Re: [PHP] Sorting files in a directory

2007-08-09 Thread Chad Robinson

Steve Marquez wrote:

I know this code does not work, but I was curious if someone can take a look
and tell me what is wrong? Thank you so much.

Re-indent your code properly. If you do it will look like:

$pattern = .html*|.php*;

if (is_dir(files/)) {
   if ($dh = opendir(files/)) {
   echo select name=\file\ size=\8\;
   while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
   if (ereg($pattern, $file))
   if(strpos($file,'.')0) {
   $file_array = array($file);
   sort ($file_array);

   foreach($file_array as $key = $value) {
   echo option value=\$value\.$value./option;
   echo /select;

You have a number of things you need to look at here. First, you don't have a final 
closing brace for your opening if() statement. Second, you're outputting the 
option tags INSIDE the while loop that reads the directory, so for every file 
you read your options list will get bigger. Well, it would, but you're also not using 
the right array append method; it should be:
   $file_array[] = $file;

Next, you don't want to sort the array every time you add a file to it - just 
do it once when you're done.

Try this:
$pattern = .html*|.php*;

if (is_dir(files/)  $dh = opendir(files/)) {
   echo 'select name=file size=8';
   while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
   if (!ereg($pattern, $file)) continue;
   if(strpos($file,'.')1) continue;
   $file_array[] = $file;

   sort ($file_array);
   foreach($file_array as $value) {
   echo 'option value=' . $value . '' . $value . '/option';
   echo /select;

Syntax check is left as an exe3rcise for the student. =)


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Re: [PHP] Premature Ajax-ulation

2007-08-03 Thread Chad Robinson

Jay Blanchard wrote:

One of my developers saw the following article;

How are you securing Ajax? I know that for the most part we send data to
a PHP script for processing, so all of the normal rules for sending that
data apply (mysql_real_escape_string(), etc.)
We secure AJAX the way we do anything that might take form input. We use 
intval() and floatval() on numeric fields to flat-out prevent text 
entry, we add slashes to strings where appropriate, check lengths and 
ranges, and do various other sanity checks. Other than being out of band 
and invisible to the user as a direct act, we don't see how AJAX is any 
different from normal form GET/POST work.

I do agree with the article that some programmers put too much logic in 
the client side, but that's always been an issue, with or without AJAX. 
Remember the days when early shopping carts would store item prices on 
the client side, and use that data during checkout? You could edit your 
local data and knock $20 off an item. That sort of thing. You NEVER 
trust the client. Ever. You assume it simply cannot ever be completely 
secured. Period. Seeing something like this just shows me a developer 
that trusted the client, and it doesn't particularly surprise me when 
they get burned.


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Re: [PHP] Includes eating up my time

2007-07-31 Thread Chad Robinson

Dave M G wrote:

Currently, my processes are taking under a second, but they can be
around half a second or more. Although it all happens too fast for me to
really notice as a person, it seems to me that a half second of
processing time might be kind of long and lead to scalability problems.
That's hardly the worst performance I've seen from a CMS, but you should 
know that nearly all CMS systems are slow, many slower than this, for 
similar reasons. The solution is usually to build a front-end cache, 
either in the CMS itself or using an external tool. For instance, MODx 
caches internally, while others rely on Apache/Enfold/etc.

My first question is: Is a half second too long? I'm pretty sure it is,
but maybe I'm just being paranoid. What do people consider to be
acceptable time frames for processing a web page similar to what
Wikipedia delivers?
When you quote Wikipedia, you do realize that they're not a CMS, right, 
that they're a Wiki? There are some subtle differences. I haven't looked 
at Wikipedia's Wiki code (I like TWiki) but the Wikis I've used don't 
actually use a database or a billion classes to get their work done. 
They're more focused on editing an entire page of static content, which 
is stored on disk (and thus directly accessible by the server).

If you want that kind of scalability you also MUST implement some sort 
of caching. PHP is a scripting language, and no scripting language will 
ever keep up with compiled code, no matter how good (and PHP is good). 
You might also consider looking at the Zend Optimizer - I've never tried 
it, but have heard good things.

My second question is: Is there a systematic way of determining how to
incrementally include files that people use? Or is it just a constant
process of testing and checking?
PHP does have an auto-include system called the autoloader. We use this 
heavily in Blackbird ESB to load classes on the fly when they're 
referenced. It only works for loading classes, but since you say that's 
what you have... Take a look here:


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Re: [PHP] import spreadsheet

2007-07-27 Thread Chad Robinson

Angelo Zanetti wrote:

Hi guys

Does anyone have any resources or links as to how to import a
spreadsheet but it might have different number of columns and many
sheets (those tab things at the bottom).

What I thought of doing was creating a table that has 10 fields and if
the file thats being imported only has 4 fields then the remaining six
fields are blank.

So basically my script must dynamically take the format (which changes)
and try save it in the database in a semi standard format.

If you're trying to be completely generic, why not have a table like:
   cells {
  id,   - Auto increment, auto assign by DB
  file, - The file the sheet came from, if you're going to 
store more than one

  sheet, - The name of the sheet the cell is on
  column,   - The column the cell is in
  row, - The row the cell is in
  value  - The value or formula of the cell
  primary key(id), key (file, sheet, column, row), key(file, 
sheet), etc.


Then you can write your importer to go through every sheet/row/column 
and add cells to your database for each. Obviously, you don't bother to 
add empty cells. Once this is done, you can do things like:

   Get a cell directly:
   select * from cells where file='f' and sheet='x' and column='y' and 

   Get an entire column:
   select * from cells where file='f' and sheet='x' and row=z

   Get an entire row:
   select * from cells where file='f' and sheet='x' and column='y'

   Get a list of the available columns in a sheet:
   select distinct column from cells where file='f' and sheet='x' order 
by column

   Get a list of the sheets in use:
   select distinct sheet from cells where file='f' and order by sheet

And so forth. The nice thing about this format is that it makes it 
really easy to do interesting things like write a Web front-end to 
spreadsheet data. You could have a little form that queries the list of 
files, and lets the user pick which they want. Then, for that file, you 
get the list of sheets. Once they select those, you get a list of all 
rows/columns in the sheet and use it to set up your table, and populate 
your grid with cells. With the above data structure, that's a few 
minutes' work.


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Re: [PHP] Authentication

2007-07-27 Thread Chad Robinson

Dan Shirah wrote:

My application is only used within my company. I want to pull the NT
Authenticated user that is logged in, cross reference that user with what I
have pulled from ldap and verify the user's name is valid. If the username
is valid I will assign it to a variable and use that variable to store the
name of the user that submitted the requests.

Yes, I am trying to get a single sign on method if possible.

 $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] works in bringing back the IP Address of the
computer I'm kaing the request from, but $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] does not
return anything.
There's an ActiveX component floating around that will pull this 
information from the user's PC and make it available so Javascript can 
get it (and then pass it on to you). You have to instruct each user's 
browser to consider your site in the trusted zone, but it works fine 
after that. This is how Microsoft does SSO in their own browser.

I didn't actually read too much into this link, but it might get you going:

Basically, having the user put your site into the 'Trusted' zone allows 
Javascript to call out to things, which it can't do with default 
security settings.

After you get it, then you have to pass it to the server. If you want to 
get this automatically, make the entry page (index/default/whatever) run 
this javascript work, then at the tail end of it redirect the user to 
the login page using a GET or POST query to pass in the username. If it 
fails to get the username the login page can then just ask for it.

At least, maybe it will give you enough to Google now.


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Re: [PHP] Smarty template for parent-child form

2007-07-24 Thread Chad Robinson
Man-wai Chang wrote:
 Is there a template that presents a parent-child
 forms, for example, an invoice object which has a header(invoice no,
 date, customer code, invoice total) and multiple items (item no, item
 name, quantity, price, amount)?
Go to

What you do is assign the items to an array called, say, items. Then you
use foreach in the template to iterate the array, just like you would
in PHP itself. Example 7-8 (Contacts) is pretty close to what you're doing.


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