A very good friend of mine, and longtime 78rpm Collector, passed away recently. 
I just came from his widows house, and went through some of the remnants of his 
collection, much of which he had already sold off a few years ago. She needs to 
raise some funds, and I will be selling off in the coming weeks the few records 
that may have some value. The cream of the crop appears to be a 1926 Bessie 
Smith Columbia test pressing of Baby Doll which I will be posting on Ebay this 
coming Saturday. I will also be putting it up on Youtube and provide the link 
as part of the listing. So let any of your early jazz and blues collector 
friends know of this impending listing.I will also let 78list know what I have 
it posted and provide the link. All proceeds will go to help out my good 
friends widow. 


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