Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-04 Thread Markus Wolff - NorthClick
Am Donnerstag, den 04.10.2007, 10:53 +1000 schrieb Chris:
  mmh wonder what could possibly be wrong when even trying 777? :-)
 Some hosts check for and disable access to files that have wide-open 
 permissions - usually when php is running as a cgi but I've seen it when 
 using mod_php too.

Hi Chris,

I've tried on a number of machines that have been setup either by me or
an admin I know. So I can say with some confidence that this is not the
case here :-)

 If you try something other than 777 what happens? (644 just to see if 
 you can open it, then work on writing to it).

As one would expect, this yields a different exception because the
webserver can't open the database for write access anymore:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 14 unable to open database
file in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 6

 Can you see the file from this script?
 $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/frontend.db';
 echo is_file($file) . 'br?';



Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Markus Wolff

NorthClick GmbH

Gasstr. 10 - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 8 22 44 999 - Fax: 040 8 22 44 998

Geschäftsführer: F. Detzner | M. Henze | C. Springub
Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 94459

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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-04 Thread Markus Wolff - NorthClick
Am Mittwoch, den 03.10.2007, 20:25 +0300 schrieb Thodoris:
 I came up with this try to edit your php.ini and in case you use
 pdo_sqlite extension then change the order of the loaded modules to

Still no change - and the CLI version of PHP was configured in the same
order as the mod_php version anyway, so there wouldn't be a difference.

 You could also define the full path of the extensions like this:

Actually, the full path seems to be some kind of hardcoded into the
build (at least that's the case with the Debian package of PHP I'm
currently working with), so no point in repeating that in the php.ini.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Markus Wolff

NorthClick GmbH

Gasstr. 10 - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 8 22 44 999 - Fax: 040 8 22 44 998

Geschäftsführer: F. Detzner | M. Henze | C. Springub
Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 94459

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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-03 Thread Markus Wolff

Chris schrieb:

It can't be file permissions, I've even tried to set the database file
to 777... no change at all.

My guess is still permissions. If you try a raw fopen instead of using 
pdo, what happens?

ini_set('display_errors', true);
$fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db', 'r');
if ($fp) {
  echo Opened dbbr/\n;
} else {
  echo Unable to open dbbr/\n;

Hey Chris,

mmh wonder what could possibly be wrong when even trying 777? :-)

Anyway, just to make sure (and because I'm desperate enough to grasp for
straws right now), I tried exacly what you proposed and it still yields
the same results.

Thanks for your suggestion anyway, sometimes one forgets to try the most
obvious things first :-)


Markus Wolff

NorthClick GmbH

Gasstr. 10 - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 8 22 44 999 - Fax: 040 8 22 44 998

Geschäftsführer: F. Detzner | M. Henze | C. Springub Amtsgericht Hamburg,
HRB 94459

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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-03 Thread Markus Wolff

Hey there,

I've double-checked on three different machines now, and I'm always 
getting the same error. All having different versions of PHP, Apache, 
PDO and SQLite. So I figure it must be something that I'm doing wrong. I 
just can't figure out what it is - and I'm puzzled because I had used 
SQLite before (although briefly) and don't think I'm doing anything 
different than before.

Anyway, here's what I'm doing, step-by-step:

# sqlite3 frontend.db

Here I insert the following SQL script:

CREATE TABLE website (
always_expand INTEGER

parent_id INTEGER,
website_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
title TEXT,
link TEXT,
depth INTEGER,
visible INTEGER,
element_id INTEGER,
nav_path TEXT,
protected INTEGER,
sort_order INTEGER

Then I exit the client and make the PHP script:

# nano test.php

The content of the script still being that of my original message.
Then I adjust the rights:

# chown apache:apache frontend.db
# chmod 777 frontend.db

Then I execute the script on the command line:

# php test.php

No error.

Then I call the script on the website, one of the examples being:

The script still manages to open the database and do a SELECT query, but 
throws the said exception when trying to do the DELETE statement.

These are all the steps that are involved to reproduce the error on 
three machines. No more, no less. Now, have I overlooked anything? Am I 
missing something really, really stupid? Or is it some kind of a bug? 
But certainly that could not have gone unnoticed for so long? (Tested on 
PHP versions 5.1.4, 5.2.0 and 5.2.4).


Markus Wolff - NorthClick schrieb:

Hey there,

I'm trying to open an SQLite3 database from a PHP very simple PHP

$db = dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db';
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:'.$db);
$pdo-query(SELECT * FROM page LIMIT 1);
echo Deleting pages\n;   
$pdo-query(DELETE FROM page);

echo Deleting websites\n;
$pdo-query(DELETE FROM website);

The database file contains no data whatsoever, just the table
definitions (in case you were wondering, this is a stripped-down version
of a larger script for debugging purposes, hence the seemingly idiotic
DELETE statements that won't do any good in an empty database anyway,
but I digress...).

When executed on the command line, this works perfectly. When I execute
the same script via Apache and mod_php, I'm getting this exception:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 SQL logic error or
missing database in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 8

Getting experimental, I've tried to change the calls for the DELETE
statements from $pdo-query() to $pdo-exec(), just to see what happens.
Well, what happens is that I'm getting a different error:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 14 unable to open database
file in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 6

Argh... what can possibly be wrong here? The script works from the
commandline, with the exact same PHP version (Debian package, PHP
5.2.0-8+etch7, and we also tried upgrading to the latest Debian package
of 5.2.4, to no avail).

It can't be file permissions, I've even tried to set the database file
to 777... no change at all.

Does this ring a bell with anyone here?


Markus Wolff

NorthClick GmbH

Gasstr. 10 - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 8 22 44 999 - Fax: 040 8 22 44 998

Geschäftsführer: F. Detzner | M. Henze | C. Springub Amtsgericht Hamburg,
HRB 94459

PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Build a form that returns to the parent window

2007-10-03 Thread Markus Wolff
This is not really a database question, but here's something to point 
you in the right direction...

In your main page insert this Javascript function:

function sayHello(name) {
   alert(Hello +name);

In the newly-opened window (it's important that this window has been 
opened by the main page, preferrably using, do this:

input type=text onchange=window.opener.sayHello(this.value); /

This should do the trick for you. The opener property of the window 
object holds a reference to the main window.


Thodoris schrieb:

Hi guys,
   I have been working on a project for some time now and I'm trying to 
make a form that includes (many things and) an edit box with a button by 
it. I want this button to open a pop-up window and include a search form 
that queries a database and return to its self the result set in a table 
in which the last cell contains a link (or button). This link should 
return to the parent window a value of this specific row.
   Well I have build the whole interface and since php is server side I 
thought I could write this including javascript. Non of my experiments 
worked because the pop-up window does not returm to the parent window 
something. I searched through the web and nothing seems to do the magic 
for me. Please any suggestions would be welcome cause I have been 
working on this for several hours as we speak.

Markus Wolff

NorthClick GmbH

Gasstr. 10 - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 8 22 44 999 - Fax: 040 8 22 44 998

Geschäftsführer: F. Detzner | M. Henze | C. Springub Amtsgericht Hamburg,
HRB 94459

PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-02 Thread Markus Wolff - NorthClick
Hey there,

I'm trying to open an SQLite3 database from a PHP very simple PHP

$db = dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db';
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:'.$db);
$pdo-query(SELECT * FROM page LIMIT 1);
echo Deleting pages\n;   
$pdo-query(DELETE FROM page);
echo Deleting websites\n;
$pdo-query(DELETE FROM website);

The database file contains no data whatsoever, just the table
definitions (in case you were wondering, this is a stripped-down version
of a larger script for debugging purposes, hence the seemingly idiotic
DELETE statements that won't do any good in an empty database anyway,
but I digress...).

When executed on the command line, this works perfectly. When I execute
the same script via Apache and mod_php, I'm getting this exception:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 SQL logic error or
missing database in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 8

Getting experimental, I've tried to change the calls for the DELETE
statements from $pdo-query() to $pdo-exec(), just to see what happens.
Well, what happens is that I'm getting a different error:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 14 unable to open database
file in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 6

Argh... what can possibly be wrong here? The script works from the
commandline, with the exact same PHP version (Debian package, PHP
5.2.0-8+etch7, and we also tried upgrading to the latest Debian package
of 5.2.4, to no avail).

It can't be file permissions, I've even tried to set the database file
to 777... no change at all.

Does this ring a bell with anyone here?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Markus Wolff

NorthClick GmbH

Gasstr. 10 - 22761 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 8 22 44 999 - Fax: 040 8 22 44 998

Geschäftsführer: F. Detzner | M. Henze | C. Springub
Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 94459

PHP Database Mailing List (
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