Beau Lebens wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I am having great difficulties with an online app that I am developing.
> To avoid issues with file permissions etc, I am saving files into a MySQL
> database (soon to be PostgreSQL), which works marvellously. Along with the
> contents of the file, I save the name, mime-type and size.
> When it comes time to get the files back out, I have a script that gets hit
> using a URL something like "download.php?file=17" and looks like this;
> ------- start script --------
> <?php
> include("conf/preferences.php");
> include("lib/generic.php");
> header("Expires: 0");
> header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
> // Get the file from the database into a standard result set
> $getSQL = "SELECT * FROM Files WHERE id='$file'";
> $fileResult = db_query($getSQL);
> $theFile = db_fetch_array($fileResult);
> // If the file is intended as a download, then tell the browser to download it
> // rather than display it.
> if ($download == "yes")
>          header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" .
> $theFile["name"] . "\"");
> // Send a header telling the browser what type of file is coming and some
> details
> header("Content-Type: " . $theFile["type"]);
> header("Content-Description: PCS Database Saved File");
> header("Content-Length: " . $theFile["size"] . "");
> // Then pipe the file contents to the browser.
> echo $theFile["contents"];
> ?>
> ------ end script -------
> Now this all works perfectly well on a normal (insecure) server, the file
> gets downloaded, the mime-type is correct, the filename presents itself for
> download and everything in sweet.
> The problem is that the system I am developing is actually running on a
> secure server, and this does NOT work in that environment. I am testing on
> Internet Explorer 5 and it throws an error after you tell it you want to
> download the file, saying this;
> ---- error message ----
> Internet Explorer cannot download ...load.php?file=17&download=yes from
> Internet Explorer was not abl to open this Internet site. The requested
> site is either unavailable or cannot be found.
> Please try again later.
> ---- end message ----
> Not very helpful at all.
> SO now I am at a standstill, I am completely stuck, and no one else I know
> has come up with anything that can solve the problem yet - any assistance
> would be fantastic - thanks all.
> Beau

I know that IE is very peculiar about the order of headers that it
so you may want to check that.

Maybe test it and get it working with NetScape first, than mess around
with the
order of the headers and it may start working with IE.

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