[PHP] displaying result problem

2006-05-12 Thread adi zebic


I have little problem while displaying a result from one simple querry.
If i insert values into mysql DB in following order (12, 3, 14, 4 )
I allways have  ( 12, 14, 3, 4 ) displaying when query the DB. (same with
letters - dcba - abcd etc)
I would like to be able to display the data like they are inserted into

Any help is welcome,


[PHP] split line of text

2005-09-27 Thread Adi Zebic


if chunk_split function split the line of text (here on 50 char)
I was wondering if there exists one function who take care if
the 50 char is in the middle of the word and split the line
first empty space before the word or just after?

$newstring = chunk_split($row[1], 50, 'br /');
echo $newstring;

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Re: [PHP] split line of text

2005-09-27 Thread Adi Zebic

Le 27-sept.-05 à 23:52, Philip Hallstrom a écrit :


thanks a lot!

$newtext = wordwrap($row[1], 50, br /\n);
echo $newtext;

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[PHP] really basic question

2005-09-06 Thread Adi Zebic

Hi folks,

It is permited to do something like this in the functions body

function test()
table id=conex width=167 border=0 cellspacing=0  

print(test function continue here or not?);
print(thanks a lot);

Thanks a lot,


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[PHP] how to divide string

2005-09-05 Thread Adi Zebic


is there any magic function who can give me from:

$string =  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz;

somthing like this:


(each 'x' letters go to the next line)

Thanks a lot,


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Re: [PHP] Java - toString() - php - ?

2005-08-02 Thread Adi Zebic

Rory Browne a écrit :

I haven't a monkies what that code(your java) does, and I don't have
time to analyse it(in expensive cybercafe), but you may want to
consider www.php.net/print-r www.php.net/var-dump and

I think they may do what you want without using the toString method,
which for what you're describing is basicly an ugly hack.

One more thing: Enlighten me: What exactly do you mean by live
evolution in your php/java context.

If in php context you have class, say, A:

class A

 var $t1;
 var $t2;
 var $t3;

//After, you have object contructor of type A
//we have something like this

function A ($var1, $var2, $var3)
$this - t1 = $var1;
$this - t2 = $var2;
$this - t3 = $var3;

some other code

//than in some other class we have something like this:

class someOtherClass
$aConstructor = new A(1,2,3);
//values of t1, t2 and t3 are 1,2 and 3 now

Right? yes.

How you can you do something like this inside of someOtherClass

print ($aConstructor);

to finally have some nice output like
Value of t1 is 1;
Value of t2 is 2;
Value of T3 is 3;

or just:


Without creating functions like getValues()

function getValues()
print ($this - t1);
print ($this - t2);
print ($this - t3);

and after explicit invoke function:

 $aConstructor - getValues();

So, what I want is
this: print ($aConstructor);

and not this:

$aContructor - getValues();

Am I clear :-)


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[PHP] php-mySQL insert problem

2005-08-01 Thread Adi Zebic


I'm new in php so like usual I have little problem(s).
I have DB clas who connect to database, select database, query 
database and so on.

I have other class User with some members.
var $firstName;
var $lastName;
Then I need to insert created object into mySQL database doing something 
like this:

INSERT into TABLE values ($this - firstName, $this - lastName);

I do that this way:

$insertQuery = Insert into TABLE values (.$this - firstName.,.$this 
- lastName));

$db = new DB;
$db - query($insertQuery);

this is not working and I have next message:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in 
/Library/Apache2/htdocs/Users.php on line 80

I think that my error is in escape characters and I dont not know hox to 
resolve my problem. Any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance


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[PHP] Re: SOLVED - [PHP] php-mySQL insert problem

2005-08-01 Thread Adi Zebic

Jack Scott a écrit :

Try this:
$insertQuery = Insert into TABLE 

)values (
' . $this - firstName . ',
' . $this- lastName . '
$db = new DB;
$res = $db-query($insertQuery);
exit(Insert query failed: .__FUNCTION__.() brin file
.__FILE__.bron line .__LINE__.br.$res-getDebugInfo());

you need to have quotes arround your varchar items and you should also
specify which column you want the values to go into.

Yess! That's the right one :-)

It is also good practice to check if there is an error and try to get
the most information available.

DB class do the right thing with try/catch.



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[PHP] Java - toString() - php - ?

2005-08-01 Thread Adi Zebic
To print state of object in Java I can define toString() function and 
then I can do something like this:

Java exemple:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ReadTextFromFile
private static String line;
private static String Fable = new String ();
private static String NomFable;
private static int cptLine = 0;
private static int nbrPersonnes = 0;
private static String nomPersonnes = new String ();
private static ArrayList AListe = new ArrayList(nbrPersonnes);

public String toString()
return getClass().getName()
+  [ Nom de la fable: +  NomFable
+   ==  Nombre de personnes dans dialogue:  + nbrPersonnes
+  ] 

Is there similar kind of function in php that help us to print the state 
of object in his life evolution?



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