Re: [PHP-DB] Query Optimizing on sum() function

2002-01-10 Thread php3

Addressed to: "Nomor Satu Bajingan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

** Reply to note from "Nomor Satu Bajingan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thu, 10 
Jan 2002 13:51:06 +
> Hello Friends,
> I've some performance problem, when I do sum() functions on my tables it
> took 5-7 minutes to return the results.. here is my story:
> I've table with 2461566 rows here is my table structure:
> mysql> describe imp_log;
> +--+--+--+-+-++
> | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra 
>   |
> +--+--+--+-+-++
> | sno  | bigint(10)   |  | PRI | NULL|
> auto_increment |
> | advt_id  | varchar(20)  |  | | |   
>   |
> | timestamp| datetime |  | MUL | -00-00 00:00:00 |   
>   |
> the problem is I want to sum the impressions from advt_id number 17 (this
> advt_id has 855517 records on imp_log table).. I want to sum the
> is my query:

If you want to look things up by advt_id make it a key, as it is now
MySQL must search thru over 24 MILLION records to find the ones
belonging to 17 while it is doing the sum.

As far as trying to get higher CPU use from the system, you would
probably need to buy more(RAID) and/or faster disk drives since your
machine is probably banging the disks as fast as it can and the CPU
doesn't have much to do but wait for the disks.

Try the index first.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

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[PHP-DB] Query Optimizing on sum() function

2002-01-10 Thread Nomor Satu Bajingan

Hello Friends,
I've some performance problem, when I do sum() functions on my tables it 
took 5-7 minutes to return the results.. here is my story:
I've table with 2461566 rows here is my table structure:
mysql> describe imp_log;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra 
| sno  | bigint(10)   |  | PRI | NULL| 
auto_increment |
| advt_id  | varchar(20)  |  | | |   
| timestamp| datetime |  | MUL | -00-00 00:00:00 |   
| hostname | varchar(120) |  | | |   
| remoteip | varchar(15)  |  | | |   
| username | varchar(20)  |  | MUL | |   
| camp_id  | varchar(8)   |  | MUL | |   
| browser_os   | varchar(100) |  | | |   
| impressions  | int(11)  |  | | 0   |   
| cookiestring | varchar(128) |  | MUL | |   
| status   | char(1)  |  | | N   |   
the problem is I want to sum the impressions from advt_id number 17 (this 
advt_id has 855517 records on imp_log table).. I want to sum the is my query:
select sum(impressions) impr from imp_log where camp_id='17';
but it took 5 minutes for me to do the query... but if I use 
count(impressions) it only tooks under 10 sec
mysql> select count(impressions) from imp_log;
| count(impressions) |
|2461566 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)
How to optimize the query ? the strange things is MySQL only uses a little 
of cpu time when I did sum() functions...Can I force MySQL to use all the 
cpu time ?

I uses Linux Mandrake 7.0 with MySQL 4.0.0 alpha-max-log
here is the MySQL variables...
mysql> show variables;
| Variable_name   | Value
| back_log| 50   
| basedir | /
| bdb_cache_size  | 8388600  
| bdb_log_buffer_size | 32768
| bdb_home| /var/lib/mysql/  
| bdb_max_lock| 1
| bdb_logdir  |  
| bdb_shared_data | OFF