From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Win2k
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Class/Object related
Bug description:  get_defined_functions inserts a whitespace at the end of each value.


I spent an hour to understand why this simple code did not work for me:

// $functions: an array of the Db specific functions I care of.
// they are in form 'connect', 'query' etc...

$existing = get_defined_functions();
foreach($functions as $k=>$v) {
   $f = $dbms.$v;
   printf("%s $f<BR>", in_array($f, $existing['internal']) ? '+' : '-');

It did not return me anything at all, although it should.

The problem was:

get_defined_functions() returns a two dimensional array, in which all the values 
(functions) are having a (whitespace?) 'ORD(0)' at the end.

you can check it with this:

$func = get_defined_functions();

echo '<PRE>';
foreach($func['internal'] as $k=>$v) {
   printf("ASCII: '%d' \tvalue: '%s'\n", ord(substr($v, -1)), $v);
echo '</PRE>';

// the returns the following:

ASCII: '0'      value: 'zend_version'
ASCII: '0'      value: 'func_num_args'
ASCII: '0'      value: 'func_get_arg'

and so on...

I believe that's a bug, no?

Maxim Maletsky,

Edit Bug report at:

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