Hi Doru,

> On 26 Apr 2020, at 09:57, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently, at feenk we have feenkcom/opensmalltalk-vm:
> https://github.com/feenkcom/opensmalltalk-vm
> This is a small fork of the headless branch from 
> pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm that appeared out of practical necessities, 
> but that we would like to avoid having. This post briefly describes the 
> changes in the feenkcom/opensmalltalk-vm repo and the functionality those 
> changes provide for Glamorous Toolkit.
> For Glamorous Toolkit we aimed for the following functionality:
>       • Open the GUI natively and have native display quality (GUI opened 
> through FFI calls)
>       • Have a Glamorous Toolkit app for Mac OS that works as any other apps 
> for Mac OS 
>       • Create end-user applications that are fully customisable (executable 
> name, menus, etc) 
>       • Use Github actions for doing all compilations of external libraries 
> and the vm instead of Travis CI.
>       • Have Iceberg running in native windows (which requires nested FFI 
> callbacks)
> There has been work on these issues in both OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm 
> and pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm but they were not entirely addressed. We 
> needed to have something reliable a few months ago, and forking and doing 
> some quick changes made that possible.
> Ideally we want to be able to run Glamorous Toolkit on both 
> OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm and pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm.
> To have native GUIs we relied on Ronie Salgado’s work on the headless vm and 
> started with pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm - headless branch:
> https://github.com/pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm/tree/headless
> That provided a solution for opening the GUI from the image through FFI 
> calls. Currently we use Glutin (a library for OpenGL context creation, 
> written in pure Rust) and this made it possible to run the entire Glamorous 
> Toolkit inside a callback.
> On macOS when running an app, even a notarized one, the OS warns the user 
> that the app is downloaded from the internet, and the user needs to confirm 
> that they agree. Once the user agrees the app should automatically start. 
> This is not currently possible with Pharo apps (for example 
> PharoLaunched.app) and users have to again run the app manually after giving 
> permission. Also Gatekeeper in macOS runs applications downloaded from zips 
> in a randomized read-only DMG. We do not want this behaviour as users not 
> copying Glamorous Toolkit to the Applications folder on macOS would then 
> experience incorrect application behaviour.
> To create end-user applications we also need to fully customize the 
> executable name (what the user sees in the Task Runner/Activity monitor), 
> icons, native menus. Part of this work is already integrated in the 
> pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm - headless branch (Customizing the OS X icons, 
> Brand the VM executable and package).
> Since last year Github offers Github Actions similar to Travis. We found it 
> much easier to use than Travis for external libraries and the vm. Also we get 
> to manage the code and the builds in the same place. This work is already 
> integrated in the pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm - headless branch (Build the 
> VM under GitHub actions: 
> https://github.com/pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm/pull/56).
> The issues related to running Iceberg is a bit more technical. By moving to 
> the headless vm we are running the entire image computation inside a callback 
> from Glutin (https://github.com/rust-windowing/glutin/). When using Iceberg 
> we get nested callbacks which we could not get to work using Alien. Instead 
> we are using the ThreadedFFI Plugin and running all callback from Iceberg and 
> Glutin using the Threaded FFI plugin 
> (https://github.com/pharo-project/threadedFFI-Plugin). Currently we have a 
> small fork of this plugin (feenkcom/threadedFFI-Plugin) and we also ship a 
> custom plugin with the VM to fix a race condition due to having two copies of 
> the callback stack (a pull request is here: 
> https://github.com/pharo-project/threadedFFI-Plugin/pull/17).
> While not specific to our environment, openssl1.0 is no longer supported, and 
> we are seeing users who are unable to run Pharo due to version conflicts, as 
> reported in https://github.com/pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm/issues/62.

Thanks for the detailed writeup.

> To sum up, a fork was the easiest way to get all this running. Now some 
> changes are already in the pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm - headless branch. 
> What we are still missing are the changes that get the VM to work nicely with 
> Mac OS and a bug fix in ThreadedFFI.

I would also love to have *all* your changes back into 
pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm !


> We would also love it to have all these changes integrated in 
> OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm in the headless vm. This requires additional 
> coordination as the required changes are somewhat deeper.
> Please let us know you would prefer to coordinate.
> Cheers,
> Tudor, on behalf of the feenk team
> --
> feenk.com
> "The coherence of a trip is given by the clearness of the goal."

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