Re: [PHP-DB] date problems

2007-09-07 Thread rDubya
WOW!!  Thanks for all the help guys!!  And Instruct ICC.. you're
solution for pulling the events did work.. but..  it turns out that
the solution was actually much simpler than I thought:

The old mysql database (once again, not sure what version) stored the
date as MMDDHHMMSS.  The new database stores the date as
-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.  All I had to do was adjust my code to pull only
the values and none of the delimeters (ie. -,  , and :).

But once again, thanks you guys for all the help


On 9/7/07, Instruct ICC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And while not trusting your indexing, rewrite short_date as:
 My short_date rewrite was also wrong.  So it looks like you will have to
 learn those offsets for this function if you do it on the PHP side.  But you
 could also do it on the MySQL side.

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[PHP-DB] date problems

2007-09-06 Thread rDubya
I'm having a problem with dates in php and mysql.  I run a site that
promotes dated events and concerts and has the information for each
stored in a mysql database with the timestamp field.

Here is the function that checks the date of the event to ensure it is
between now and three weeks from now (only events in this time period
are displayed on a page, with all events being displayed on another

function check_date ($mysql_timestamp, $days) {

$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($mysql_timestamp, 4, 2),
substr($mysql_timestamp, 6, 2), substr($mysql_timestamp, 0, 4));
$event_day = date(z, $timestamp);
$event_year = date(Y, $timestamp);
$actual_day = date(z);
$actual_year =  date(Y);

while ($event_year  $actual_year) {
$event_day = $event_day + 365;

if (($event_day - $actual_day) = $days  $event_day =
$actual_day) { return TRUE; }

else { return FALSE; }

Then, to display the events that fill this criteria, there is this
code for the date:

function short_date ($mysql_timestamp) {
$stimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($mysql_timestamp, 4, 2),
substr($mysql_timestamp, 6, 2), substr($mysql_timestamp, 0, 4));
$sformatted_date = date(D M j, $stimestamp);
return $sformatted_date;

My problem is that I have events dated for Sep 2007 and on, and yet
they all come up as being on Dec 7 to 9, 2006..  any ideas?


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Re: [PHP-DB] date problems

2007-09-06 Thread rDubya
Thanks for the help so far guys!!

Not helping though.  I have the date contained in the database as timestamp
(-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).  The problem is that not only is it not displaying
events, but if I alter my code so that it displays ALL events, it shows the
events for the last year, and those upcoming, as all being in the first
couple weeks of December, 2006.

Here is the script in action:

The events SHOULD display on the right column, under where it says events.
If you click to the GUIDE page, the calendar should be highlighted on the
dates where there are events, and the events in the coming weeks (as well as
concerts) should display below that (under their respective headings).

This DID work, but I recently switched hosting companies as the one I was
with has become increasingly unreliable after the company changed hands.  My
new server uses PHP 5 server, with MySQL 4.1 (I'm not 100% sure what the old
was.. I think it was PHP 4, and while I think it was the same MySQL version,
it could have been an earlier one).



also, here is the code that actually displays the events:


$db = mysql_connect(xx, user, pw) or error(mysql_error);
mysql_select_db(database, $db) or error(mysql_error);

$eventquery = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM `EVENTS` WHERE `event_city` =
'$city' ORDER BY `date` ASC, $db);

while($event_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($eventquery)) {

if (check_date($event_data[date], 21) == TRUE) {

it then displays the event information of the events within that time period
(pulled from the database, with the date being displayed using the
short_date function posted earlier)

On 9/6/07, Mike Gohlke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Argh, make sure you add the closing paren for the date_add since I
 forgot it.


 Mike Gohlke wrote:
  It's much better to use add_date instead of to_days since mysql isn't
  smart enough to do it for you.
  Such as:
  SELECT yourEventFields FROM theTable
  WHERE theEventDate BETWEEN now() AND date_add(now(), INTERVAL 21 DAYS;
  This way mysql will calc the now() and date_add and will essentially
  convert them to static values.  If there's an index on theEventDate it
  will be used.
  Instruct ICC wrote:
  From: rDubya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My problem is that I have events dated for Sep 2007 and on, and yet
  they all come up as being on Dec 7 to 9, 2006..  any ideas?
  How about having MySQL only return the events you are interested in?
  SELECT yourEventFields FROM theTable
  TO_DAYS( theEventDate ) = TO_DAYS( NOW() )
  TO_DAYS( theEventDate ) = TO_DAYS( NOW() ) + 21
  I like theEventDate to be in the format -MM-DD
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