[sorry, my English is bad]

Zeev Suraski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Why?  Whatever extension you use on your box, put them in the php.ini.
> dl() is never a better option.
> Zeev

An example not solvable using php.ini:

At SysNet, we access dbms only with odbc_* functions using (for
different apps on the same server) solid and IBMdb2.

We compile ext/odbc/php_odbc.c as solid.so and ibmdb2.so and load the
right module using dl ().  Using php.ini is not feasible because this
lead to multiple function definition.

I think a similar situation may arise with multiple xslt backend, they
must export the same API but could provide different features (or
bugs) so you must use xslt1 for app1 and xslt2 for app2.

Please don't drop dl () :-)

Walter Franzini, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysNet, Via Digione 8, 27100 Pavia - Italy

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