domxml does not include a close document routing to release memory after
an xml document has been processed.  I have added one.

I am using PHP's domxml functionality to parse thousands (17,000+) xml
documents in a single request.  The current implementation of domxml in
PHP does not allow for xml documents to be closed, so memory is lost at
more than 7KB/document during processing.  I have been able to reduce
this to 1KB/document by adding a close document routine to the PHP
domxml extension and calling that close routine in my PHP scripts.

Please see the patch files for my changes at the following URLs.


Lacking familiarity with PHP development, I am not sure that my
implementation of the close routine is optimal.  However, I have been
using this code change in php-4.2.3, php-4.3.0 and php-4.3.1 for
approximately 6 weeks without any problems.

I am also unfamiliar with the process of getting a change reviewed and
applied.  If I have done anything wrong, or need to do additional things
to follow this through, please let me know.

Thank you,
Robert Oldham

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