ID: 9186
Updated by: danbeck
Old-Status: Analyzed
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating system: 
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
Assigned To: 

I'm not sure why this is still open as a documentation bug. 

The string behavior is documented in:

and the == and === behavior is documented in:

Previous Comments:

[2001-02-15 05:38:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The conversation is useful. I know this because HTML form 
parameters, MySQL result sets are strings even if they are 
represent numbers.

But there some cases for which the conversation is not 
useful. If the result is MAXINT, MININT or NaN, it would 
be better not converting the operands and making a 
string comparision. A warning message whould be also 


[2001-02-15 05:25:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
this autoconversion is usefull when dealing with html form input
(for which php is used every once in a while afaik :)
as html has no numric input elements, just text 

maybe it would make sense to have this behaviour configurable
in the ini file, but i'm afraid that this would only increase the WTF
factor even more


[2001-02-15 05:07:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok, I accept this. But I don't think that is a good idea 
to compare apples with pears with the answer 'yes they are 
fruit' without any warning.


[2001-02-15 04:32:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok, it should remain open as a documentation problem...


[2001-02-15 04:31:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is a defined behavior (and does have strong reasons).  It's not a bug.
If you're interested in a byte-by-byte string comparison, you should use strcmp().


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the rest of the 
comments, please view the bug report online.

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