[PHP] norteh explode

2003-01-14 Thread Clivus2k1
okay guys i have this script to use the first exploded part as the trigger 
then the rest sent in a msg, ive got the trigger but its just the message 
part im having probs with, how do i make it so anything after x is sent; in 
this i need $text to be set as it, any sort of help is greatly appreciated 

$string = blah foo bar foo;
$ex = explode( ,$string);
if ($ex[0] == blah) { $txt = $ex[1] $ex[2] etc; irc_privmsg($nick, $txt); 

- CS

[PHP] extracting text

2002-12-24 Thread Clivus2k1
Okay guys heres the question:

say i have a line of text like: [blah], [rah] PH33r Us! [moo]

how can I extract all the text in the brackets and set it as a var, im 
totally stuck, my idea was to use strstr() but that wouldnt work as all the 
tags were not at the end :(

- CS

[PHP] # of lines in a file

2002-12-09 Thread Clivus2k1
Hey guys, I've been searching the manual for a way to grab the number of 
lines in a file and read a particular line from it, however I found no 
solution to my problem so I'm wondering if any of you out there could help me 

- CS