Re: [PHP-DB] Database backup

2003-08-27 Thread otherguy

This question might be a little bit more relevant on the mySQL-help 
list... At the very least, if that page doesn't do it for you, you 
might be able to get a little bit more expertise about backups of very 
large installations there.

-Cameron Wilhelm

On Tuesday, August 26, 2003, at 03:46  PM, Chris Payne wrote:

Hi there everyone,

Is there a quick way I can backup all my databases on Linux so I can 
download them to my HD/Burn them onto CD?

I've started a very large travel project and there is going to be over 
100 DB's in the end, each with who knows how many tables and going 
through PHPMyADMIN and exporting 1 DB at a time is going to take 

My Server is the Rehat Linux 8.0 with Apache and MySQL and PHP.

Thanks, any help would be really appreciated (And save me alot of 

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Re: [PHP-DB] sql or php?

2003-08-14 Thread otherguy
On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 05:56  PM, Merlin wrote:

Hi there,

I am wondering if this could be done with mysql and without php, just 
I do have a table with text and another one with pictures.
Now I would like to print out all titles and mark those tests 
containing a
picture with a camera.

I tryed some LEFT JOIN stuff, and grouped it by the picture table. 
it returns always yes.

Has anybody a good idea?

It probably can be, but we need to see your table structures to provide 
any sort of useful advice.  Please post these (no data, just the table 
structure) to the list.  I might also recommend reading up on the join 
sytax on the mysql site.  There are some decent examples at the bottom 
in the user comments section.

-Cameron Wilhelm

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Re: [PHP-DB] hi (php-SSH)

2003-07-28 Thread otherguy
On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 10:19  PM, David Smith wrote:

Suman Aluru wrote:

hi ,
 is there any way to write a PHP program for SSH.
I want to establish a SSH connection and work some commands in the 
remote system and close the connection.

Yes, just do this (uses an SSH key file):

   echo Executing remote /;
   echo `ssh -i /path/to/key/file [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls /tmp`;
   echo Done executing remote /;
Use an SSH key file so you won't have to provide a password. I do this 
all the time for system administration, works great for inter-host 
If you're going to go this route, I would suggest that you read up on 
the security issues inherent in using a non-passworded key file - and 
make sure that the privileges on the remote host are set accordingly.

-Cameron Wilhelm

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Re: [PHP-DB] Access 95 ODBC Annoyance

2003-07-17 Thread otherguy
If you're deleting or modifying or re-creating any linked tables, that 
might require exclusive access.  Access will automagically put you into 
exclusive mode if you do something like this.

Try closing out as soon as you've updated the DB.

-Cameron Wilhelm

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 02:21  PM, Will Howard wrote:


The problem might be overcome by instructing the other users to make
certain they do not open the database in exclusive. I no longer have 
copy of Access 95 around, but I seem to recall that we had this problem
when the database was opened by another user who had open exclusive
checked in the dialog box where they selected the database to open. If
you go to the Open dialog box, you may see what I am talking about.

Will Howard

-Original Message-
From: J. Michael Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 12:32 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Access 95 ODBC Annoyance
I'll be the first to admit this is a rather backwards system and prone
to be illogical, but it's what was handed to me and I can't do much
about that.
I've got an ancient Access 95 database that I've linked to via another
A95 database which is queried via ODBC. It was done this way because 
not allowed to touch the first database due to the insane way they
replace the data each week. (i.e.: any of my tables would be gone, so I
need to keep 'my' data safe and link to 'their' data)

While under development, I was working with a copy of the database and
got everything to work fine. In order to go live with the current
data, I had to go into 'my' database and update the linked tables.  
this was done, my interface failed miserably and returned the following

Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The
Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 
It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need 
to view its data., SQL state S1000 in SQLExecDirect in
C:\Apache2\htdocs\projecthours\deptjobs.php on line 44

Now it gets worse: I need to be able to access the data even if someone
has it open. Read-only access isn't a problem...because that's all this
particular interface does...but I just keep getting denied. Any ideas?
Suffering under a backwards system,
PS - Access is a hunk of crap...especially Access 95.

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