I dont know if this is the correct forum to ask this question, but I
have spent a good day trying to find the answer to this with no real
success, so I thought I would try the source...the PHP developers.

I am building a cluster of 3 webservers, which are going to serve a
group of PHP (with some Perl scripts as well) websites. Its a high load
environment so I have gone with SMP machines (dual Processor i686, 1GB
RAM, running a tuned RedHat 7.2 with kernel 2.4.18 with tweaks). 

I am trying to tweak the OS, Apache and PHP as far as I possibly can. I
want to use Shared Memory for the session handlers in PHP, so I have
compiled with --with-mm and set "session.save_handler=mm" in php.ini.

I have been told that PHP has "serious concurrency bugs" when using SMP
machines and shared memory. I cant find this documented anywhere.
However I am told that the current-stable 4.1.2 still has issues with
SMP and SHM whereas the CVS version (which built as 4.2.1-dev on my
machine) has resolved this issue.

What is the current status regarding this? Any information that you can
share would be greatly appreciated.

Warwick Poole 

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