[PHP-DB] strange mysqli error

2006-08-22 Thread Richard K Miller
Good afternoon.  I'm getting a weird mysqli error in my object  
destructor.  Here's an example:


$db = new mysqli('localhost', USERNAME, PASSWORD, DATABASE);

class Test
function __construct()
global $db;

$db-query(SELECT 'test');

function __destruct()
global $db;

$db-query(SELECT 'test');  // line 20
print_r($db-error);  // line 21

$test = new Test();


A. On my dev machine (Mac OS X + PHP 5.1.4 + MySQL 5.0.19) I get the  
following errors EVERY time:
Warning: mysqli::query() [function.mysqli-query]: Couldn't fetch  
mysqli in /Users/richard/Projects/data/private/mgftest.php on line 20
Warning: Test::__destruct() [function.Test---destruct]: Couldn't  
fetch mysqli in /Users/richard/Projects/data/private/mgftest.php on  
line 21

B. On my production server (FreeBSD + PHP 5.1.2 + MySQL 5.0.19) I  
SOMETIMES get the following error: (If I refresh the page repeatedly,  
sometimes there's an error, sometimes not.)
Warning: mysqli::query() [function.query]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in / 
usr/local/www/data/private/mgftest.php on line 20

C. On a commercial web host (PHP 5.0.4 + MySQL 5.0.22) I NEVER get  
any errors.

There's nothing else in my error logs, $db-errno is 0, and $db-error  
is empty.  Interestingly, I never get any errors from the constructor.

Any ideas?


Richard K. Miller

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] In_Array in Query

2006-08-22 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm wondering if something like this is possible, where $array is an  

$query = select id from table where in_array(row,'$user_area');

Is it possible to see if the value of a particular row is in an  
array? I know I could create a loop where it would go through each  
one, but I was hoping not to do something like the following:

$query = select id from table where row = $user_area[0] OR row =  
$user_area[1] OR row = $user_area[2]

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

Re: [PHP-DB] In_Array in Query

2006-08-22 Thread Chris

Kevin Murphy wrote:

I'm wondering if something like this is possible, where $array is an array.

$query = select id from table where in_array(row,'$user_area');

Is it possible to see if the value of a particular row is in an array? I 
know I could create a loop where it would go through each one, but I was 
hoping not to do something like the following:

$query = select id from table where row = $user_area[0] OR row = 
$user_area[1] OR row = $user_area[2]

Not really.

There is a slight shortcut:

$query = select id from table where row in ( . implode(',', 
$user_area) . );

which does much the same (your db converts it internally).

That assumes 'user_area' only contains numbers, any strings in there and 
you'll have to create a loop so you can use the proper escaping function 
(depending on your db).

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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP-DB] In_Array in Query

2006-08-22 Thread Bastien Koert
not as sucj, but you could consider a sub-select (providiing your version of 
mysql supports it)

something like this might also work

$query = select id from table where somefield [in|=|like] (. 


From: Kevin Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP-DB] In_Array in Query
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 18:13:11 -0700

I'm wondering if something like this is possible, where $array is an  

$query = select id from table where in_array(row,'$user_area');

Is it possible to see if the value of a particular row is in an  array? I 
know I could create a loop where it would go through each  one, but I was 
hoping not to do something like the following:

$query = select id from table where row = $user_area[0] OR row =  
$user_area[1] OR row = $user_area[2]

Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php