[PHP] Is php 5.0.4 using isapi unreliable?

2005-09-09 Thread Ben Duffy

We have a Windows 2003 server that seemed reliable using php as a cgi, then
due to placing authentication on directories, we needed to switch to the
isapi method about three months ago. The server reboots randomly maybe five
times per week, but never outside office hours.  I have read articles
suggesting the isapi module is unreliable, is this still the case with php


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Re: [PHP] Re: splitting CSV rows into multiple SQL inserts?

2005-06-22 Thread Ben Duffy
I would read in the CSV file, and populate  two arrays, using the
ordernumber as a key in the header array, loop through the header array
containg $o_num, $date, $name, $addr, to do the db inserts.
The details table would be an array of arrays, key would be ordernumber
again, then the sub array would be the line number. You can set to 1, then
increment until you detect a new ordernumber The contents of the detail sub
array contains  $item_num, $quan, $desc. Loop through this this array to
produce your details table inserts.


Vince LaMonica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Sergey wrote:

 } You can insert file data in DB first, using LOAD DATA INTO FILE, after
 } be easy to manipulate this DB table with a help of php-script.

 Actually, I can't, as the CSV contains fields for two different tables. I
 may have explained it better here:

 I have a CVS file that has order header *and* line item info on each line,

 1110,6/20/2005,Jan Doe,123 Main St,,1,Book
 1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,19191980,1,CD
 1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,77736222,1,Tape

 The above is actually two orders - one with one line item, and the 2nd
 with two line items. I need to insert data from those lines into two

 insert into order_header (o_num, date, name, addr)
 values ('1110','6/20/2005','Jan Doe','123 Main St'),
('1116','6/22/2005','Jim Smith','44 Here St');

 insert into line_items (o_num, item_num, quan, desc, line_order)
 values ('1110','','1','Book','1'),

 Note the line_order field - it needs to increment per order for each line
 item added to the line_items table. To complicate matters a bit, I'm
 actually massaging the data before inserting [eg: splitting the name field
 from the CSV into two fields for the mysql db, formatting the date field
 for mysql, etc].

 I'm currently doing this process via a form where a user uploads the CVS
 file [created with Excel, complete with the first row being made up the
 Excel table's header].

 I currently do something like this:

 $fp = fopen(/tmp/.$txt_file, r);
  while ($line = fgets($fp,1024))
   if ($i  1) { // skip excel header row
 list ($o_num, $date, $name, $addr, $item_num, $quan, $desc) =
 // i can now print the vars, but i get duplicate header records when
 // there are multiple line items for a particular order. also, i
 // need to generate the line_order field for insertion into the
 // line_items table

 If I try and do any processing up where my comments are, well, the
 comments tell you what happen. I know I am reading this file line by line,
 so I can't compare order numbers [o_num] to group multiple line item
 orders together. So how do I go about doing that? Read the entire CSV into
 an array? How can that help? Any tips would be most appreciated!



 p/s - FYI, cvs_explode() is:

 function csv_explode($str, $delim = ',', $qual = \)
 $len = strlen($str);
 $inside = false;
 $word = '';
 for ($i = 0; $i  $len; ++$i) {
 if ($str[$i]==$delim  !$inside) {
 $out[] = $word;
 $word = '';
 } else if ($inside  $str[$i]==$qual  ($i$len
 $str[$i+1]==$qual)) {
 $word .= $qual;
 } else if ($str[$i] == $qual) {
 $inside = !$inside;
 } else {
 $word .= $str[$i];
 $out[] = $word;
 return $out;

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Re: [PHP] Re: splitting CSV rows into multiple SQL inserts?

2005-06-22 Thread Ben Duffy

I have made a couple of changes in the code below, none of this has been
tested, but I have done similar in the past.
As long as u don't have too mauch data to read in, this method gives you the
most flexibility.
If the CSVs are large, you might have to process line by line instead of
using arrays.
If doing line by line, have you considered sql if not exists (select o_num
from order_header where o_num = '$o_num') insert into etc. to prevent


 On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Ben Duffy wrote:

 } I would read in the CSV file, and populate  two arrays, using the
 } ordernumber as a key in the header array, loop through the header array
 } containg $o_num, $date, $name, $addr, to do the db inserts.

 Ok, I think I get this, though I am confused about doing the inserts - I
 don't want duplicate rows to be inserted into the header table. Eg:

  1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,19191980,1,CD
  1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,77736222,1,Tape

 The two rows from the CSV above produce the same row data for the header

  '1116','6/22/2005','Jim Smith','44 Here St'
  '1116','6/22/2005','Jim Smith','44 Here St'

 How do I make sure that only one row is inserted? How do I detect the same
 $o_num when building the header array?

The key in the array is for example above is 1116,  when you read in the CSV
file for the second line, the array vales for 1116 will just be overwritten
They will not be duplicated.

The way I normally do this type of thing is to do this in your loop of
reading in the CSV variables...

$header= array();
$details= array();
$prev_o_num = 0;
Loop through CVS...

// you should probably do your manipulation on variables here before filling
the arrays.

 $header[$o_num]['date']   = $date;
 $header[$o_num]['name'] = $name;
 $header[$o_num]['addr']  = $addr;

 if ($prev_o_num ==  $o_num){$lineNo++;}  //test to see if new o_num.
 else{$lineNo = 1;}
 $details[$o_num][$lineNo] ['item_num'] = $item_num;
 $details[$o_num][$lineNo] ['quan'] = $quan;
 $details[$o_num][$lineNo] ['desc'] = $desc;

End loop

You now should have two arrays with no duplicates.
The slightly more difficult part is now to loop through the arrays...

foreach ($header as $o_num = $value) {
   extract($value, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
   // etc you should now have your original variable name back.
   // insert into db here
   insert into order_header (o_num, date, name, addr)
   values ('$o_num','$date','$name','$addr'),

   foreach ($details[$o_num] as $line_no = $detailsvalues) {
 extract($detailsvalues, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
 // should have access to $line_no, and the variables within
 insert into line_items (o_num, item_num, quan, desc, line_order)
  values ('$o_num','$item_num','$quan','$desc','$line_no'),


Not tested, something for u to try.


 } The details table would be an array of arrays, key would be ordernumber
 } again, then the sub array would be the line number. You can set to 1,
 } increment until you detect a new ordernumber The contents of the detail
 } array contains  $item_num, $quan, $desc. Loop through this this array to
 } produce your details table inserts.
 } Ben.
 } Vince LaMonica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 }  On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Sergey wrote:
 }  } You can insert file data in DB first, using LOAD DATA INTO FILE,
 } it'll
 }  } be easy to manipulate this DB table with a help of php-script.
 }  Actually, I can't, as the CSV contains fields for two different
tables. I
 }  may have explained it better here:
 }  I have a CVS file that has order header *and* line item info on each
 }  like:
 }  1110,6/20/2005,Jan Doe,123 Main St,,1,Book
 }  1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,19191980,1,CD
 }  1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,77736222,1,Tape
 }  The above is actually two orders - one with one line item, and the 2nd
 }  with two line items. I need to insert data from those lines into two
 }  tables:
 }  insert into order_header (o_num, date, name, addr)
 }  values ('1110','6/20/2005','Jan Doe','123 Main St'),
 } ('1116','6/22/2005','Jim Smith','44 Here St');
 }  insert into line_items (o_num, item_num, quan, desc, line_order)
 }  values ('1110','','1','Book','1'),
 } ('1116','19191980','1','CD','1'),
 } ('1116','77736222','1','Tape','2');
 }  Note the line_order field - it needs to increment per order for each
 }  item added to the line_items table. To complicate matters a bit, I'm
 }  actually massaging the data before inserting [eg: splitting the name
 }  from the CSV into two fields for the mysql db, formatting the date
 }  for mysql, etc].
 }  I'm currently doing this process via a form where a user uploads the
 }  file [created with Excel, complete with the first row being made up
 }  Excel table's header].
 }  I currently do something like

[PHP] Re: Offering files from below the webroot

2003-10-17 Thread Ben Duffy

?header('Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=nnn.txt')?

Ryan A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 this has been discussed before on the list but am unable to find it on
 If anybody can point me to the correct URL or tell me how you did it I
 really appreciate it.

 Problems simple:
 offer downloads from below the webroot, something like:

 (a)check if $user with $pas of  b is allowed to download a.something
 (because i dont know if its zip,pdf or what)
 if yes
 (b)open a file save dialog, give him the file

 I can do (a)...how to do (b)? I have checked up fpassthru and
 confused and came here :-D, any pointers?

 I have also seen some places where the script gives the browser a
 url and opens up a save dialog box...this too would help

 Thanks in advance.


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[PHP] Re: displaying var in textarea

2003-10-10 Thread Ben Duffy

Shawn McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a var:
 $test = 'echo \'test\';';

 If I display this in a textearea like so:
 echo textarea wrap=\virtual\ rows=\20\ style=\width: 100%\

 In the browser and in the HTML source I see (no slashes):
 echo 'test';

 Even if I do an htmlentities($test); I see no slashes and the
 are not shown in the HTML source as quot;

 Is this just a behavior of the textarea???



try $test = 'echo \\'test\\';';

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[PHP] Re: displaying var in textarea

2003-10-10 Thread Ben Duffy

Ben Duffy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Shawn McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I have a var:
  $test = 'echo \'test\';';
  If I display this in a textearea like so:
  echo textarea wrap=\virtual\ rows=\20\ style=\width: 100%\
  In the browser and in the HTML source I see (no slashes):
  echo 'test';
  Even if I do an htmlentities($test); I see no slashes and the
  are not shown in the HTML source as quot;
  Is this just a behavior of the textarea???


 try $test = 'echo \\'test\\';';


$test = 'echo \\\'test\\\';';

escaping the slash itself, and escaping the comma..

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