Re: [PHP-DEV] ext/aspell

2002-10-08 Thread Sascha Cunz

 [] While new comers may not know of pspell,
 people who have compiled PHP before with it will, infact that is what
 they'll expect when configuring their PHP. Since we cannot remove the old
 pspell option like we seem to agree to do for --with-aspell it is cleaner
 IMHO to simply add that little bit of text that will tell people new to php
 that --with-pspell also applies to GNU Aspell. Perpaps, a year down the
 road when we feel confortable to say that GNU marketing(tm) has made pspell
 absolete we can make this change.

Then why not make --with-pspell cause an error saying: use 
--with-gnu-aspell? And then move --with-pspell to /dev/null at it's time.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Feature request -- feedback welcomed.

2002-09-28 Thread Sascha Cunz

 Uhm... 4.3.0 will not ship with Zend 2.0, that will b ethe honour of PHP

But one can compile Zend 2.0 into PHP 4 - i think Zeev posted an HowTo some 
weeks ago.

Regards Sascha

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Re: [PHP-DEV] unexpected for-loop operation

2002-09-20 Thread Sascha Cunz

This is exactly, what the code should do; in Zend/zend_operators.c there is an 
special function for this to do (increment_string), so i assume this is the 
expected result.


 I know there is a better way to do that, and this code is silly, but
 Try running these two loops in PHP 4.2.3.

 for($i = 'A'; $i = 'Y'; $i++){
 echo $i ;

 for($i = 'A'; $i = 'Z'; $i++){
 echo $i ;

 Notice the difference in output. Is this the expected result?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Thread Reading

2002-09-18 Thread Sascha Cunz

I totally agree to you - and i still can't catch up the point what the current 
discussion is about.


 The underlying effect is minimal, no noticable change. The effect of
 having the option there is mind blowing for IRC based support staff who
 are dealing with (for want of a better word), idiots.

 For those of you who dont have time, or the capability to test it out for
 yourself, please take the following exampes:

 (note the default setting for a .phps without arguments)

 This doesnt demonstrate the use of the show_source (or other aliased)
 function, but I assure you - it works similarly with an optional
 parameter, defaulting to current behaviour.

 I still await a good reason for this not to become part of the standard
 distribution, and any list of adverse side affects this poses.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] include_ini and include_ini_dir

2002-09-12 Thread Sascha Cunz

Am Donnerstag, 12. September 2002 18:20 schrieb David Viner:
 Hmm... in the apache world, the srm.conf and access.conf were deprecated,
 but the Include directive in the configuration file is still maintained.
 That is, by default, people use a single apache configuration file.
 However, for specialized cases, like Brian's, people have the ability to
 use multiple files if they want the extra work of multiple configuration

I think in apache, include is still very usefull, since scripts adding 
customers automatically to the server config or give the admin/customer 
ability to change some settings via web-interfaces, should not have to 
rewrite the whole httpd.conf.
Does this apply to PHP, too?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] highlight_file modification

2002-09-11 Thread Sascha Cunz

 I believe the default should be its current behaviour (for backward
 compatability, and to prevent unexpected change)... but I do think there
 should be an ini option so that .phps files can have this functionality.
+1 on that.

 Having line numbers on a .phps file would enable us to support users MUCH
 better just by asking them to rename the file from .php to .phps and give
 us the URL. We then say your missing a ; on line 52. Much easier than
 trying to navigate them to the if halfway down the screen.

+1, too.

 If you can think of an alternative way to enable / disable the
 modifications suggested other than using a php.ini entry...  ;)

wouldn't it be better to let the viewer decide, if line numbers should appear 
or not. This wouldn't break BC and also would not be needed to be enabled on 
any server. Maybe we could use a GET Param on this (only for the .phps's) 


in which we would default linenumbers to zero.

Best regards

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Re: [PHP-DEV] highlight_file modification

2002-09-11 Thread Sascha Cunz

 This still doesn't implement the .phps?linenumbers (since that's gonna have
 to do with the server module/cgi binary code) and also since nobody's (yet)
 given input as to what variable name would be sufficient.

at least SG(request_info).query_string contains the full (unparsed) query 
string at this moment. 

 show_line_numbers?  Headers/footers will also have to go in the server
 module/cgi code to implement XHTML/1.1 for the output, since I can't think
 of a way to figure out whether zend_highlight() was called from the
 apache_php_module_main function (or, simply to tell whether or not it was
 called from anywhere other than highlight_file/highlight_string).

Ignoring the use of show_source(file) currently the apache, cgi, cli, pi3web 
and servlet sapis are able to produce highlited source. None of these SAPIs 
will send correct HTML, since HTML and BODY are missing. I think, in a 
web-server environment, they should do so, shouldn't they?

But what about the CLI? I could imagine, one uses this to parse PHP-Code into 
printable form.

Anyway - after walking through all these SAPIs - one way to figure out, 
whether zend_highlight was called from highlight_file/highlight_string or not 
Adding a flag to the zend_syntax_highlighter_ini-structure, initializing it to 
FALSE in php_get_highlight_struct (All SAPIs and the PHP-Function 
highlight_file etc. use this way to create it; i wonder why zend_highlight 
doesn't get this structure itself?). By setting this flag to TRUE, you can 
omit sending a header from the PHP-Functions.

I know, this is a kludge, but at least it's an option.


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