From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: W2K
PHP version:      4.1.1
PHP Bug Type:     Output Control
Bug description:  fopen and fwrite writes to much data in mode a and a+

---- code ----
$orderstring = $date."\t".      //current time
        $tireqty." tires\t".    //received form field
        $oilqty." oil\t".       //received form field
        $sparkqty." sparks\t".  //received form field
        $totalamount."\t".      /calc. from form fields
        $address."\n";          //received form field

$fp = fopen("orders.txt", "a");
fwrite($fp, $orderstring);

---- output in orders.txt ----
22:32 19th Saturday 2002        4 tires 1 oil   12 sparks       503.80  NL
22:32 19th Saturday 2002         tires   oil     sparks 0.00    
When using fopen() in mode a or a+ the last line will be added without any
obvious cause.
When fopen() is used in same code but in mode w it works correct like
I haven't tested fopen() in all other available modes.
Edit bug report at:

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