On 28 Feb 2005 dan wrote:

> Go ahead and look at my first email.  For some reason you didn't get the 
> idea that I was looking for solutions.  Ideas.  I wasn't looking for 
> anything solid.

It really wasn't so clear what you were looking for.  It is to you, but not 
necessarily to the reader.

Richard gave you some good feedback.  You may not like what he said but the 
sarcastic rejoinders aren't going to get you much help, which presumably is 
what you came looking for.

On the response you've gotten ... You are asking questions to support a 
business that a lot of people don't like and don't want to have anything to do 
because they think it's immoral.  Frankly it's not especially different from 
someone asking if they can get some help with a Ku Klux Klan or John Birch 
Society web site.  I wouldn't even consider being helpful with such a project, 
with yours.

You can say all those who disagree with what you're doing are religious 
fanatics or lacking in manhood, as you did with the person who posted the rant. 
But you'd be pretty far wrong.  Do you expect to just get help because it's a 
business with an interesting programming problem even though a lot of people 
find the "product" morally objectionable?  If so you are not paying attention 
how most people operate.

People tend to not only refuse to help with things they find immoral, but to 
(surprise!)  speak up about them.  This is a good thing even if it is 
inconvenient for those like you who are the recipients.

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