[PHP-DB] Re: Looking for a small open-source PHP-DB app that utilize OOP.

2007-09-29 Thread T K
Thanks all. Looks like some tutorials and the survey system look a very good
start to me.
Especially the code of UCCASS looks very readable.

Thanks a bunch.

[PHP-DB] Re: Looking for a small open-source PHP-DB app that utilize OOP.

2007-09-28 Thread Jas
Well some resources for learning it first as these are usually the best
source of information:



I really recomend reading and following these as it will undoubtably
help with learning OOP with PHP/MySQL.

As a simple example here is a class, functions and how to use:

// class.inc.php
class TestOOP
 function ChkPHPFuncs( $function_name )
  if( empty( $function_name ) ) {
   return 1;
  } else {
   if( !function_exists( $function_name ) ) {
return 1;
   } else {
return 0;

To use within a script:
//include our class file so lib is available
include 'class.inc.php';

// check for mcrypt functions compiled with php
$list = array( 'mcrypt_cbc', 'mcrypt_cfb', 'mcrypt_create_iv',
'mcrypt_decrypt', 'mcrypt_ecb', 'mcrypt_encrypt' );

// initialize class file so we may use functions from that class
$x = new TestOOP();

//now use $x as our handle for any function from within class file
for( $i = 0; $i  count( $list ); $i++ ) {
 echo $x-chkPHPFuncs( $list[$i] );

Also here are some resources from PHP.net for reference:


T K wrote:
 For a study purpose, I'm looking for a small open source program that works
 in PHP-MySQL. In particular, I would like to see some examples with PHP 5
 and Object-Oriented Programming (such as class, objects, and so on).
 I'm looking for a small program, possibly like blog, wiki, forum and so on.
 I've downloaded several programs, but most of them don't use
 I'm using PHP without OOP, but recently set out to learn OOP.
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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