Hi everyone. 

I need your help. I’m working on how pharo developers use the tests. And you 
are pharo developers. 

So I developed a plugin and I would like you to download it. You just have to 
execute this line in a playground 

Metacello new 

smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'MetaRepoForPharo60'; 

configuration: 'TestsUsageAnalyser'; 

version: #stable; 



You will have to do it only one time in one image. Then, if they are update 
it’ll be done automatically and if you create a new image it will be 
automatically installed. 

The plugin will collect data on which tests you run. when. and the 
modifications you'll have done. 

Normally, it should be completely transparent for the users and the data are 

If you want more details about the project or how it works, you can answer to 
this mail, or send me an email at benoit.verhae...@inria.fr or by using 

Thanks a lot. 

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