Re: [PHP-DB] Help me please

2004-11-08 Thread Arné Klopper
Have you set up a ODBC connection ?
You must set up a ODBC connection in the ODBC Sources that is usually in you 
Control Panel or Administrator Tools.
You must put it as a System DNS and set up the connection, so your local system 
know where to find the database.
Kind Regards
Arné Klopper

NetCB Solutions (Pty) Ltd.
Office: +27 12 997 3007
Fax: 27 12 997 3629
Mobile: +27 84 513 4119

 Petrus Ali Saputra [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2004/11/08 05:55:45 AM 

Can anyone here help me how to connect to an ODBC data?
Here is my code: $odbc = odbc_connect(Ta Fara,,);
And this is the result: Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: 
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no 
default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in d:\my 
documents\my webs\projects\ta fara\main\admin\config.php on line 2

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[PHP-DB] Re: One to Many Select Statement

2004-09-13 Thread Arné Klopper

My suggestion is:

select u.username, g.group_name from usertable u inner join grouptable g on;


Arn Klopper
System Developer
NetCB Solution(Pty) Ltd.

Looking for clarification...Say that I have a user table and group table -

-- user table --id username1 foo

-- group table --id user_id group_name1 1 group_12 1 group_2

Would this be the proper way to construct a select statement for this -select u.username, g.group_name from user u, group gwhere = g.user_id and = 1;

The results should look like this -username group_namefoo group 1foo group 2

What I would like to clarify, is if this is the proper (only) way to construct a one to many select statement?

I've always thought I was doing something illegal, since username is displayed more than once, and I would like to shake that thoughtoff my back.

Thanks for your input..

Re: [PHP-DB] DATABASE error on form submission.

2004-08-31 Thread Arné Klopper
Can you access the other POST variables, if not put quotation marks around 
method=post, also try using instead of op something else...
Kind Regards
Arné Klopper

NetCB Solutions (Pty) Ltd.
Office: +27 12 997 3007
Fax: 27 12 997 3629
Mobile: +27 84 513 4119

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2004/08/31 09:58:39 AM 

Dear Friends,

I have a reply form which writes to database, however it gives an error 
posted below.
Guidance, please.

Error when I keep op like 'op'
Notice: Undefined index: op in 
\\premfs15\sites\pre15\mrbupeace\webroot\replytopost.php on line 7

error when I keep op like op without inverted comma's gives two different 

Notice: Use of undefined constant op - assumed 'op' in 
\\premfs15\sites\pre15\mrbupeace\webroot\replpost.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: op in 
\\premfs15\sites\premium15\mrbushforpeace\webroot\replytopost.php on line 7
Code of the script
//connect to server and select database; we'll need it soon
$conn = mysql_connect(, mr, p) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(mr,$conn)  or die(mysql_error());

//check to see if we're showing the form or adding the post
if ($_POST['op'] != addpost) {
   // showing the form; check for required item in query string
   if (!$_GET['post_id']) {
header(Location: topiclist.php);

   //still have to verify topic and post
   $verify = select ft.topic_id, ft.topic_title from forum_posts as fp left 
join forum_topics as ft on fp.topic_id = ft.topic_id where fp.post_id = 
   $verify_res = mysql_query($verify, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
   if (mysql_num_rows($verify_res)  1) {
   //this post or topic does not exist
   header(Location: topiclist.php);
   } else {
   //get the topic id and title
   $topic_id = mysql_result($verify_res,0,'topic_id');
   $topic_title = stripslashes(mysql_result($verify_res, 

   titlePost Your Reply in $topic_title/title
   h1Post Your Reply in $topic_title/h1
   form method=post action=\$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\
   pstrongYour E-Mail Address:/strongbr
   input type=\text\ name=\post_owner\ size=40 maxlength=150

   PstrongPost Text:/strongbr
   textarea name=\post_text\ rows=8 cols=40 wrap=virtual/textarea

   input type=\hidden\ name=\op\ value=\addpost\
   input type=\hidden\ name=\topic_id\ value=\$topic_id\

   Pinput type=\submit\ name=\submit\ value=\Add Post\/p

} else if ($_POST[op] == addpost) {
   //check for required items from form
   if ((!$_POST['topic_id']) || (!$_POST['post_text']) || 
(!$_POST['post_owner'])) {
   header(Location: topiclist.php);

   //add the post
   $add_post = insert into forum_posts values ('', '$_POST[topic_id]', 
'$_POST[post_text]', now(), '$_POST[post_owner]');
   mysql_query($add_post,$conn) or die(mysql_error());

   //redirect user to topic


Re: [PHP-DB] Enabling LDAP support

2004-08-03 Thread Arné Klopper
Have you checked the extensions directory where the .dll file is located in the 
httpd.conf file.

I've been running LDAP for the last 3 weeks, so if you need any help contac tme.


Kind Regards
Arné Klopper

NetCB (Pty) Ltd.
Office: +27 12 997 3007
Fax: 27 12 997 3629
Mobile: +27 84 513 4119
 Philip Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/02/04 3:27 PM 
Hi again all.

Sorry to bug you again. But I thought I would throw this out here again 
and see if anyone has any input. It would be greatly appreciated.

I am running PHP on a Windows 2000 Server, and I need to enable LDAP 
support. So I have viewed the page on how to get LDAP 
running. However, I have run into a snag.

I have copied the two required .dlls (libeay32  ssleay32) into the 
system folder. I also put the configuration option 'ldap.max_links = 
-1' in my php.ini file. Is there anything else I need to add to the 
.ini file? I tried uncommenting the extension for php_ldap.dll, 
thinking that that might make it work... but it didn't.

Anyone have any suggestions b/c I'm stuck?


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