[PHP-DB] order by group by...

2001-09-16 Thread hassan el forkani

i am trying to build a message board in php with mysql as back end;
what i want to do is to query the database in a certain way that the result 
is returned in the correct order for php to display the discussion thread 
here is my table structure:
mysql show fields from posts
- ;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| msgid | bigint(20) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| dateadded | timestamp(14) | YES | | NULL | |
| subject | mediumblob | | | | |
| body | longblob | YES | | NULL | |
| replytopost | bigint(20) unsigned | YES | | 0 | |
| aposition | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES | | 0 | |
| thrid | bigint(20) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | |
| usrid | bigint(20) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | |
| username | varchar(50) | | | | |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
the query should look like : select * from posts where thrid = 'the id of 
the thread' order by.(this is the part i couldn't figure out);

the position of a single message into the tree is determined by the 
following criteria:
dateadded : the date in which it was added
replytopost: the post to which it belongs, if none then 0 is assigned
aposition: the absolute position of the message (horizontal)

a combination of these columns in an order by clause should (in theory) 
build the tree correctly
please advise me if i am doing something wrong here, i have tried many 
combinations without success



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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Search Results - Next 10 records

2001-09-03 Thread hassan el forkani


...and to be able to know the exact number of pages
$result = mysql_query(select count(*));
$nb_pages = $result/$nb_records_per_page;
et voila! add this to marcus's suggestion and you have a full paging script,
if you want some inspiration check out http://phpclasses.upperdesign.com i 
believe they have a class that does exactly that;


At 14:02 03/09/01, Marcus Tobias wrote:
Hi Dennis!

You can add the parameter LIMIT to your SQL query.
Syntax: LIMIT $start_record,$record_count
Example: $query_string = select * from $table where keywords like
'%$keyword%' limit 5,3;
This will return 3 records started with the 5. found record.

The startrecord has to increase on next page.
Store the current startrecord in the form and send it to the next page.

bye Marcus

Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
  Trying to figure out how to limit search results to say 10 records and
  a button to show the next 10.  Do you use PHP to do the logic, or should I
  another table column for a temporary count?  This is what I'm up to so
  Thanks in advance
  function show_all($table, $keyword=0)// initialize to zero

 global $start_record;

 if ( !isset( $start_record ) ) $start_record = 0;

$query_string = select * from $table where keywords like '%$keyword%';

$query_string = select * from $table where keywords like '%$keyword%' limit

$entire_table = mysql_query($query_string);
$count = 0;
print(TABLE BORDER=1 width=700\n);
  while ($cols_rows = mysql_fetch_array($entire_table)) {
if ($count  4){
  print(td bgcolor=azure);
  print(font size=3);
  print ($cols_rows['num']);
  print(/tdtd bgcolor=azure);
  print(font size=2);
  print ($cols_rows['site_name']);
  print(/tdtd bgcolor=azure);
  print(font size=2);
  print ($cols_rows['keywords']);
  print(/tdtd bgcolor=azure);
  print(font size=2);
  print ($cols_rows['url']);
  if ($count  3){
  print(td bgcolor=silver);
  print(font size=3);
  print ($cols_rows['num']);
  print(/tdtd bgcolor=silver);
  print(font size=2);
  print ($cols_rows['site_name']);
  print(/tdtd bgcolor=silver);
  print(font size=2);
  print ($cols_rows['keywords']);
  print(/tdtd bgcolor=silver);
  print(font size=2);
  print ($cols_rows['url']);
  print (FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='search1.php');

print(INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='start_record' VALUE='$start_record+10');

  print (INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='Next'/FORM);
print $count;

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[PHP-DB] order by group by...

2001-08-31 Thread hassan el forkani

i am trying to build a message board in php with mysql as back end;
what i want to do is to query the database in a certain way that the result 
is returned in the correct order for php to display the discussion thread 
here is my table structure:
mysql show fields from posts
- ;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| msgid | bigint(20) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| dateadded | timestamp(14) | YES | | NULL | |
| subject | mediumblob | | | | |
| body | longblob | YES | | NULL | |
| replytopost | bigint(20) unsigned | YES | | 0 | |
| aposition | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES | | 0 | |
| thrid | bigint(20) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | |
| usrid | bigint(20) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | |
| username | varchar(50) | | | | |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
the query should look like : select * from posts where thrid = 'the id of 
the thread' order by.(this is the part i couldn't figure out);

the position of a single message into the tree is determined by the 
following criteria:
dateadded : the date in which it was added
replytopost: the post to which it belongs, if none then 0 is assigned
aposition: the absolute position of the message (horizontal)

a combination of these columns in an order by clause should (in theory) 
build the tree correctly
please advise me if i am doing something wrong here, i have tried many 
combinations without success



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Re: [PHP-DB] Getting info from Cookie

2001-08-15 Thread hassan el forkani


At 09:57 15/08/01, Cato Larsen wrote:
How can you extract a certain form of info from a Cookie?

Im my case the cookie name is crispy. It has been stored with a session id
and a charnick.

How do I extract the charnick and use it in the page as $charnick or

Best Regards

Cato Larsen

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Re: [PHP-DB] True and Flase in mysql !!

2001-05-10 Thread hassan el forkani

you could also use a char(0) field in which case you can only have two possible 
records: NULL and ' ' (empty string)

09/05/01 22:42:04, Zak Greant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Use an enum field.


- Original Message -
From: DesClub.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] True and Flase in mysql !!

hi all ..
What is the best way to create True\Flase field in mysql ??


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