:

 Somewhere in code you're not showing us you're acquiring a lock on
 the ap_sysuptime table which conflicts with a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock but
 not with a ROW SHARE lock.  The lock types which could do that are
 could do that; otherwise it seems that you would need to be
 explicitly issuing a LOCK statement at one of these levels somewhere
 in your transaction.  That is what is causing the transactions to
 run one at a time.


[PERFORM] Analyze on temp table taking very long

2011-03-22 Thread Mahadevan, Mridula
I have a function where in
In a cursor loop I

1.   create a temp table (on commit drop)

2.   insert data into it

3.   Run Analyze on the table

Select/update outside the loop.

This has been running fine for a while on multiple setups, large and small 
volumes. The setups all have the same hardware configuration.

On one particular setup with about 200k records and this analyze runs for 45min 
and then times out(statement timeout is set to 45 min). typically this takes a 
few seconds at best. But when I move the analyze outside the loop everything 
runs fine.

An section of the code for reference.

CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_hierarchy_sorted (  sort_id serial,  aqu_document_id 
integer,parent_id integer,  ancestor_id integer,  object_hierarchy character 
varying(255), object_hierarchy_array text[], levels integer) ON COMMIT DROP 
TABLESPACE tblspc_tmp   ;
  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tmp_hierarchy_sorted_aqu_document_id_idx ON 
tmp_hierarchy_sorted USING btree( aqu_document_id ) TABLESPACE tblspc_index;';
execute vSQL;

--get min doc number for that collection based on existing promoted 
collections in the matter
select coalesce(max(doc_number_max),0) into iMin_Doc_number
FROM doc_Collection c
WHERE exists (SELECT 1 FROM doc_collection c1 WHERE = 
iCollectionId and c1.matter_id = c.matter_id and c1.doc_number_prefix = 
AND status = 'PROMOTED';

--go ancestor by ancestor for ones that are not loose files
open curAncestor for
select distinct id FROM aqu_document_hierarchy h where collection_Id = 
iCollectionId and ancestor_id =-1 and parent_id = -1
AND EXISTS (select 1 from aqu_document_hierarchy h1 where 
h1.ancestor_id = ) order by id ;
FETCH curAncestor into iAncestor_id;
--insert each ancestor into the table as this is not part in the bulk 
vSQL := 'INSERT INTO tmp_hierarchy_sorted(  aqu_document_id, parent_id 
,  ancestor_id ,  object_hierarchy, object_hierarchy_array,levels)
 (select id, -1, -1, object_hierarchy, 
regexp_split_to_array(object_hierarchy, ''/'') ,0
 from aqu_document_hierarchy where collection_Id =' || iCollectionId || 
' AND id = ' || iAncestor_id || ')';
execute vSQL;

-- insert filtered documents for that ancestor
vSQL := 'INSERT INTO tmp_hierarchy_sorted  (aqu_document_id, parent_id 
,  ancestor_id ,  object_hierarchy, object_hierarchy_array, levels)
 SELECT id, parent_id, ancestor_id, object_hierarchy, 
regexp_split_to_array(object_hierarchy, ''/'')  as object_hierarchy_array, 
array_length(regexp_split_to_array(object_hierarchy, ''/'')  ,1) as levels
 FROM aqu_document_hierarchy h WHERE  EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM 
aqu_document_error_details e where e.aqu_document_id = and e.exit_status 
in (2,3,4,5) ) AND ancestor_id = ' || iAncestor_id ||
 ' ORDER BY regexp_split_to_array(object_hierarchy, ''/'')
execute vSQL;
ANALYZE tmp_hierarchy_sorted;


Thanks for the help

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Re: [PERFORM] Performance on AIX

2011-03-22 Thread Josh Berkus

 At Bull company, we want to answer a call for tender from a large
 company. And we are asked for information about PostgreSQL performance
 under AIX on Power 7 servers.

Afilias runs PostgreSQL on AIX.  I don't know the architecture, though.
 Or what they think of it as a platform.

  -- Josh Berkus
 PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [PERFORM] Analyze on temp table taking very long

2011-03-22 Thread Tom Lane
Mahadevan, Mridula writes:
 This has been running fine for a while on multiple setups, large and small 
 volumes. The setups all have the same hardware configuration.

 On one particular setup with about 200k records and this analyze runs for 
 45min and then times out(statement timeout is set to 45 min). typically this 
 takes a few seconds at best. But when I move the analyze outside the loop 
 everything runs fine.

Is it actually *running*, as in doing something, or is it just blocked?
I can't immediately think of any reason for some other process to have
a lock on a temp table that belongs to your process; but it seems
unlikely that ANALYZE would randomly take much longer than expected
unless something was preventing it from making progress.

Look into pg_locks and/or watch the backend with strace next time this

regards, tom lane

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2011-03-22 Thread felix
I posted many weeks ago about a severe problem with a table that was
obviously bloated and was stunningly slow. Up to 70 seconds just to get a
row count on 300k rows.

I removed the text column, so it really was just a few columns of fixed
Still very bloated.  Table size was 450M

The advice I was given was to do CLUSTER, but this did not reduce the table
size in the least.
Nor performance.

Also to resize my free space map (which still does need to be done).
Since that involves tweaking the kernel settings, taking the site down and
rebooting postgres and exposing the system to all kinds of risks and
unknowns and expensive experimentations I was unable to do it and have had
to hobble along with a slow table in my backend holding up jobs.

Much swearing that nobody should ever do VACUUM FULL.  Manual advises
against it.  Only crazy people do that.

Finally I decide to stop taking advice.

ns= explain analyze select count(*) from fastadder_fastadderstatus;
 Aggregate  (cost=62602.08..62602.09 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=25320.000..25320.000 rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Seq Scan on fastadder_fastadderstatus  (cost=0.00..61815.86
rows=314486 width=0) (actual time=180.000..25140.000 rows=314493 loops=1)
 Total runtime: *25320.000* ms

ns= vacuum full fastadder_fastadderstatus;

took about 20 minutes

ns= explain analyze select count(*) from fastadder_fastadderstatus;

 Aggregate  (cost=7478.03..7478.04 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=940.000..940.000 rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Seq Scan on fastadder_fastadderstatus  (cost=0.00..6691.82
rows=314482 width=0) (actual time=0.000..530.000 rows=314493 loops=1)
 Total runtime: *940.000 ms*

moral of the story:  if your table is really bloated, just do VACUUM FULL

CLUSTER will not reduce table bloat in and identical fashion


2011-03-22 Thread Chris

On 23/03/11 11:52, felix wrote:

I posted many weeks ago about a severe problem with a table that was
obviously bloated and was stunningly slow. Up to 70 seconds just to get
a row count on 300k rows.

I removed the text column, so it really was just a few columns of fixed
Still very bloated.  Table size was 450M

The advice I was given was to do CLUSTER, but this did not reduce the
table size in the least.
Nor performance.

Also to resize my free space map (which still does need to be done).
Since that involves tweaking the kernel settings, taking the site down
and rebooting postgres and exposing the system to all kinds of risks and
unknowns and expensive experimentations I was unable to do it and have
had to hobble along with a slow table in my backend holding up jobs.

Much swearing that nobody should ever do VACUUM FULL.  Manual advises
against it.  Only crazy people do that.


moral of the story:  if your table is really bloated, just do VACUUM FULL

You'll need to reindex that table now - vacuum full can bloat your 
indexes which will affect your other queries.

reindex table fastadder_fastadderstatus;

Postgresql  php tutorials

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Re: [PERFORM] ANTI-JOIN needs table, index scan not possible?

2011-03-22 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 10:32 AM, hans wulf wrote:
 I need an ANTI-JOIN (not exists SELECT something from table.../ left join 
 table WHERE IS NULL) on the same table. Acutally I have an index to 
 serve the not exists question, but the query planner chooses to to a bitmap 
 heap scan.

 The table has 100 Mio rows, so doing a heap scan is messed up...

 It would be really fast if Postgres could compare the to indicies. Does 
 Postgres have to visit the table for this ANTI-JOIN?

A bitmap heap scan implies that a bitmap index scan is also being
done, so it IS using the indexes.  Now that leaves open the question
of why it's not fast... but it's hard to guess the answer to that
question without seeing at least the EXPLAIN output, preferably

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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