I am trying to break this array up so that I can display each one of these
varibles independantly.  What PHP function will allow me to to this??  Or
what other way can I achieve this??  Thx  Troy

| username | Total | average         | minimum | maximum |
| eric     |    52 |              52 | 52      | 52      |
| troy     | 11436 | 84.711111111111 | 10      | 99      |
| wade     |    38 |              38 | 38      | 38      |

SELECT username, SUM(statusDuration) as 'Total',
    -> avg(statusDuration) as 'average',
    -> min(statusDuration) as 'minimum',
    -> max(statusDuration) as 'maximum' from workerLogs group by username;

Array ( [0] => eric [1] => eric [2] => 52 [3] => 52 [4] => 52 [5] => 52 [6]
=> 52 [7] => 52 [8] => 52 [9] => 52 ) Array ( [0] => troy [1] => troy [2] =>
35651 [3] => 35651 [4] => 176.4900990099 [5] => 176.4900990099 [6] => 10 [7]
=> 10 [8] => 99 [9] => 99 ) Array ( [0] => wade [1] => wade [2] => 38 [3] =>
38 [4] => 38 [5] => 38 [6] => 38 [7] => 38 [8] => 38 [9] => 38 )

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