[Phono-L] Crapophones and The Buyers and The Dealers!

2008-03-13 Thread Ron L
Hi Bob,

I e-mailed from a laptop at home last night but I am not sure if it was
working correctly so I though I'd better reply again this morning from work.
What did you have in mind for the book?

Ron L

-Original Message-
From: phono-l-boun...@oldcrank.org [mailto:phono-l-boun...@oldcrank.org] On
Behalf Of Bob Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 5:03 PM
To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Subject: RE: [Phono-L] Crapophones and The Buyers and The Dealers!

Hey Ron L.  email me about the Tin Foil to Stereo book.  Bob Johnson

-Original Message-
From: phono-l-boun...@oldcrank.org [mailto:phono-l-boun...@oldcrank.org] On
Behalf Of Ron L
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:05 PM
To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Subject: RE: [Phono-L] Crapophones and The Buyers and The Dealers!

You are probably lucky that you did not get to talk to the fellow who had
just blown $950 of that $1000.  He would have thought that you were one of
the loosing bidders trying to make him feel bad, at the very least.

[Phono-L] Crapophones and The Buyers and The Dealers!

2008-03-12 Thread kugl...@wmconnect.com
I agree with all of you.  One must be careful in not only collecting 
phonographs, but collecting anything in general.  This is especially true for 
first timer that wants to jump into 'collecting.'  I read an email from someone 
this thread not long ago that used the adjective 'sleazy' to describe antique 
dealers.  I would just like to say that not all antique dealers, just like 
car salesman and politicians, are dishonest.  In fact, I have obtained some of 
my most prized antiques, including a phonograph or two from antique dealers.  
We must understand that there are many people that do not take the time to 
research a subject before heading into it head over heals.  This includes both 
seller as well as the buyer.

An example of this was last summer when I attended a large estate auction in 
my area.  The auctioneer advertised in the newspaper ad a nice vintage 'old' 
Victrola with a real nice 'old' horn.  I tried to contact the auctioneer 
beforehand to ask some specifics so that I could find out if it was indeed a 
old phonograph.  I could not reach him before the auction and was late getting 
to the sale the next day.  By the time I got there, the phonograph was only 
moments from hitting the selling block.  The nice vintage 'old' Victrola with a 
real nice 'old' horn turned out to be a nice old 'CRAPOLA'!  As my six year old 
would say...YUCK!  

Before I could react, the auctioneer had already described it as the most 
beautiful Victrola that he had ever had the pleasure of auctioning off and that 
whoever was fortunate enough to win the bid would really have a prize!  The 
crowd oooed and aawwed as if he were auctioning off the Hope Diamond.  As soon 
he started the bidding at $100.00, several hands flung toward the skies.  I 
told the man next to me, that had his fingers brushing his mustache in mad 
anticipation of bidding, that this was a reproduction item and that is was a 
reproduction of the worst kind.  I explained to him what a Crapola is and he 
that I did not know what I was talking about as this was just like his great 
grandmother's wonderful Victrola.  Yea, I know, a Victrola with a horn!!  
Anyway, I stood in total disbelief as the Crapola sold for over $1000.00!!!

After the auction, I shared some lessons of learning (Phonograph 101) with 
the auctioneer.  He did not want to hear it!  He said that although he did not 
know that the item was not genuine, it was the buyers responsibility to know 
what he was bidding on.  I could tell that the auctioneer really did not care 
he only wanted the money.  The buyer left with big smiles and could not wait 
to show off his new prized possession.  He left in such a hurry that I could 
not get to him to share a little insight.  Maybe it was a blessing as the smile 
and happiness that he showed of owning this 'prized' item was a true Kodak 

Junk is out there.  It always has and always will be.  Unless one knows any 
better, junk will still sell.  Some folks, like the auctioneer may not know any 
better, but as in the example, they sure don't care about learning.  It's a 
buy at your own risk market!

My hats off to anyone that tries to keep one from getting burned.  Thanks to 
the individual in this group for taking the time to write the ebay seller as 
an effort to get the facts straight.  As true lovers of these things called 
phonographs, and the fantastic joy that this hobby of collecting brings, it is 
our responsibility keep the hobby as honest and wholesome as possible.  It 
begins with each individual.  

I continue to promote the hobby so that there will be collectors out there 
when we are gone.  I am grateful that my daughters love the hobby and have 
already picked out which phonographs they want to put in their homes.  In fact, 
they have names for each machine.  My youngest daughter's favorite is the 
0 and she named it 'Sunny' when she was small.

I have had the fortunes of meeting many nice people along the way that have 
not only sold me some nice pieces, but have educated me along the way.  I hope 
to be a mentor as well.

Don't get me wrong, I have also found those that are really in this hobby 
strictly for the money and will do some 'minor' under the table things to make 
profit.  If one stays in the hobby long enough, they learn about these 
individuals fast.  News travels through the clubs!  This is such a small profit 
such a large price to pay. 

Hey, as we say here in South Carolina...Y'all are a great bunch!  Thanks for 
all of the information ya'll bring to the hobby.  Keep 'er running at 
78rpms that is!

Brantley   /HTML
From rich-m...@octoxol.com  Wed Mar 12 11:29:17 2008
From: rich-m...@octoxol.com (Rich)
Date: Wed Mar 12 11:30:38 2008
Subject: [Phono-L] Franken-Crapophone
In-Reply-To: bay123-dav106de15d3979ee9f376d7eaa...@phx.gbl