Re: [PERFORM] DRBD and Postgres: how to improve the perfomance?

2007-09-17 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Decibel! wrote:

Actually, in this case, I suspect that latency will be far more critical
than overall bandwidth. I don't know if it's inherent to Gig-E, but my
limited experience has been that Gig-E has higher latency than 100mb.

I've been looking for some benchmarks, but it's rather hard to find. It 
looks like people are much more concerned about throughput ?!?

However, I'd like to share some of the sites I've found, especially 
regarding Fast Ethernet vs. Gigabit Ethernet:

 - Ashford Computer Consulting Service benchmarked five different 
gigabit ethernet adapters [1], back in 2004. For most cards they 
measured between ca. 100 -  150 microseconds for a UDP round trip of a 
token, a so called hot potato benchmark. Unfortunately they didn't 
compare with Fast Ethernet.

 - The NetPIPE project has some of it's measurements at the very bottom 
of it's website [2]. Mostly for high speed and low latency links. Again, 
Fast Ethernet is missing. The diagram tells the following latencies (in 

 75   10 Gigabit Ethernet
 62   Gigabit Ethernet
  8   Myrinet
  7.5 Infini Band
  4.7 Atoll
  4.2 SCI

I've no explanation for the significantly better measure for gigabit 
ethernet compared with the above benchmark. From their description I'm 
concluding that they also measured a round-trip, but not via UDP.

The bad value for 10 Gigabit Ethernet is due to a poor Intel adapter, 
which also has poor throughput. They claim that newer adapters are better.

 - Finally, I've found a latency comparison between Fast vs Gigabit 
Ethernet, here [3]. Figure 6, in the second third of the page shows a 
NetPIPE latency benchmark between Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit 
Ethernet (additionally ATM and FDDI). It looks like Gigabit Ethernet 
features slightly better latency.

From these findings I'm concluding, that commodity Ethernet hardware 
has quite similar latencies, no matter if you are using Fast, Gigabit or 
10 Gigabit Ethernet. If you really want to have a low latency 
interconnect, you need to pay the extra bucks for specialized, low 
latency networking hardware (which may still be based on 10GE, see 
Myrinet's 10GE adapter).

If you know other resources, I'd be curious to know.



[1]: Ashford Computer Consulting Service, GigE benchmarks:

[2]: NetPIPE website:

[3]: Gigabit Ethernet and Low-Cost Supercomputing

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Replication

2007-06-21 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Andrew Sullivan wrote:

This isn't quite true.  Slony-II was originally conceived by Jan as
an attempt to implement some of the Postgres-R ideas.

Oh, right, thanks for that correction.

Part of the problem, as near as I could tell, was that we had no
group communication protocol that would really work.  Spread needed a
_lot_ of work (where lot of work may mean rewrite), and I just
didn't have the humans to put on that problem.  Another part of the
problem was that, for high-contention workloads like the ones we
happened to be working on, an optimistic approach like Postgres-R is
probably always going to be a loser.

Hm.. for high-contention on single rows, sure, yes - you would mostly 
get rollbacks for conflicting transactions. But the optimism there is 
justified, as I think most real world transactions don't conflict (or 
else you can work around such high single row contention).

You are right in that the serialization of the GCS can be bottleneck. 
However, there's lots of research going on in that area and I'm 
convinced that Postgres-R has it's value.



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Re: [PERFORM] Replication

2007-06-18 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Joshua D. Drake wrote:

Seems brilliant, a solid theoretical foundation, at the forefront of
computer science.  But can't find project status -- when will it be
available?  Is it a pipe dream, or a nearly-ready reality?


Not quite... there's still Postgres-R, see  And I'm 
continuously working on it, despite not having updated the website for 
almost a year now...

I planned on releasing the next development snapshot together with 8.3, 
as that seems to be delayed, that seems realistic ;-)



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TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] Replication

2007-06-18 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Craig James wrote:
Is Postgres-R the same thing as Slony-II?  There's a lot of info and 
news around about Slony-II, but your web page doesn't seem to mention it.

Hm... true. Good point. Maybe I should add a FAQ:

Postgres-R has been the name of the research project by Bettina Kemme et 
al. Slony-II was the name Neil and Gavin gave their attempt to continue 
that project.

I've based my work on the old (6.4.2) Postgres-R source code - and I'm 
still calling it Postgres-R, probably Postgres-R (8) to distinguish it 
from the original one. But I'm thinking about changing the name 
completely... however, I'm a developer, not a marketing guru.

While researching replication solutions, I had a heck of a time sorting 
out the dead or outdated web pages (like the stuff on gborg) from the 
active projects.

Yeah, that's one of the main problems with replication for PostgreSQL. I 
hope Postgres-R (or whatever name I'll come up with in the future) can 
change that.

Either way, it's great to know you're working on it.

Maybe you want to join its mailing list [1]? I'll try to get some 
discussion going there in the near future.



[1]: Postgres-R on gborg:

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TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-13 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Mark Wong wrote:

Yeah, I ran with 500+ warehouses, but I had 6 14-disk arrays of 15K
RPM scsi drives and 6 dual-channel controllers... :)

Lucky you!

In the mean time, I've figured out that the box in question peaked at 
about 1450 NOTPMs with 120 warehouses with RAID 1+0. I'll try to compare 
again to RAID 6.

Is there any place where such results are collected?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-11 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Jim Nasby wrote:
I don't think that kind of testing is useful for good raid controllers 
on RAID5/6, because the controller will just be streaming the data out; 
it'll compute the parity blocks on the fly and just stream data to the 
drives as fast as possible.

That's why I called it 'simplistic throughput testing'...

But that's not how writes in the database work (except for WAL); you're 
writing stuff all over the place, none of which is streamed. So in the 
best case (the entire stripe being updated is in the controller's 
cache), at a minimum it's going to have to write data + parity ( * 2 for 
RAID 6, IIRC) for every write. But any real-sized database is going to 
be far larger than your raid cache, which means there's a good chance a 
block being written will no longer have it's stripe in cache. In that 
case, the controller is going to have to read a bunch of data back off 
the drive, which is going to clobber performance.

I'm well aware. Our workload (hopefully) consists of a much lower 
writes/reads ratio than dbt2, so RAID 6 might work anyway.

Now, add that performance bottleneck on top of your WAL writes and 
you're in real trouble.

Well, I'm basically surprised of the low NOTPM numbers compared to my 
desktop system, which also does around 200 NOTPMs, with only two 
platters in RAID 1 config... How can a server with four Cores and 8 
Platters be equaly slow?

Anyway, I've now reconfigured the system with RAID 1+0 and got more than 
twice the NOTPMs:

 Response Time (s)
 Transaction  %Average :90th %Total 
Rollbacks  %
  -  -  ---  --- 
Delivery   3.84204.733 :   241.998  704 
0   0.00
   New Order  45.77203.651 :   242.847 8382 
75   0.90
Order Status   4.32199.184 :   238.081  7920 
 Payment  42.02198.969 :   236.549 7695 
0   0.00
 Stock Level   4.04198.668 :   236.113  740 
0   0.00
  -  -  ---  --- 

567.72 new-order transactions per minute (NOTPM)
14.5 minute duration
0 total unknown errors
529 second(s) ramping up

I'm still feeling that 550 is pretty low. The response times are beyond 
good and evil.

As vmstat.out tells us, the CPUs are still pretty much idle or waiting 
most of the time.

procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io -system-- 
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy 
id wa
 0  3 494560 2181964  8 1787680   13   15   317   242  1402  4 
 1 72 23
 0  9 494560 1558892  8 229834800  2973  2018  584 1114  2 
 1 76 21
 1 14 494496 424116  8 331600020  5613  9293  935 2943  5 
1 29 65
 0 15 452840 150148  8 3487160  7383  5662  8709  925 3444  5 
2 21 73
 0 11 439172 151052  8 3386556  2630  5690  8293  969 4145  5 
2 23 70
 0 17 438996 149748  8 3308184   576  5036  7174  902 4104  5 
2 25 69
 1 25 439940 150344  8 32283049   28  4757  7479  922 4269  5 
2 26 67

For everybody interested, these settings are different from Pg 8.2 
default postgresql.conf:

listen_addresses = '*'
port = 54321
shared_buffers = 2048MB
work_mem = 10MB
maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
#max_stack_depth = 4MB
max_fsm_pages = 409600
eachcheckpoint_segments = 6
checkpoint_timeout = 1h
effective_cache_size = 3800MB
log_min_duration_statement = 500

For dbt2, I've used 500 warehouses and 90 concurrent connections, 
default values for everything else.

Do I simply have to put more RAM (currently 4GB) in that machine? Or 
what else can be wrong?

Is anybody else seeing low performance with the Areca SATA Controllers? 
(in my case: Areca Technology Corp. ARC-1260 16-Port PCI-Express to 
SATA RAID Controller, according to lspci)

Then again, maybe I'm just expecting too much...



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-05 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
I still suspect there's something wrong with plans, I doubt you can get 
that bad performance unless it's doing something really stupid.

Agreed, but I'm still looking for that really stupid thing...  AFAICT, 
there are really no seqscans..., see the pg_stat_user_tables below.

suggest setting log_min_duration_statement = 5000, and seeing what you 
get. Also check pg_stat_user_table.seq_scan just to be extra sure 
there's no seq scans.

I've also added some of the log messages for min_duration_statement 
below. Both were taken after two or three test runs.

I'm really wondering, if the RAID 6 of the ARECA 1260 hurts so badly. 
That would be disappointing, IMO. I'll try if I can reconfigure it to do 
RAID 1+0, and then test again. (Unfortunately the box has already been 
shipped to the customer, so that's getting tricky to do via ssh..:-( ).



*** pg_stat_user_tables ***

 relid | schemaname |  relname   | seq_scan | seq_tup_read | idx_scan | 
idx_tup_fetch | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd | n_tup_del | last_vacuum | 
 last_autovacuum| last_analyze |   last_autoanalyze

 16390 | public | district   |0 |0 |   206335 | 
   206335 | 0 |100771 | 0 | | 
2007-06-05 15:40:44.39573+02  |  | 2007-06-05 15:39:41.636736+02
 16396 | public | new_order  |0 |0 |91860 | 
 41402317 | 51372 | 0 | 45844 | | 
 |  |
 16400 | public | order_line |0 |0 |   101195 | 
   933197 |538442 |436140 | 0 | | 
 |  |
 16402 | public | item   |0 |0 |   538942 | 
   538442 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 
 |  |
 16404 | public | stock  |0 |0 |  1093528 | 
  1077782 | 0 |538442 | 0 | | 
 |  |
 16394 | public | history|0 |0 |  | 
  | 49399 | 0 | 0 | | 
 |  |
 16388 | public | warehouse  |0 |0 |   150170 | 
   150170 | 0 | 49399 | 0 | | 
2007-06-05 15:39:41.059572+02 |  | 2007-06-05 15:38:39.976122+02
 16398 | public | orders |0 |0 |96490 | 
96519 | 51372 | 45930 | 0 | | 
 |  |
 16392 | public | customer   |0 |0 |   233263 | 
   599917 | 0 | 95329 | 0 | | 
 |  |

*** database log snippet ***

2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6020.820 ms  statement: SELECT 
* FROM order_status(1747, 291, 3, '')
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 688.730 ms  statement: SELECT 
payment(47, 2, 1533, 47, 2, '', 4295.46)
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 5923.518 ms  statement: SELECT 
payment(319, 8, 0, 319, 8, 'OUGHTATIONEING', 2331.47)
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6370.433 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6463.583 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6358.047 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6114.972 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6193.684 ms  statement: SELECT 
payment(96, 10, 0, 96, 10, 'ESEOUGHTBAR', 997.05)
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6375.163 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6139.613 ms  statement: SELECT 
payment(454, 8, 0, 454, 8, 'ANTIOUGHTEING', 1575.11)
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6336.462 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6420.227 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6447.025 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 15549.277 ms  statement: SELECT 
delivery(124, 7)
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 1432.199 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 6478.086 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 1405.925 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:09 CEST LOG:  duration: 8399.567 ms  statement: SELECT 
delivery(374, 4)
2007-06-05 15:42:10 CEST LOG:  duration: 657.939 ms  statement: FETCH 
ALL IN mycursor
2007-06-05 15:42:10 CEST LOG:  duration: 

Re: [PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-05 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
Maybe, TPC-C is very write-intensive. I don't know much about RAID 
stuff, but I think you'd really benefit from a separate WAL drive. You 
could try turning fsync=off to see if that makes a difference.

Hm.. good idea, I'll try that.

Oh, and how many connections are you using? DBT-2 can be quite sensitive 
to that. 30 seems to work pretty well for me.

I've been using between 2 and 90, but that made pretty much no 
difference at all. I'm not getting anything more that some 300 NOTPM.



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[PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-04 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


I'm currently playing with dbt2 and am wondering, if the results I'm 
getting are reasonable. I'm testing a 2x Dual Core Xeon system with 4 GB 
of RAM and 8 SATA HDDs attached via Areca RAID Controller w/ battery 
backed write cache. Seven of the eight platters are configured as one 
RAID6, one spare drive. That should leave five platters for distributing 
read only accesses.

The NOTPM numbers I'm getting are suspiciously low, IMO, but maybe I'm 
expecting too much. What do you think, is this reasonable or do I have 
to twiddle with the configuration somewhat more?



Here are my results:

 Response Time (s)
 Transaction  %Average :90th %Total 
Rollbacks  %
  -  -  ---  --- 
Delivery   3.83549.046 :   595.280 1212 
0   0.00
   New Order  45.79524.659 :   562.01614494 
151   1.05
Order Status   3.98517.497 :   551.552 12610 
 Payment  42.50514.562 :   550.38313452 
0   0.00
 Stock Level   3.90510.610 :   546.957 1236 
0   0.00
  -  -  ---  --- 

238.39 new-order transactions per minute (NOTPM)
59.5 minute duration
0 total unknown errors
529 second(s) ramping up

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-04 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
There's clearly something wrong. The response times are ridiculously 
high, they should be  5 seconds (except for stock level transaction) to 
pass a TPC-C test. I wonder if you built any indexes at all?

Hm.. according to the output/5/db/plan0.out, all queries use index 
scans, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

The configuration I'm running here has 3 data drives, and I'm getting 
reasonable results with ~100 warehouses, at ~1200 noTPM.

Thanks, that's exactly the one simple and very raw comparison value I've 
been looking for. (Since most of the results pages of (former?) OSDL are 

I'll run a bonnie++ first. As the CPUs seem to be idle most of the time 
(see the vmstat.out below), I'm suspecting the RAID or disks.



procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io -system-- 
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy 
id wa
 2  2 329512 1289384  8 268070400 4 112  0 
 0 100  0
 0 48 329512 1733016  8 208340000  1789  2265  553 1278  1 
 1 63 35
 2 81 329512 492052  8 319453200  6007 10135 1025 3291  6 
1 21 71
 0  8 329512 153360  8 345793600  6321 11919 1093 4581  7 
2 12 79
 0  9 329512 150188  8 343338000  2083  5078  707 2197  2 
1 35 62
 0  6 329512 148412  8 340874800  1001  2888  526 1203  1 
0 34 64
 0 27 329512 152212  8 337973600  2281  5166  733 2320  3 
1 18 79
 0 11 329512 152560  8 335594000  1837  4028  626 1738  2 
1 35 63
 0 14 329512 149268  8 333491200  1674  3836  630 1619  2 
1 31 67
 0  6 329512 152916  8 331155200  1404  3017  568 1372  1 
0 57 41
 0 13 329688 149492  8 331320000  1687  4178  650 1644  2 
1 29 69
 0 84 329688 153480  8 330968400   812  3790  641 2669  1 
1 22 76
 0 18 329688 149232  8 33140320087  2147  511 2414  0 
0 16 83
 3 20 329688 149196  8 331464800   756  1854  496 1044  1 
0 52 47

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] dbt2 NOTPM numbers

2007-06-04 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


PFC wrote:

You have a huge amount of iowait !


Did you put the xlog on a separate disk ?

No, it's all one big RAID6 for the sake of simplicity (plus I doubt 
somewhat, that 2 disks for WAL + 5 for data + 1 spare would be much 
faster than 7 disks for WAL and data + 1 spare - considering that RAID6 
needs two parity disks, that's 3 vs 5 disks for data...)

What filesystem do you use ?


Did you check that your BBU cache works ?

Thanks to you're hint, yes. I've attached the small python script, in 
case it might help someone else, too.

For that run a dumb script which does INSERTS in a test table in 
autocommit mode ; if you get (7200rpm / 60) = 120 inserts / sec or less, 
the good news is that your drives don't lie about fsync, the bad news is 
that your BBU cache isn't working...

According to my little script, I constantly get somewhat around 6000 
inserts per second, so I guess either my BBU works, or the drives are 
lying ;-)   Simplistic troughput testing with dd gives  200MB/s, which 
also seems fine.

Obviously there's something else I'm doing wrong. I didn't really care 
much about postgresql.conf, except setting a larger shared_buffers and a 
reasonable effective_cache_size.

Oh, something else that's probably worth thinking about (and just came 
to my mind again): the XFS is on a lvm2, on that RAID6.



Simplistic throughput testing with dd:

dd of=test if=/dev/zero bs=10K count=80
80+0 records in
80+0 records out
819200 bytes (8.2 GB) copied, 37.3552 seconds, 219 MB/s
pamonth:/opt/dbt2/bb# dd if=test of=/dev/zero bs=10K count=80
80+0 records in
80+0 records out
819200 bytes (8.2 GB) copied, 27.6856 seconds, 296 MB/s


import sys, time
import psycopg

count = 50

db = psycopg.connect(user=postgres dbname=test)

dbc = db.cursor()
dbc.execute(CREATE TABLE test (data TEXT);)

start_t = time.time()
for i in range(count):
dbc.execute(INSERT INTO test VALUES('insert no. %d'); % i)

diff_t = time.time() - start_t
print %d inserts in %0.3f seconds, %f inserts/sec % (count, diff_t, count / diff_t)

dbc.execute(DROP TABLE test;)

Version  1.03   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
-Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
pamonth  8G 48173  99 214016  33 93972  20 49244  92 266763  32 615.3   0
--Sequential Create-- Random Create
-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16 20510  82 + +++ 25655  98 23954  99 + +++ 25441  99

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] [PERFORM] Locking in PostgreSQL?

2006-12-06 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Dave Cramer wrote:
Apparently I've completely misunderstood MVCC then 

Probably not. You are both somewhat right.

Jens Schipkowski wrote:
 Thats not right. UPDATE will force a RowExclusiveLock to rows
 matching the WHERE clause, or all if no one is specified.

That almost right, RowExclusiveLock is a table level lock. An UPDATE 
acquires that, yes. Additionally there are row-level locks, which is 
what you're speaking about. An UPDATE gets an exclusive row-level lock 
on rows it updates.

Please note however, that these row-level locks only block concurrent 
writers, not readers (MVCC lets the readers see the old, unmodified row).

My understanding 
is that unless you do a select ... for update then update the rows will 
not be locked.

Also almost right, depending on what you mean by 'locked'. A plain 
SELECT acquires an ACCESS SHARE lock on the table, but no row-level 
locks. Only a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE does row-level locking (shared ones 

The very fine documentation covers that in [1].



[1]: PostgreSQL Documentation, Explicit Locking:

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] File Systems Compared

2006-12-06 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Alexander Staubo wrote:

Care to post these numbers *without* word wrapping? Thanks.

How is one supposed to do that? Care giving an example?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] File Systems Compared

2006-12-06 Thread Markus Schiltknecht


Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:

This is a rather long sentence without any kind of word wrapping except what 
would be imposed on your own side -- how to set that up properly depends on the 
sending e-mail client, but in mine it's just a matter of turning off the word 
wrapping in your editor :-)


Cool, thank you for the example :-)  I thought the MTA or at least the the 
mailing list would wrap mails at some limit. I've now set word-wrap to  
characters (it seems not possible to turn it off completely in thunderbird). 
But when writing, I'm now getting one long line.

What's common practice? What's it on the pgsql mailing lists?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not