I think that if PECL ends up being very good and actually works very nicely 
and transparently,  we would PECLize all extensions. At release time of a 
new version of PHP we'd create a huge .tar.gz with the latest STABLE 
versions of the extensions we decide should be in the release tar.gz (I 
hope saying "the extensions we decide on" is politically correct enough :).

However, if PECL doesn't become everything we hoped for within the next few 
months (possible) I don't think it should stop PHP 5. We could always have 5.1.

Anyway, that's not too important right now. We still haven't heard from 
anyone what work has been done on PECL. I think without a lot of work done 
by many of us here on php-dev it'll probably not gain enough momentum.

I suggest we move PECL either to its own mailing list or to php-dev. I 
don't think it's a good idea to mix between it and the PEAR mailing list 
which is mostly about PEAR PHP code..

Concerning PHP 5, some time ago we talked about how we're going to handle 
the standardization of function names with the next major version. Do you 
guys want to revisit this issue or keep the status quo?

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