[PHP] MySQL - PHP - limits...

2005-03-08 Thread Alex Ortiz

Is there a records limit when browsing (a sql SELECT) in PHP from a MySQL 

I´m browsing a table with PHP from MySQL, and something is wrong, if the 
table has more than 5047 records, the browse appears blank. Additionaly, if 
make the browse in a child window (target=_blank), the limit becomes 
lower: 437 records.

My SQL query is:

SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY my_order_index

The way I solve the problem is adding LIMIT 5047 to query (or 437), just 
for testing. This works fine.

My table has 11300 records, with 9 small fields (average 10 bytes each).

I run SuSE Linux 8.2, Apache2.0, PHP 4.3.3, and MySQL 4.0.15.

Any idea?.

Thanks in advance,
Alex Ortiz 

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[PHP] Sending document to printer...

2004-04-15 Thread Alex Ortiz

I'm looking for some ideas to send data directly to printer, considering the
user runs a browser (client side), while the PHP code runs at apache server
(server side). PHP has some printing functions, but only for the Windows

My HTML/PHP program process some input data from a form, then open a new
window with the resulting data. The user needs to print this resulting data
in a blank sheet, but the browser (MS Internet Explorer) prints some headers
and footers besides the data.

I already know how to configure IE to take away the headers and footers
manually, but need to do it automatically, because the user needs IE to
print headers and footers in all other pages.

I tried to do it with the following JavaScript:

// JScript/ActiveX - Modify IE Headers and Footers
t = new ActiveXObject(WScript.Shell);

This script works perfect, but must exist in client side because updates the
windows registry. I mean, doesn't run from server side, and additionally
changes the headers/footers permanently, so the user needs to run a set
headers/footers script and then an unset headers/footers script, and so

Then, I need something to PHP (or JavaScript, or whatever), to send the data
directly to printer, so I disallow the user to make mistakes, and get for
him a transparent behavior.

Thanks in advance for any idea.

Best regards,
Alex Ortiz.

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