[PHP-DB] Decimal places.

2002-10-29 Thread Andrew Wilson
Hay guys, 
I have two variables ( integers ) that are being minused one from the other
and i am printing the result to the screen but i am getting unwanted
print ($eall - $sall) / 1000;

My question is what is the easiest way to strip decimals off the above
result. The only way i know around it is if i piped the above statement into
another varible and set that variable to an integer then printed that. 

I dont really want to do this as i will end up with 50 extra variables.
Thanks in advance for your comments. 

Andrew Wilson 
Technical Support 
Netway Networks 


Netway Networks Pty Ltd 
(T) 8920 8877 
(F) 8920 8866 

RE: [PHP-DB] ping2

2002-09-04 Thread Andrew Wilson

Hi, four questions.

1) Are you using linux ?
2) Will this I.P that you want to ping be stored in the script internally or
fed to it at time of running?
3) Does it have to be in Php ?
4) Will this script be run on the same server as your webserver ?

-Original Message-
From: bo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] ping2

I just figured out how to retrieve ip but instantly thought of something
more, how do I make it as an href link once I got the ip?



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Netway Networks Pty Ltd 
(T) 8920 8877 
(F) 8920 8866 

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