[PHP] Transfer to another server - my sessions don't work!

2002-10-08 Thread Adam Royle


I transferred a small php site from my localhost to a new server 
(commercial server). However, after I transferred it over, my sessions 
would no longer work. Just as a test - here is some code I tried. 
Please tell me I'm doing it the wrong way. Also, at the bottom of this 
email this info from phpinfo(); if that helps. If I echo 
$GLOBALS['PHPSESSID'] it looks like a regular session id. I can get the 
info on the first page after I have chucked it into the session, but it 
doesn't seem to get it when I go to the next page.


--- page1.php ---


$_SESSION['adam'] = something secret here;

a href=page2.phpPage 2/a

--- page2.php ---

echo $_SESSION['adam']; // this don't do anything

echo Thats all.; // this prints fine

echo $PHPSESSID; // this prints fine


Configure Command   './configure' '--with-mysql' 
'--with-apache=../apache_1.3.26' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-xml' 
'--enable-memory-limit=yes' '--enable-bcmath' '--with-gd=../gd-2.0.1' 
'--enable-gd-native-tt' '--enable-gd-imgstrttf' 
'--with-gdbm=/usr/include' '--enable-calendar' 
'--with-png-dir=/usr/lib' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/include' 
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib' '--with-mcrypt' '--enable-trans-sid' 
'--with-sablot=/usr/local/lib' '--with-imap' '--enable-xslt' 
'--with-xslt-sablot' '--with-gettext' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-ftp' 

Session Support enabled
Directive   Local Value Master Value
session.auto_start  Off Off
session.cache_expire180 180
session.cache_limiter   nocache nocache
session.cookie_domain   no valueno value
session.cookie_lifetime 0   0
session.cookie_path /   /
session.cookie_secure   Off Off
session.entropy_fileno valueno value
session.entropy_length  0   0
session.gc_maxlifetime  14401440
session.gc_probability  1   1
session.referer_check   no valueno value
session.save_handlerfiles   files
session.save_path   /tmp/tmp
session.serialize_handler   php php
session.use_cookies On  On
session.use_trans_sid   1   1

[PHP] More On: Good Practice: Variables, Error Reporting and Security

2002-10-05 Thread Adam Royle

I very much appreciate the suggestions made by the people on this list, 
although for me, when developing, the less typing I have to do, the 
less errors I am bound to come across, and therefore the less debugging 
I must do. (Now, doesn't this seem sensible?)

Anyway, I have developed a function and incorporated Maxim's code 
(thankyou) to make importing variables (into global scope) easier (with 
register_globals turned off).

I have it sitting in my lib.php which contains all common functions 
(database functions, etc) that I use with my scripts and is included on 
every page I write.

To use my function, simply write:

importVars($_GET, 'var1,var2,var3'); // this will get var1, var2 and 
var3 from the querystring
importVars($_SESSION); // this will import all session information

This was tested with error_reporting set to E_ALL. Often in my code I 
will do something like this.

if ($flag){
// do certain code relating to $flag

If $flag has not been initialized, this check will produce a NOTICE 
error, which appears if you are using E_ALL. So, my function will take 
all the variables you pass to it (through the comma-delimited string) 
and either import the variables (if it exists) or create an empty 
variable (zero-length string). This way you can do the check. I know 
some people will say, you could just use if (isset($flag)), but I like 
take advantage of PHP's automatic type conversion.

Another feature of my function is if you don't supply a string to vars 
to import, it will bring in everything from that array. This lets 
people import all the variables they want, and they don't care about 
security, or are protecting it through other means (extensive var 
checks) etc.


So I hope this stuff helps some people out there.

Also, can anyone see any problems with my function? (Performance-wise 
or security-wise).


  Credit given to: Maxim Maletsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Alter variables for the versions prior to 4.1.0
  NOTE: $_REQUEST global variable is NOT supported.
if (strnatcasecmp('4.1.0', PHP_VERSION) = 0) {
) as $transvar['new'] = $transvar['old']) {
if (isset($$transvar['old']) and is_array($$transvar['old'])) {
$GLOBALS[$transvar['new']] = $$transvar['old'];
// Unset transvar, we do not need it anymore.

function importVars()
Written by: Adam Royle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Imports vars from $arrVarType into the global scope.
Example: importVars($_GET, 'page,ID,num');
Will create the three variables $page, $ID and $num, and will fill them 
with data from the querystring. If there is no data in the querystring, 
it will create a zero-length string.
function importVars($arrVarType, $strVarList='')
if (!trim($strVarList)){
// import all variables from $arrVarType
foreach($arrVarType as $var = $value){
$GLOBALS[$var] = $value;
} else {
// only import variables in $strVarList
$arrVarList = explode(',',$strVarList);
foreach($arrVarList as $var){
$var = trim($var);
if (isset($arrVarType[$var])){
$GLOBALS[$var] = $arrVarType[$var];
} else {
$GLOBALS[$var] = '';

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Re: [PHP] More On: Good Practice: Variables, Error Reporting and Security

2002-10-05 Thread Adam Royle

What I mean is, by using functions to do the hard work for you, it is 
less common to make an obvious mistake. I have a couple of functions 
that I use in most of my scripts.


securityCheck(); // authenticates the user

dbConnect(); // connects to database with default parameters (in config 

$sql = SELECT * FROM tblName;
$data = GetData($sql, VARIABLES); // grabs data from db and puts in 
global scope

Now if you compare the above code to something which does all that 
manually, then you'll be typing a heck of an amount. If you have to 
search through a hundred lines of code, it would be more difficult than 
searching through 4 lines of code, don't you think? A lot of errors 
people make are spelling errors.

Like so:

$ymVar = $_GET['myVar'];


$myVar = $HTTP_POST_VAR[myVar];

Now if you did this:

importVars($_POST, 'myVar,foo,bar');

It would be much easier to debug because you only have to look at one 
line, cause you know the function is working. If you don't see it in 
that one line, print_r($GLOBALS); might show you if the var is getting 
transferred, etc.

I know what you're saying about confusing code, where you are putting 
more than one statement in one line is difficult to debug, but thats 
different from targeting spelling errors.


On Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 07:57  AM, Sascha Cunz wrote:

 Am Samstag, 5. Oktober 2002 20:44 schrieb Adam Royle:
 I very much appreciate the suggestions made by the people on this 
 although for me, when developing, the less typing I have to do, the
 less errors I am bound to come across, and therefore the less 
 I must do. (Now, doesn't this seem sensible?)

 Well, have you ever read a perl script? :-)
 The shortest source is not the best in all cases. Consider, that there 
 will be
 times, you must read the source again - well, the easier it is written 
 structured), the easier you will see again how it works...


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[PHP] Good Practice: Variables, Error Reporting and Security

2002-10-04 Thread Adam Royle

Hi All,

I have been a subscriber of php-db for quite some time, and I have seen 
MANY ppl ask why their variables aren't being passed though, etc, due 
to register_globals, etc, blah blah blah

I have kept my eyes open reading all the material I can, and I 
understand the security implications of certain programming actions.

Like most programmers, I am lazy. I prefer to construct functions to do 
the hard work for me. Before the register_globals issue was widespread, 
I loved programming in PHP (compared to ASP), because of the automatic 
passing of variables from page to page (also, referencing undefined 
variables without a hitch).I had some techniques to deal with security, 
and other things, so register_globals = on wasn't such big deal for me. 
But I acknowledge that if I do contract work for a business, and their 
server is set to

I have set my php.ini to E_ALL and register_globals = off, etc, 
although I don't want to have to do $var = $_GET['var'] for each 
variable i want imported. I have also noted people are using 
$HTTP_GET_VARS['var'] to allow for older php compatibility. But doing 
it this way reminds me too much of ASP.

Now, my question is, has anyone created functions or developed 
techniques to prevent obvious security breaches and also not collapse 
when using E_ALL? I have read somewhere that some people wrote a 
function which would accept an array of variable names (and 
get,post,session flag etc), and globalize all of those variables listed.

Such an example (i imagine) would be something like this:

import_vars( GET, array('id','var2','name') );

Now I don't think that I would have any troubles writing this sort of a 
function, although I was wondering if anyone had already considered 
this approach, or decided on a better solution. Really, I don't want to 
have to do isset(), etc on all my vars when using them. What I could 
deal with is having one line, where I list all the variables i use on 
the page, and it either imports it or creates an empty string if not 
found (therefore initializing it).

What do you all think of this approach?

PS. Sorry if this is talked about WAY too much on these lists, but I 
think this is a more informative thread for people who know about 
register_globals etc, but want scripting to be easier (and faster) with 
PHP, but still maintaining a good code structure (and sensible 
programming logic).


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