Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-05 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe

On 05 Nov 2013, at 06:04, Tudor Girba wrote:

 I am glad you are considering other types of fonts :). Still, I think that 
 Open Sans does not work well with Source Code. First, there is not enough 
 distinction between them, and second, their rhythms do not match (both in 
 terms of height and width).
 Choosing a consistent family of fonts mitigates these problems. Source is a 
 family of fonts that also comes with a Source Sans variation. That is why my 
 settings look like:

Change my fonts, I will, and
Walk this path, try to,
Master “Doru” Yoda ;-)

 #('SourceCodeProRegular' 'SourceCodeProBold' 'SourceSansProRegular' 
 'SourceSansProBold') do: [ :each | 
   Smalltalk globals 
   at: each asSymbol
   ifAbsent: [
   Gofer new 
   smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 
   package: each;
   load ].
   (Smalltalk at: each asSymbol) new install ].
 FreeTypeSystemSettings loadFt2Library: true.
 FreeTypeFontProvider current updateFromSystem
   setAllStandardFontsTo: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans 
 Pro' pointSize: 10);
   haloFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 
   windowTitleFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' 
 pointSize: 14);
   balloonFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' 
 pointSize: 10);
   codeFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Code Pro' pointSize: 
 Here is a screenshot:
 Notice how I also load the bold versions of both fonts so that we can use 
 them both in code and in lists.
 On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
 Hey Doru,
 On 04 Nov 2013, at 17:01, Tudor Girba wrote:
 - Continue on the topic of Pharo IDE of the Future”
 Great, looking forward to it !
 FWIW, I have come around about the fonts ;-)
 I have been using Open Sans  Source Code Pro for a while now, and I like 
 These are my font selections for my MacBook Air 13’’ (1440x900):
 Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 17.25.38.png
 Light and modern, like Pharo itself !
 Apart from the bolding of the window title font, this code sets those fonts:
 SourceCodeProRegular new install.
 OpenSansRegular new install.
 FreeTypeFontProvider current updateFromSystem.
   #(#defaultFont: 'Open Sans' 12) 
   #(#listFont: 'Open Sans' 12) 
   #(#menuFont: 'Open Sans' 12) 
   #(#windowTitleFont: 'Open Sans' 12) 
   #(#balloonFont: 'Open Sans' 10) 
   #(#codeFont: 'Source Code Pro' 11) 
   #(#buttonFont: 'Open Sans' 12) 
   #(#haloFont: 'Open Sans' 10)) do: [ :spec | 
   | font |
   font := LogicalFont familyName: spec second pointSize: spec 
   StandardFonts perform: spec first with: font ]
 Thanks again for taking care !
 Every thing has its own flow

Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-05 Thread Yanni Chiu

On 04/11/2013 9:42 AM, wrote:

- make use of SandstoneDb + Fuel storage

Interesting. Can you share your reasons for choosing these technologies? 
Why not GemStone? MongoDB? Or, are you still experimenting?

Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-04 Thread Camillo Bruni

On 2013-11-04, at 07:00, wrote:

 Hi! We're sending this automatic email twice a month, to give the community 
 an opportunity to easily know what's happening and to coordinate efforts.  
 Just answer informally, and feel free to spawn discussions thereafter!
 ### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

Automatic Issue Validation:
stable release ahead, 1 failing test left (only under headless linux):
- fancy twitter bootstrap based reports
- simplified command line reporter
- exceptions are reported with stack traces
- merge conflicts are listed in detail with a diff
- lint rules are shown with their descriptions and the list of problematic 
elements (methods / classes)
- test failures still need some more love (missing stack trace for example)


To make the issue validation work, we have to run blocks in a separate image. 
For instance to load a slice, we do not want to pollute the main image, since 
we cannot guarantee anything. The ImageWorker takes care of this and spawns a 
new image with OSProcess:

ImageWorker do: [ ... ]

Additionally, if an error happens in the remote image, the error is passed back 
to the main image and resignaled locally:

ImageWorker do: [ 1/0 ]

This allows for a very natural interaction, as the remotely evaluated blocks 
behave almost like local ones.

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Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-04 Thread Stephan Eggermont
Hi! We're sending this automatic email twice a month, to give the community an 
opportunity to easily know what's happening and to coordinate efforts.  Just 
answer informally, and feel free to spawn discussions thereafter! 

### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp: 

Put out CFP for FOSDEM2014 devroom

Lots of improvements to PetitDelphi

First step in making QCMagritte use new Bootstrap

### What's next, until 2013-11-17 (*): 

Handling of compiler directives for PetitDelphi, first ifdefs and includes
Still a lot of parse errors to fix

Diego  Stephan

Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-04 Thread Alexandre Bergel
 Lots of improvements to PetitDelphi



Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-04 Thread Damien Cassou
### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

- find funding for a new intern working on Pharo
- extract Pharo launcher into its own source package for Ubuntu (I
will now be able to release new Pharo Launcher packages without
releasing the VM)
- closely collaborate with Ben Coman on the PharoLauncher (new release
with announcement soon)
- simplify Pier so it does not contain Pillar anymore

### What's next, until 2013-11-17 (*):

- Create an installer for the Pharo Launcher on both MacOSX and Windows

Damien Cassou

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-04 Thread
### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:
- continued development of a business app (Seaside, Magritte 3, TWBS,
NeoCSV, LDAP, custom components)
- created an accounting and transactions package for supporting financials
in the app
- developed a trades tracking board service for the app
- did a lot of Magritte descriptions, components, reports, custom
components etc (mind bending at first, very nice afterwards)
- enjoyed myself a lot w/ Pharo incredibly productive system in which
writing tests first really helps in creating clear code

### What's next, until 2013-11-17 (*):

- continue app development
- try to fix FTP MetacelloToolBox feature
- demonstrate app to investors
- have a serious shot at Reef
- make use of SandstoneDb + Fuel storage

Re: [Pharo-dev] WhatsUp from: 2013-11-04 until: 2013-11-17

2013-11-04 Thread Tudor Girba
### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:
- Release of Moose 4.9 on top of Pharo 2.0
- Ported Moose to Pharo 3.0
- Consolidated the ideas on the topic of Pharo IDE of the Future

### What's next, until 2013-11-17 (*):

- Continue on the topic of Pharo IDE of the Future



Every thing has its own flow