From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: ALL
PHP version:      4.1.1
PHP Bug Type:     InterBase related
Bug description:  105.05$ becomes 105.5$ !!! - I found the fix.

Hello. I found a nasty bug in interbase extension, and I 
have the solution here. You have only to put it in the 
source code; I would but I don't know how to do this. I 
already posted the authors, but with no result.

104.05$ become 104.5$ !!!
When traslating scaled numeric fields (i.e. with 
decimals), the routine _php_ibase_var_pval is faulty;

here is the original code:

#ifdef SQL_INT64
   case SQL_INT64:
      val->type = IS_STRING;
      val->value.str.len = sprintf(string_data, "%Ld.%Ld",
      (ISC_INT64) (*((ISC_INT64 *)data) / 
              (int) pow(10.0, (double) -scale)),
      (ISC_INT64) abs((int) (*((ISC_INT64 *)data) % 
              (int) pow(10.0, (double) -scale))));
      val->value.str.val = estrdup(string_data);

You can clearly see that this code is fine if the decimal 
part has no 0s before the first non 0 cipher. Here is
my correction:

#ifdef SQL_INT64
   case SQL_INT64:
      val->type = IS_STRING;
      /* Experimental section by Giancarlo Niccolai */
      if (scale) {
         int i, len;
         char dt[20];
         double number = (double) ((ISC_INT64)
                        (*((ISC_INT64 *)data)));
         for (i = 0; i < -scale; i++)
            number /= 10;
         sprintf(dt, "%%0.%df", -scale);
         val->value.str.len = sprintf (string_data, dt , 
      else {
        val->value.str.len = sprintf (string_data, "%Ld",
                (ISC_INT64) (*((ISC_INT64 *)data)));
      /* End of experimental section */
      val->value.str.val = estrdup(string_data);

Please, since Interbase is used for e-commerce, all the 
php-interbase applications can be at risk, if the site 
deals with cents...

Edit bug report at:

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