[PHP-DB] Multi Page Form

2004-10-05 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
Hidden fields are preferred to visible fields and far preferred to query string data, 
but hidden fields can still be modified. The user can save the form page on their 
desktop, modify the html source (and include the full http path in the form action) 
then use their browser to send the modified form on to the server. Do most people have 
that much time on their hands? Of course not. But it's still a risk. (As is a session 
hijack too.)

Why not create some HEAP tables that will work as session tables, and just insert the 
data into the HEAP tables, then when you're done, do an INSERT INTO...SELECT to take 
the data from the HEAP table and store it in the real table (then DELETE the entries 
from the temporary HEAP table)? That way you're not passing the data page to page, but 
storing it as you go.

RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Basic MySQL Query Question

2004-08-16 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
That's what escapeshellcmd() is for - never ever trust user data. At minimum, I would 
always use addslashes() or the new mysql_real_escape_string() around every bit of user 
data if it's touching the db. At minimum, and in lieu of data validation that is 
really checking what the user entered (alpha plus spaces, hyphen, period, apostrophe 
only) I would do this:

$query = Insert into members (name) values ('.addslashes($_POST['name']).');

-Original Message-
From:   Ed Lazor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Mon 8/16/2004 10:06 AM
To: 'Torsten Roehr'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Basic MySQL Query Question
Is it just me or is this a very bad thing from a security standpoint?  It
seems to me that user input should always be filtered before use.  Otherwise
there's nothing stopping a hacker from embedding sql into the value of the
name variable.

 -Original Message-
 Insert into members (name) values ($_POST['name']);

[PHP-DB] RE: SQL Insert problem

2004-08-05 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
All you have done here is just assigned the query string to a variable. This alone 
does absolutely nothing as far as the db is concerned. You need to execute the query 
against the db for it to have an effect. The mysql_query() function is used for all 
queries, not just selects.

$sql = INSERT INTO rmarequest (firstname, lastname, address, address2,
city, state, zip, phone, email, serial, product, reason, rmanumber)VALUES
('$firstname', '$lastname', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip', '$phone',
'$email', '$serial', '$product', '$reason', '$rmanumber');

$result = mysql_query ($sql, $connect) or die (mysql_error($connect));

-Original Message-
From:   Vincent Jordan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 8/5/2004 7:24 AM
Subject:SQL Insert problem
Im having a problem inserting data. Ive looked over this again and again and
can not find what ive missed. Everything else works besides the db insert.


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN


ini_set ('display_errors', 1);

error_reporting (E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE);

// Define 

$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];


$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];


$address = $_POST['address'];


$address2 = $_POST['address2'];


$city = $_POST['city'];


$state = $_POST['state'];


$zip = $_POST['zip'];


$phone = $_POST['phone'];


$email = $_POST['email'];


$serial = $_POST['serial'];


$product = $_POST['product'];


$reason = $_POST['reason'];


$gold = $_POST['gold_button_y'];


$goldaccount = $_POST['goldaccount'];


$rmanumber = $lastname{0}.date(ndyGi);


$connect = mysql_connect(SERVER , USER, PASSWORD) or die

$select = mysql_select_db (spdata) or die (mysql_error());

$sql = INSERT INTO rmarequest (firstname, lastname, address, address2,
city, state, zip, phone, email, serial, product, reason, rmanumber)VALUES
('$firstname', '$lastname', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip', '$phone',
'$email', '$serial', '$product', '$reason', '$rmanumber') or die

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {



// Send  and put in email message

$htmlheader = Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\n;

$htmlheader .= Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit;

$header = $from; // set the from field in the header

$header .= \n; // add a line feed

$header .= MIME-version: 1.0\n; //add the mime-version header

$header .= $htmlheader.\n;

$from = From: RMA Request [EMAIL PROTECTED];

$message = $firstname $lastname
















// Send email to support

mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], RMA Request, $message, $header);


html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;


titleUntitled Document/title



pstrongRMA Request Sent/strong/p

pYour RMA Number is strong ? echo $rmanumber ? /strong /p

pPlease include a note within your package with your shipping address,
phone number and discription of the problem.br /When shipping Smart Parts
reccomends insuring your package for the full replacment cost. 

We also advise purchasing tracking services if using the postal

pstrongShip your return to: /strong/p

pSmart Parts, Incbr /

ATTN ? echo $rmanumber ?br /

Loyanhanna Business Complexbr /

100 Station St.br /

Loyalhanna Pa. 15661/p

pbr /

  Please allow up to one week for package delivery.

For status information please call 800-992-2147 and ask for the returns

a href=# onClick=window.print();Click Here to print this page/abr

a href=form.htmClick here to return to RMA Request form/a




[PHP-DB] RE: Urgent JOIN help needed

2004-07-31 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
Why you are getting multiple results is because a JOIN attempts to find all the 
possible combinations in the output. (It's called a Cartesian product, not that you 
care at this very moment.) Also, when doing joins, it's a bad idea to do a select * 
since you will have two fields with the same value (the field on which you are 
joining. Also, it's best to use the . notation for table reference so that you have no 
abiguity. This is one picky note, but not all dbs are as flexible as MySQL: when you 
are specifying the ON clause, your LEFT table should always be the table to the LEFT 
of the equal sign. MySQL does not care, but it's good practice. I would change it to:

$sql = SELECT vendorprices.*, fooditems.Description FROM vendorprices LEFT JOIN 
fooditems on (vendorprices.VendorNumber = fooditems.CategoryNumber) WHERE 
(vendorprices.CategoryNumber = '$VendorID').

You are on the right track with LEFT Join, that is precisely what is needed for the 
output you want.

-Original Message-
From:   Chris Payne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Fri 7/30/2004 8:25 PM
Subject:Urgent JOIN help needed
Hi there everyone,


I'm new to JOINS and have followed some info in the MySQL manual but I'm at
a loss, using the code I'll paste below, I get each result 4 times and I am
confused as to why?  Basically I'm trying to display ALL fields from the
vendorprices table, and grab just the Description column from the fooditems
table, the factor which joins them both is the string $VendorID which in the
vendorprices table is VendorNumber and in the fooditems table is


$sql = SELECT * FROM vendorprices LEFT JOIN fooditems on
(vendorprices.VendorNumber = fooditems.CategoryNumber AND
fooditems.CategoryNumber = '$VendorID') WHERE
vendorprices.VendorNumber='$VendorID' AND


Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?  This is driving me nuts and I need to
figure it out urgently.


Thank you for your help.




[PHP-DB] RE: MySQL '!=' ???

2004-07-20 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
Whenever you are trying to exclude a list, you should use AND, not OR. This is a logic 
issue. However, to make it more exact, streamlined and simpler use the NOT IN clause.

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE country NOT IN ('Argentina', 'USA', 'Mexico', etc.)

-Original Message-
Sent:   Tue 7/20/2004 4:40 PM
Subject:[BULK] - php-db Digest 20 Jul 2004 23:40:15 - Issue 2503

php-db Digest 20 Jul 2004 23:40:15 - Issue 2503

Topics (messages 35403 through 35420):

Re: howto get PK id after INSERT??
35403 by: Vincent Jordan
35404 by: Jason Wong
35405 by: jeffrey_n_Dyke.Keane.com
35410 by: John W. Holmes

MySQL '!=' ???
35406 by: Tristan.Pretty.risk.sungard.com
35407 by: Hutchins, Richard
35408 by: VANDOORINE A RsrhCppRfaRva

Re: Wait Statement... ?
35409 by: John W. Holmes
35413 by: Daevid Vincent
35414 by: John W. Holmes
35415 by: Ignatius Reilly
35416 by: Pablo M. Rivas
35417 by: Tim Van Wassenhove
35418 by: Jason Wong
35420 by: John W. Holmes

Re: DB table creation question
35411 by: Swan, Nicole

pg_end_copy error using PHP with PostgreSQL
35412 by: Robert Fitzpatrick

Concurrent rutines
35419 by: Luis Morales


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Re: [PHP-DB] DB table creation question

2004-07-20 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
In addition to making sure both tables are type InnoDB, also make sure you have 
indexed both the foreign key and its corresponding reference first (this will fix the 
obtuse errno(150) message).

One suggestion I have is to take a bootcamp style class, even online, to solidify the 
grasp of database concepts. I created my first site without completely understanding 
data modelling, other than the lip service paid in the reference books - sure we can 
all list the five norms but to apply that knowledge is another thing. and I cringe at 
some of the hacks I then employed. I'm sure you're under a tight deadline, but take it 
from someone who learned the hard (and hardheaded) way, it's worth your time to take a 
class first. Or, it may be time to hire a consultant to work with you one on one. 
There are plenty of developers who would love to break down everything for you, so 
long as they are compensated for their time.

[PHP-DB] RE: Case sensitive search

2004-07-18 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
Two options:

1. Use ALTER to make the field BINARY.

2. Use the BINARY modifier in your SELECT

select * from test where BINARY data='a'

-Original Message-
From:   Rosen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Sun 7/18/2004 2:45 AM
Subject:Case sensitive search
I have a simple table:

test (
  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  data varchar(30) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id))

with two simple records:
id  data
1   a
2   A

When I perform select * from test where data='a'  - it return me both

By default in MySQL comparing of strings is case-insensitive.
How can I perform a case sensitive search in text fields ?

Tnanks in advance,

[PHP-DB] RE: Rewrite value from form data

2004-07-18 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
I have an even easier solution - why not just use three form fields, run a reg exp 
test on each individually for appropriate # of digits and then concatenate with - 
prior to insert?

input type=text name=area size=3 maxlength=3
input type=text name=prefix size=3 maxlength=3-
input type=text name=suffix size=4 maxlength=4

[PHP-DB] Validate value

2004-07-11 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
1. You have to allow for a space in your pattern - you can do so by hitting the space 
bar or using \s. Here are some options

  $pattern=/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/;



2. Do you want other characters besides numbers in the phone, such as 333-333-?
Otherwise, this should do it:


[PHP-DB] Web host offering beta versions?

2004-07-08 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
Does anyone know of a free/low cost Web host that lets you play with PHP 5 and MySQL 
4.1? Thanks

[PHP-DB] mysql versus mysqli versus db abstraction

2004-07-06 Thread Jensen, Kimberlee
I was wondering how many of you have made the switch to mysqli from the mysql library? 
I teach a class in PHP/MySQL and want to keep current with what industry folks are 
doing. I did not immediately adopt mysqli into my classroom and am wondering if it's 
I was also wondering how many of you are working strictly with DB abstraction classes 
at this point. 
Any input you can share is most appreciated.
Cheers, Kimberlee Jensen