No great things are achieved without great characters, Stephan has been doing a 
great long term effort of maintaining research budgets for Smalltalk and 
pushing a viable open source solution for it while the situation was pretty 
difficult. Like many of us he has some rough edges to and we shouldn’t  forget 
that each of us is driven by ambition, fear and frustration.
I really respect Stephan, but I also sympathise with you as I did with Janko 
some month’s ago. Nobody cares about any details, what we do care about however 
is that you would be lost for Smalltalk after such a great job !!!!

There is so much more to Smalltalk then just Pharo and some of these move 
considerably ….

Hope you reconsider at least that part of your decision.

Take care,


On 18 Aug 2014, at 11:36, Tudor Girba <> wrote:

> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for letting us know.
> I am sorry you feel this way, but I believe your presentation of the 
> situation is both unfair and unfortunate. You are obviously referring to 
> issues that are of personal nature, and as outsiders we are left with only an 
> ugly feeling without being able to either understand or fix anything.
> I was actually having fun until your email, and as far as I can tell, others 
> were having fun as well. I am not sure what the intention of your email was, 
> but at least for me, your mail did manage to spoil the fun for a second.
> I appreciate the work you put in Pharo, I respect your decision, but I do not 
> sympathize with your behavior.
> Good luck,
> Doru
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Benjamin 
> <> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I am sending this email to explain why I am quiting the Pharo community,
> as well as the Smalltalk community.
> I can not bear Stephane Ducasse's behavior anymore whether at a public
> level or a private level.
> It seems that his ego is preventing him from being able to have a discussion
> without overreacting, being agressive, or insulting.
> I can not approve how Stephane is constantly talking behind my back to unleash
> his irrationnal wrath and to provide his very own version of the facts.
> I can not see how this can lead to a peaceful and respectful community
> where we can all have fun building a future.
> Therefore I will not be part of this project anymore, since the way Stephane
> is acting is taking away all the fun I can have interacting with all of you.
> It was a hard decision to take, but I can not be part of a community led
> by someone whose behaviour is going against all my principles.
> I wish to all of you to have fun, and keep me in touch
> if you want to have a beer someday ;)
> Ben
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"
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