RE: [PHP] Re: Doing an HTML POST using header()

2002-07-22 Thread Andrew Braund

 Forging a POST is a complicated task when compared to its GET cousin,
 and there is no 'easy' way
 You must either use CURL, or write your own mini web client...
 Francis wrote:
  using NT? all I need it for is so the user can skip a registration step put
  its all coded using POST rather than GET, its gonna be quite simple but
  whats the syntax? there must be a way to do it...
  Pete James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Don't redirect, use curl to post your data to the new page.
   Francis wrote:
I'm trying to redirect to another website but doing a post to that
at the same time. (ie POST rather than a GET (eg: header(Location:;   )
How do you do an HTML post using the header() whats the syntax? I just
find it anywhere.

google for posttohost;

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[PHP] Using COM to generate excel file - php version of vb Sheets(Report First page).Copy After:=Sheets(1)

2002-06-26 Thread Andrew Braund

Win2Kpro, PHP4.2.1, Apache 1.3.26dev

I would like to make a copy of a sheet in an existing excel
spreadsheet from within PHP using COM.

I can open an existing .xls file and rename a sheet using;
$excel = new COM(Excel.Application) or die(Excel could not be started);
$excel-DisplayAlerts = 0;// turn off alerts
$workbook = c:\\tmp\\tst1.xls;
$wkb = $excel-application-Workbooks-Open($workbook) or Die (Did not
$sheet1 = $wkb-Worksheets(1); //Select the sheet
$sheet1-activate; //Activate it
$sheet1-name=Report First page;
To try and work out how to copy a sheet I created a macro in excel;
Sheets(Report First page).Select
Sheets(Report First page).Copy After:=Sheets(1)
Sheets(Report First page (2)).Select
Sheets(Report First page (2)).Name = new Sheet

My problem is that I can't work out the php version of
Sheets(Report First page).Copy After:=Sheets(1)

ie there is a space between Copy and After
and how do I get the := operator?

Any suggestion much appreciated.
(I have looked through the online docs, mailing list, ms and googled but
havn't found a solution)

Andrew Braund

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RE: [PHP] base64_encode

2002-06-26 Thread Andrew Braund

Googling on ascii table base64 got me;
a nice little table with the base 64 characters
(also got
which discribes base64)

So in answer to your question the extras look like + and /.
26+26+10+2=64 sounds right.

Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: Gerard Samuel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2002 11:15
 To: php-gen
 Subject: [PHP] base64_encode
 What other characters are possible from the output of base64_encode() 
 except [A-Za-z0-9] ??
 Gerard Samuel
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RE: [PHP] Week of month

2001-11-01 Thread Andrew Braund

How about;
echo It is week .((int)(date(j)/7)+1). of the;

 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Farmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2001 20:14
 To: PHP Masters; Sheni R. Meledath
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Week of month
  Is there any way to find out the week of the month. Today is in the first
  week of month.
  That is, a function like weekofmonth() which displays 1 today  2 next
 No builtin function in PHP. You will need to search to see if some kind and
 generous soul has published their code for this purpose or write your own.
 Remember the actual first day of a week can be country specific.
 Jon Farmer
 Systems Programmer, Entanet
 Tel 01952 428969 Mob 07763 620378
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RE: [PHP] how can I do this !!

2001-10-25 Thread Andrew Braund


 At 02:26 PM 10/25/2001, Alawi wrote:
 i have txt file have this words
 bla bla bla
 echo 'hello word';
 bla bla bla
 now I want to convert the code that are between [phpcode] and [/phpcode]
 to colorized code ..
 How I can do that

 Richard S. Crawford
 AIM: Buffalo2K   ICQ: 11646404  Y!: rscrawford
 It is only with the heart that we see rightly; what is essential is
 invisible to the eye.  --Antoine de Saint Exupéry

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RE: [PHP] Create Array??

2001-09-23 Thread Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2001 15:39
 Subject: [PHP] Create Array??
 If I have a value $num = 32; based on this how can I create an Array of 
 numbers 1 - 32, something like this...
 $num = 32;

 $num = 32;
 $iary = array();

 for ($i = 1; $i = $num; $i++)

$iary[$i] = $i;
// if you actually wanted the array to contain 1 etc then try
// $iary[$i] = \$i\;

 // Do something

// And now $iary = (1,2,3,etc


 Any suggestions?? I cannot use array_push as this has to work on a PHP3 

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RE: [PHP] Create Array?? More

2001-09-23 Thread Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2001 16:46
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Create Array?? More
 Thanks for the input, unfortunately it didn't help me solve my overall 
 problem, so I will post that and see if anyone has any suggestions...
 I am basically displaying the Usernames from a .htpasswd file like this...
 $fd = fopen ($File, r);
 $Content = fread ($fd, filesize ($File));
 $Content=ereg_replace (\n,:, $Content);
 // Explode the file using : as seperator
 $MyContent = explode (:, $Content);
 // Count it up
 $LoU = count($MyContent)-1;
 // Close the File
 for ($a=0; $a  $LoU; $a+=2)
 printf(\nTD%s/TD%sTD/TD, $MyContent[$a], $MyContent[$a+=2]);
 This is working perfectly, 

perhaps not for odd numbers of users?

Try; (untested!)

echo tr\n;
for ($i=0; $i*2  $LoU; $i++){
   printf(td%d./tdtd%s/TD, $i, $MyContent[$i*2]);
   if( $i % 2){ // new line after each two entries
echo /trtr\n;
echo /tr\n;

but what I would like to do is display a number 
 next to each one, at the moment it displays...
 UserName1   UserName2
 UserName3   UserName4
 What I would like it to do is
 1. UserName1   2. UserName2
 3. UserName3   4. UserName4
 I cannot figure a way to use $a because it has to skip by 2 in order not to 
 display the encrypted passwords..any suggestions???

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RE: [PHP] comparing

2001-09-15 Thread Andrew Braund

How about;
SELECT product, count(*) AS Total FROM table GROUP BY product ORDER BY total DESC

 -Original Message-
 From: Teqila MAN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2001 16:43
 Subject: [PHP] comparing


  What is the simple mod to compare values for example. (we have a mysql tabl

 id --  product
 2   -cola
 3  - cd
 4   -cd
 5 - cola

 How to make a mysql query that wokuld print me what products i have in most.


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RE: [PHP] Loop error?

2001-08-14 Thread Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: PHP List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2001 09:20
 To: php
 Subject: [PHP] Loop error?
 Can anyone tell me why this is a never ending loop?
 $count = 1;
 while ($count  $i);

 echo $i br;

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RE: [PHP] Sort an array by its values

2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Braund

I think array_multisort is supposed to do this but I couldn't get it to

Have a look at the usort call in the following routine;

// Reads a directory and puts filenames into a array sorted by date
function GetFiles ($DataPath, $files, $nfiles) {
  if ($handle) {
$nfiles = 0;
while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) {
  if ($file != .  $file != .. ) {
$files[$nfiles][name] = $file;
$files[$nfiles][date] = filemtime($DataPath.\\.$file);
'return $a[date]==$b[date]?0:($a[date]$b[date]?1:-1);')


Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, 8 July 2001 17:56
 To: Php-General (E-mail)
 Subject: [PHP] Sort an array by its values

 Hi All,
   I'm trying to sort an array of objects by the value of one of those
 for instance, I'll have an object with 2 properties, id and
 score, where
 id is unique and score is its relevant (and sometimes simelar) score. i've
 tried using sort() and asort() but i can't figure how to base the sorting
 off the value (i.e. score) of the object in the array. Any help?

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RE: [PHP] [Apache] Win32 Virtual Host - Sub Domain

2001-04-21 Thread Andrew Braund
 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Shoberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:39
 To: phpgeneral
 Subject: [PHP] [Apache] Win32 Virtual Host - Sub Domain

 Sorry for the OT post but this has me stumped and Google is
 not giving me
 any good leads.

A good lead is the Apache manual on virtual hosting;
in particular;
in the examples shown there you will notice the virtualHost line is;
ie it uses an IP address, your config uses a host name;
 VirtualHost test.localhost
so on startup Apache will try to resolve test.localhost to an IP
It fails so ignores the virtual host entry.
You could probably fix it by adding an entry to you hosts file like test.localhost
but I think this would only be good for requests coming from a browser
on the server machine.
For simple installations I think you will find an entry like;
VirtualHost *
will work well (it also allows you to use dynamic DNS without changing
your config file).
The example in the documentation also does not use a trailing slash in
the document root. I don't know if this is important but with some
config directives it is so I generally follow the documentation

So the complete virtual host entry would be;
VirtualHost *
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/test"
ServerName test.localhost
ErrorLog logs/test.localhost-error_log
CustomLog logs/test.localhost-access_log common


Andrew Braund

 I am trying to setup Apache with PHP on Win32 (don't ask
 why).  Anyhow, PHP
 is working great but virtual hosting is not going so well.
 When the browser
 brings up http://localhost/ it reads from [Apache
 Root]/apache/htdocs as
 defined by:

 #*** Good Virtual **

 VirtualHost *
 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
 DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/"
 ServerName localhost
 ErrorLog logs/error_log
 CustomLog logs/access_log common


 What are are tring to do is setup http://test.localhost/
 and it is not
 working here is the virtual host and apache restart ...

 #*** Bad Virtual ***

 [Sat Apr 21 09:55:33 2001] [error] Cannot resolve host name
 est.localhost  --- ignoring!
 The Apache service is restarting.
 The Apache service has restarted.

 VirtualHost test.localhost
 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
 DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/test/"
 ServerName test.localhost
 ErrorLog logs/test.localhost-error_log
 CustomLog logs/test.localhost-access_log common


 Any thoughts on getting Win32 to resolve that test.localhost name ?


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RE: [PHP] Output HTML Compression

2001-04-19 Thread Andrew Braund

you might want to look at mod_gzip

Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: Floyd Piedad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 20 April 2001 13:33
 Subject: [PHP] Output HTML Compression
 Any tips on how to speed-up dynamic page loads by either 
 lessening the HTML file
 sent or compressing it?  I found two ways but don't exactly 
 know how to do it.
 1. Enable output buffering with compression.  This seems to 
 be only available on
 php4.04.  Is there a way to do this with php4.01?
 2. Remove extraneous whitespaces.  I normally program with 
 heavy use of
 indention, especially in table outputs, to make code more 
 readable.  But the
 html files sent out also have these indentations and 
 whitespaces.  Is there a
 code that can clean these out?
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RE: [PHP] Regular Expression

2001-04-18 Thread Andrew Braund

LinuxSA  meeting a couple of days ago was
on regex, some notes are at;
or part 1 at;

Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeroen Geusebroek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2001 06:25
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Regular Expression
 oops. The expression should read '/\[([^\]]+)\]/'
 Thanks all, i used this code and it works:
   $title = trim($segments[1]); 
   $description = ereg_replace("\[ $title \]", "", 
 Does anyone know a good regex tutorial? I'll probably bump 
 into it again.
 Regex'es seem to be very usefull.
 Jeroen Geusebroek

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RE: [PHP] read headers.

2001-04-04 Thread Andrew Braund

wget -s

works on *nix or windows, puts all headers and content to a file
eg saves to index.html which contains;
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 09:13:58 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.16 (Unix)
Cache-Control: max-age=0
then content

PS Apache 2.0.16 could be beta, have four +1's :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Geir Eivind M?rk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Geir
 Eivind Mork
 Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2001 18:22
 Subject: Re: [PHP] read headers.
 On 04 Apr 2001 03:15:25 -0500, Plutarck wrote:
  As in when you pull up a site in your browser, or when 
 you use a script to
  make an http connection to another site?
 I want to make a connection to a foreign webserver and 
 fetch the headers
 as well as the content. I was wondering of a 'painless' way 
 instead of
 messing around on a lower level.
  If you are using your browser on a windows box you can 
 use a program called
  Proxomitron. Just use it's log window to see all the HTTP 
 connection fun.
 I haven't access to a windows computer. beside, that 
 wouldn't help me
  php developer / CoreTrek AS| Be careful when a 
 loop exits to the same
  Sandnes / Rogaland / Norway| place from side and bottom. 
  web: | 

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RE: [PHP] Java applet can't read PHP output !!

2001-04-03 Thread Andrew Braund

Works for me!
I don't think PHP is the problem.
I first tried this with PHP as cgi and it worked fine, then retested
with PHP as module and still worked fine.

Server Version: Apache/1.3.19(Win32) mod_jk PHP/4.0.4pl1 DAV/1.0.2

applet code;
package testrd;

import java.applet.*;

public class Applet1 extends Applet {

  public Applet1() {

  public void init() {
try {

  String line;
  URL u=new URL("");
  URLConnection uc=u.openConnection();
  DataInputStream d=new DataInputStream(uc.getInputStream());
  while ( (line=d.readLine()) != null ) {
catch(Exception e) {

   print "some module text ...\n";
   print "some more text ...\n";

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Choynowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2001 10:09
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Java applet can't read PHP output !!

 I have tried putting \n and a header command with no help.
 My current
 theory is that php is manipulating the socket options in some way,
 making Java drop the connection ( since Perl or sh CGI
 script works with
 the same Java code).  I have tried to modify the applet to use read
 method in place of readLine with the same results - it
 reads fine from
 Perl or SH but not from PHP - I have written a large quantity of PHP
 code and want to stick to using only PHP ( makes support
 easier ).  My
 last option is running a tcpdump on the connection and see what is
 flowing on the cable and look for differences, or looking
 through code
 and trying to find the php - apache interface code  :-(


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RE: [PHP] Delaying Printed Output

2001-03-25 Thread Andrew Braund

This topic comes up from time to time...

Some previous information, if you get any further please post it to the list.

A while ago I saw a web page explaining a system (written in Perl I
think) that was used to show a presentation to a number of different
sites simultaneously (and synchronised). A presenter was at the main
site and the browsers at 4 other remote sites would display the same
page the presenter was viewing on his web browser as he went to various
sites. I think it worked using multipart Content-type.
Unfortunately I have lost the URL to the explanation of how it was

On Saturday, 5 August 2000 8:48 AM Mr Bruce Christensen posted the following links 
explaining browser push;
As for keeping the connection from timing out, see

I have experimented with this but didn't get too far. I posted the following to the 
PHP list but didn't get any reply.

I have tried the following script on
 WinNT5, Apache/1.3.13-dev,  PHP Version 4.0.1pl2
 OpenBSD2.7 Apache/1.3.12, PHP Version 4.0.1pl2 (mod_php4)


header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
print( "--ThisRandomString\n");
print("Content-type: text/html\n");
print( "First update at ");
echo date("H:i:s");
print( "--ThisRandomString\n");

print("Content-type: text/html\n");
print( "Second update at ");
echo date("H:i:s");

On NT with the
 header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
statement I get an Apache error message;
  [Sun Aug 06 09:02:47 2000] [error] [client] malformed
  header from script. Bad header=HTTP/1.0 200 OK: f:/program files

I do not get this error on OpenBSD.

I then removed the
 header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
statement and now NT and OpenBSD give the following output
to the browser(IE5.0);
(after a 5 second pause)

Content-type: text/html

First update at 18:22:47

Content-type: text/html

Second update at 18:22:52


And the following output to the browser(Netscape 4.6);
(after a 5 second pause)

Second update at 18:23:19

ie With Netscape I never see the
 first update at ...
part of the output as I would expect.

I have also tried it with;
header("Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=ThisRandomString");

but it makes no difference, the behaviour is identical.

IE5 does not seem to understand multipart.
The multipart mime boundary does not seem to be working properly in

Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, 25 March 2001 04:49
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Delaying Printed Output
  You might try using flush() after the prints.
 I tried that too, but at least in Netscape 6, it still waits until 
 everything is done before displaying.  I think Jack must be correct that 
 this isn't possible for browser display.

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RE: [PHP] Directory Listing with PHP

2001-01-31 Thread Andrew Braund

You might like to try WebExplorer, may do what you want.

Andrew Braund

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Aitken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, 1 February 2001 15:35
 To: PHP User Group
 Subject: [PHP] Directory Listing with PHP
 (Damn I hate it when I forget to change the subject)
 Does anyone have, or know of a script which simulates what Apache gives out 
 when it shows the entire contents of a directory ?
 I find it very handy to use the directory listing of say graphics 
 directories and the like, but I dont want others looking into them.
 What I thought would be a good system is to have an index.php file which 
 asks for a password. If the password is accepted, it shoots them off to a 
 php script which displays the contents of the DIR just as apache would.
 This way I can bar viewing of the directories contents, only viewable to 
 the owners of the password.
 Ive seen a couple of scripts which claim to show the directory listing, but 
 none of them seem to work any good with a decent layout and amount of file 
 info. So im looking for a script which can display the listing properly. 
 Does one exist, or am I just relieving myself into the wind ?
Chris Aitken - Webmaster/Database Designer - IDEAL Internet
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: +61 2 4628   fax: +61 2 4628 8890
Unix -- because a computer's a terrible thing to waste!

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