RE: [PHP-DB] Value of $_POST['submit']

2008-11-27 Thread Martin, Steve (MAN-Corporate)
When I'm developing a number of pages and don't keep track of every
variable or form name (etc), I plant a print_r($_POST); at the top of
the page, so there's no guessing what gets sent to the page . . . 

If you have an empty $_POST array, then the form isn't using
action=post, or you didn't code your button as type=submit (?)

Just suggestions - since I can't see the code.


- Original Message - 
From: Ron Piggott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 7:02 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Value of $_POST['submit']

I am working on the following web page tonight:

 I am trying to program the Load Previous Issue Random Issue and
 Load Next Issue buttons.

 I am using Ajax to pass the date the user is requesting to the PHP
 script for processing.

 I am wondering how my PHP script may access the value of value of
 $_POST['submit'].  At present echo $_POST['submit']; doesn't give me a
 value.  Consequently all queries to the mySQL database fail.


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[PHP-DB] Saving Data to a csv file

2005-03-10 Thread Lens Man

I'm trying to make a downloadable csv file from a address database based on
PHP and MySQL.
I have a script for getting the data (no problem so far) but I want to have
the data delivered as a starting downlaod in csv format.
Can anyone give me a helping hand?

Thx in advance


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2003-02-26 Thread MaN
And also use $_POST[SUBMIT] or set register_globals On

 You need to register you varible first with the session

 -Original Message-
 From: David Rice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:10 PM

 Here's something i can't get working it won't go to the last clause of
 page i don't think it can set the session variable

 anyone see what im doing wrong? i need more caffeine to get my brain fired
 up today lol..


 ? session_start();?
 ? if ( !$SUBMIT ){ ?
 form action=? echo $PHP_SELF; ? method=post name=TEST
 input name=name type=text value=name size=20 maxlength=20
 input name=SUBMIT type=submit value=SUBMIT

 $_SESSION[name] = $HTTP_POST_VARS[name];
 a href=? echo $PHP_SELF; ? next /a
 elseif( ( $SUBMIT )  (  isset ( $_SESSION[name] ) ) ) {
 echo $_SESSION[name];

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[PHP-DB] Storing IP into DB

2003-01-30 Thread web man

I wondered if anyone could help me.
I would like to store the user IP only once
per multiple visits.
The code below store the user IP on every visit
which is not my intention.
Please I would like to have the IP stored at once upon
repetitive visits of the user.
Below is my code


$ip_address = getenv (REMOTE_ADDR); 
$the_date = date(Y-m-D);
$connect = mysql_connect(localhost, user, pass) or die(Cant Connect!);
mysql_select_db(ipvisits)or die(Cant Connect To Database);
mysql_query(INSERT into visitorsips (ip, date) VALUES ('$ip_address', '$the_date'));


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[PHP-DB] Storing IP into DB

2003-01-30 Thread web man

I wondered if anyone could help me.
I would like to store the user IP only once
per multiple visits.
The code below store the user IP on every visit
which is not my intention.
Please I would like to have the IP stored at once upon
repetitive visits of the user.
Below is my code


$ip_address = getenv (REMOTE_ADDR); 
$the_date = date(Y-m-D);
$connect = mysql_connect(localhost, user, pass) or die(Cant Connect!);
mysql_select_db(ipvisits)or die(Cant Connect To Database);
mysql_query(INSERT into visitorsips (ip, date) VALUES ('$ip_address', '$the_date'));


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[PHP-DB] Connecting to Mysql Server

2003-01-29 Thread web man


How can I change the default connecting port using php script.


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[PHP-DB] Basic HTTP authentication

2003-01-24 Thread web man
hi GUys
Please this may sound too elementary but 
I need your help.
How can I configure apache httpd.con file in
order to support the use of Basic HTTP authentication.
I am using apache 1.3.26 on windows.

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[PHP-DB] Basic HTTP authentication

2003-01-24 Thread web man
hi GUys
Please this may sound too elementary but 
I need your help.
How can I configure apache httpd.con file in
order to support the use of Basic HTTP authentication.
I am using apache 1.3.26 on windows.

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[PHP-DB] using Flat File

2003-01-22 Thread web man


I have posted my question to this list before but I did not get a help that I was 

All I wanted to do is to give access for the users to view a page in which the below 
code is embedded. The user will enter his/her username and password.

But the code is not working.

I don't know what to think. 

I need your help guys. Don't let me die on this code 


 $auth = false;
 if (isset( $PHP_AUTH_USER )   isset($PHP_AUTH_PW)) {

 $filename = 'c:\\php_data\\file.txt';
 $f = @fopen($filename, r);
  if ($f != FALSE)
  {$a = @fread($f, filesize($filename));
   echo Could not open file;

 $lines = explode ( \n, $file_contents );

 foreach ( $lines as $line ) {

 list( $username, $password ) = explode( ':', $line );

 if ( ( $username == $PHP_AUTH_USER ) amp;amp;
  ( $password == $PHP_AUTH_PW ) ) {

 $auth = true;



 if ( ! $auth ) {

 header( 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=Private' );
 header( 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized' );
 echo 'Authorization Required.';

 } else {

 echo 'PYou are authorized!/P';


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[PHP-DB] using Flat File

2003-01-21 Thread web man

Hi Guys,

i wondered if there any assistance you could do for me on this code.

I have called on God many times to assist me but He did not respond.

I hope you would.

What I am trying to do is to allow certain users to view a certain page . I stored 
their names and passwords in a file.txt

But the is not working is there any help??


$auth = false;  
if (isset( $PHP_AUTH_USER ) amp;amp; isset($PHP_AUTH_PW)) {  

$filename = 'c:\\php_data\\file.txt'; 
$f = @fopen($filename, r);  
 if ($f != FALSE)  
 {$a = @fread($f, filesize($filename)); 
  echo Could not open file;  

$lines = explode ( \n, $file_contents );  

foreach ( $lines as $line ) {  

list( $username, $password ) = explode( ':', $line );  

if ( ( $username == $PHP_AUTH_USER ) amp;amp;  
 ( $password == $PHP_AUTH_PW ) ) {  


$auth = true;  



if ( ! $auth ) {  

header( 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=Private' );  
header( 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized' );  
echo 'Authorization Required.';  

} else {  

echo 'PYou are authorized!/P';  


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[PHP-DB] interbase

2001-04-24 Thread man


I tried to connect to remote Interbase server. There is a result below:

Warning: InterBase: Unable to complete network request to host
"". Failed to locate host machine. Undefined service
gds_db/tcp. in ...

File services on remote Interbase server contains:


Could you help me to resolve this problem?

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