[PHP-DEV] RE: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

2001-05-19 Thread Jason Gan


I also suspect that the changes (in the version branching) are causing the
strange errors.
The last version of PHP 4.0.6-dev works fine with adodb and the MSXML Parser
3.0 with both isapi and cgi.

-Original Message-
From: Bug Database [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, 19 May 2001 11:04 PM
Subject: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

ID: 10580
Updated by: phanto
Status: Open
Bug Type: COM related
Operating system:
PHP Version: 4.0.7-dev (dated 18-May-2001)
Assigned To:

hmm, i haven't changed anything since the 15.3.2001. but afaik there where
changes in the zend-api after branching 4.0.6. maybe they are causing these
errors with isapi. do you have any problems with adodb and the cgi version ?
the problem with the XML Parser is known (#10851), but at the moment i don't
know the reason. maybe someone could help investigating .. ;)

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-18 22:45:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi,  The current version (18-May) could not load in Windows at all, so I
cannot test that version. Curiously, the version number of PHP is 4.0.7-dev.
Testing the last version (17-May), I found that the error is generated when
it executes this line of code:  for ($rowcount = 0; !$rs-EOF;
++$rowcount, $rs-MoveNext()) {// some code  }  Specifically, it is the
condition ( $rs-EOF ) that causes the Access Violation. All else works ok.
$rs-EOF should return a boolean datatype.  MSXMLParser also still causes
Access Violation when calling loadXML($xmldata)  When running PHP as CGI
(for the MSXMLParser script), I get this Application Error message: The
instruction at 0x1008d824 referenced memory at 0x3c0a3e64. The memory
could not be written.  The last version that worked with COM was PHP
4.0.6-dev, before it turned 4.0.7-dev.


[2001-05-18 11:24:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is it ? i was able to run your ado script successfully. are you using the
isapi or the cgi version of php. isapi isn't stable yet.  -harald


[2001-05-16 08:42:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
COM broken in PHP version 4.0.7-dev


[2001-05-16 08:34:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug reopened, CVS dated 16 May 2001,  message when accessing database: PHP
has encountered an Access Violation at 011CD614


[2001-05-08 20:12:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
works here.  the only mistake i found was, that if either the connect string
or the query was wrong $conn-execute() returned a nullpointer instead of a
valid recordset. this only produced a warning so there was a nullpointer
exception at the first attempt to access $rs-... now i produce an error
(unfortunatelly this causes the script to stop). i'll fix this in the code
and switch back to a warning, but i think it's ok for now.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the
rest of the comments, please view the bug report online.

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[PHP-DEV] RE: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

2001-05-18 Thread Jason Gan

I was testing under the isapi, and I noticed that what worked before broke
when the version number changed from 4.0.6-dev to 4.0.7-dev.
Give me a chance to try a newer version, and I'll let you know how it goes.

Noticed that the error changed from
  PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 2474FF04
  PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 011CD614

-Original Message-
From: Bug Database [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, 19 May 2001 1:24 AM
Subject: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

ID: 10580
Updated by: phanto
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: COM related
Operating system:
PHP Version: 4.0.7-dev (dated 16-May-2001)
Assigned To:

is it ? i was able to run your ado script successfully. are you using the
isapi or the cgi version of php. isapi isn't stable yet.  -harald

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-16 08:42:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
COM broken in PHP version 4.0.7-dev


[2001-05-16 08:34:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug reopened, CVS dated 16 May 2001,  message when accessing database: PHP
has encountered an Access Violation at 011CD614


[2001-05-08 20:12:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
works here.  the only mistake i found was, that if either the connect string
or the query was wrong $conn-execute() returned a nullpointer instead of a
valid recordset. this only produced a warning so there was a nullpointer
exception at the first attempt to access $rs-... now i produce an error
(unfortunatelly this causes the script to stop). i'll fix this in the code
and switch back to a warning, but i think it's ok for now.


[2001-05-08 19:18:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is a code snippet for testing ADODB:  ?php  define (DSN_USER, sa);
define (DSN_PWD, ); define (DB_SERVERNAME, localhost); define
Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=.DB_SERVERNAME.; Initial
Catalog=.DATABASENAME.; User ID=.DSN_USER.; Password=.DSN_PWD);  $conn
= new COM(ADODB.Connection) or die(Cannot start ADO);
$conn-Open(OLEDB_CONNECTION_STRING);  $command = SELECT * from employees;
$rs = $conn-Execute($command); // Recordset $num_columns =
$rs-Fields-Count();  $this-set_arr($num_columns);  for ($i=0; $i 
$num_columns; $i++) {   $fld[$i] = $rs-Fields($i); } $rowcount = 0; while
(!$rs-EOF) {   for ($i=0; $i  $num_columns; $i++) {   $arr[$i][$rowcount] =
$fld[$i]-value;}   $rowcount++;// increments rowcount
$rs-MoveNext(); }  $rs-Close(); $conn-Close();  $rs = NULL; $conn =
NULL;  ?  This produces the error: PHP has encountered an Access Violation
at 2474FF04  You can also produce an Access Violation by trying to use MSXML
Parser 3.0, and by calling the loadXML() method.  I downloaded php 4.0.6-dev
[2001-05-04] build from


[2001-05-08 16:30:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
could you provide a short snippet, i can't reproduce this. are you using the
cgi or the isapi version ?


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the
rest of the comments, please view the bug report online.

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[PHP-DEV] RE: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

2001-05-18 Thread Jason Gan


The current version (18-May) could not load in Windows at all, so I cannot
test that version.
Testing the last version (17-May), I found that the error is generated when
it executes this line of code:

for ($rowcount = 0; !$rs-EOF; ++$rowcount, $rs-MoveNext()) {

Specifically, it is the condition ( $rs-EOF ) that causes the Access
Violation. All else works ok.
$rs-EOF should return a boolean datatype.

MSXMLParser also still causes Access Violation when calling

When running PHP as CGI (for the MSXMLParser script), I get this Application
Error message:
The instruction at 0x1008d824 referenced memory at 0x3c0a3e64. The
memory could not be written.

-Original Message-
From: Bug Database [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, 19 May 2001 1:24 AM
Subject: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

ID: 10580
Updated by: phanto
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: COM related
Operating system:
PHP Version: 4.0.7-dev (dated 16-May-2001)
Assigned To:

is it ? i was able to run your ado script successfully. are you using the
isapi or the cgi version of php. isapi isn't stable yet.  -harald

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-16 08:42:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
COM broken in PHP version 4.0.7-dev


[2001-05-16 08:34:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug reopened, CVS dated 16 May 2001,  message when accessing database: PHP
has encountered an Access Violation at 011CD614


[2001-05-08 20:12:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
works here.  the only mistake i found was, that if either the connect string
or the query was wrong $conn-execute() returned a nullpointer instead of a
valid recordset. this only produced a warning so there was a nullpointer
exception at the first attempt to access $rs-... now i produce an error
(unfortunatelly this causes the script to stop). i'll fix this in the code
and switch back to a warning, but i think it's ok for now.


[2001-05-08 19:18:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is a code snippet for testing ADODB:  ?php  define (DSN_USER, sa);
define (DSN_PWD, ); define (DB_SERVERNAME, localhost); define
Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=.DB_SERVERNAME.; Initial
Catalog=.DATABASENAME.; User ID=.DSN_USER.; Password=.DSN_PWD);  $conn
= new COM(ADODB.Connection) or die(Cannot start ADO);
$conn-Open(OLEDB_CONNECTION_STRING);  $command = SELECT * from employees;
$rs = $conn-Execute($command); // Recordset $num_columns =
$rs-Fields-Count();  $this-set_arr($num_columns);  for ($i=0; $i 
$num_columns; $i++) {   $fld[$i] = $rs-Fields($i); } $rowcount = 0; while
(!$rs-EOF) {   for ($i=0; $i  $num_columns; $i++) {   $arr[$i][$rowcount] =
$fld[$i]-value;}   $rowcount++;// increments rowcount
$rs-MoveNext(); }  $rs-Close(); $conn-Close();  $rs = NULL; $conn =
NULL;  ?  This produces the error: PHP has encountered an Access Violation
at 2474FF04  You can also produce an Access Violation by trying to use MSXML
Parser 3.0, and by calling the loadXML() method.  I downloaded php 4.0.6-dev
[2001-05-04] build from


[2001-05-08 16:30:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
could you provide a short snippet, i can't reproduce this. are you using the
cgi or the isapi version ?


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long.  To view the
rest of the comments, please view the bug report online.

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[PHP-DEV] RE: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

2001-05-08 Thread Jason Gan

Here is a code snippet for testing ADODB:


define (DSN_USER, sa);
define (DSN_PWD, );
define (DB_SERVERNAME, localhost);
define (DATABASENAME, Northwind);

Source=.DB_SERVERNAME.; Initial Catalog=.DATABASENAME.; User
ID=.DSN_USER.; Password=.DSN_PWD);

$conn = new COM(ADODB.Connection) or die(Cannot start ADO);


$command = SELECT * from employees;

$rs = $conn-Execute($command); // Recordset
$num_columns = $rs-Fields-Count();


for ($i=0; $i  $num_columns; $i++) {
$fld[$i] = $rs-Fields($i);
$rowcount = 0;
while (!$rs-EOF) {
for ($i=0; $i  $num_columns; $i++) {
$arr[$i][$rowcount] = $fld[$i]-value;
$rowcount++;// increments rowcount


$rs = NULL;
$conn = NULL;


This produces the error: PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 2474FF04

You can also produce an Access Violation by trying to use MSXML Parser 3.0,
and by calling the loadXML() method.

-Original Message-
From: Bug Database [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2001 6:31 AM
Subject: Bug #10580 Updated: Access Violation using ADODB

ID: 10580
Updated by: phanto
Status: Open
Bug Type: COM related
Operating system:
PHP Version: 4.0.6-dev (dated 20010504)
Assigned To:

could you provide a short snippet, i can't reproduce this. are you using the
cgi or the isapi version ?

Previous Comments:

[2001-05-04 22:54:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Same bug, access violation using ADODB and MSXML Parser, but using a 4.0.6
build, dated 2001-05-04.


[2001-05-04 11:29:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is now fixed in CVS. Fix will be in 4.0.6.  --Jani


[2001-05-04 10:28:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
same as #10594


[2001-05-01 11:05:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If it helps, here is the error message:  PHP has encountered an Access
Violation at 2474FF04  I got the following error messages when using MSXML
Parser 3.01 to load an XML string:  PHP has encountered an Access Violation
at 011C2655  and  PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 011C265B


[2001-05-01 10:54:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Access Violation on this line:  $fields = $rs-Fields;  where $rs is the
recordset from the database. Error occurs with PHP 4.0.5 final release, and
does not occur with PHP 4.0.5 RC1.


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rest of the comments, please view the bug report online.

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