I do this all the time; In fact, I've written a dynamic aggregate engine that uses a sudo bind variable technique & dynamic joins with dependency injection because the table names and query logic are not known at run time - all in plpgsql.

On 7/5/2013 9:26 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 07/05/2013 09:57 AM, Greg Jaskiewicz wrote:

We have a search method that depending on search params will join 3-5 tables, craft the joins and where section. Only problem is, this is done in rather horrible java code. So using pgtap for tests is not feasible. I want to move the database complexity back to database, almost writing the query construction in the plpgsql or python as stores procedure, any suggestions ?

Unfortunately PostgreSQL won't eliminate unnecessary joins from a view, so I can't just create one view and simple code adding where's, order by, etc.

No, I don't want to use orm.

It's a matter of taste. Pretty much every PL has facilities for constructing and running dynamic sql. PLPgsql ,PLPerl, PLV8 ...



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