[PHP] newbie: hmtl form to select items from mysql db

2004-01-15 Thread Danny Anderson
Hola, PHP folk!

I am slowly getting a handle on what php/mysql can do.  I have a mysql 
database that I can display in a web browswer with php.  That part is 
working just fine, but it was the easiest part, of course.

My goal is to create an order form sort of thing were a certain quantity 
of each item is specified, and the final step is creating the invoice 
with the grand total is tabulated, etc, etc.  I know this is standard 
stuff, my immediate question is more specific.

I need some direction in creating the html form where the items are 
selected.  As it stands now, I have six digit ID numbers that identify 
each item.  The first digit represents the general class of items and 
the second digit represents a sub-class.  The remaining four are arbitrary.

What I would like is for the user to
1)pick the class, see the available sub-classes
2)pick the subclass, see the items available
3)pick the item
4)pick quantity
If anybody can point me to a tutorial or examples, I would be most 


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[PHP] 4.2.2 doesn't have mysql_real_esacpe_string()

2003-12-31 Thread Danny Anderson
Hola, PHP folk!

I am learning about PHP from a book (MySQL/PHP Database Applications). 
I have been following the examples in the book, modifying them to suit 
my purpose and experiment, etc.
I am using an old work machine my webserver.  I did a Redhat 9 install, 
adding MySQL version 4.  The 'stock' Redhat installation of PHP was 
version 4.2.2.  Having this older version had presented no problems 
until now.  The example I am currently working on uses a function 
mysql_real_escape_string(), which is only in php 4.3.0 and higher.  An 
example of the how the function is used:

$query = sprintf($query
, mysql_real_escape_string($name)
, mysql_real_escape_string($location)
, mysql_real_escape_string($email)
, mysql_real_escape_string($url)
, mysql_real_escape_string($comments)
, mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
I am looking for recommendations on what I should do.  I can upgrade to 
the latest version of PHP if need be, though I am not particulary eager 
to do so, since everything else has been playing nice with each other.

The lazy person inside of me is looking for a painless answer, something 
 along the lines of just use mysql_foo() instead, it does the same 
thing as that function that isn't in 4.2.2

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[PHP] best way to specify path to a file in a $variable?

2003-12-30 Thread Danny Anderson
Hola, PHP folk-

I am using

$page_title=some page title here;
to include a common header for all my pages.  I am using $page_title so 
I can have unique names for the different pages.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
title?php echo $page_title; ?/title
link rel=stylesheet href=./some.css type=text/css

I want to be able to also define the path to the CSS file.  For 
instance, some pages will have the CSS in the same directory, so that 
part would read


If the page is located in a subdirectory, the path would then be


I would like to use a php variable where I can define the path the same 
way as the $page_title works.  I have tried some experiments with a 
$path_to_css variable, but I have not had much success.  I think part of 
the problem is that I might be stumbling over escaping everything properly.

Is there a better way to do what I am trying to do?

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[PHP] Apache 2.0.48 won't play nice with php 4.3.4 ?

2003-12-22 Thread Danny Anderson
Hola, PHP folk!

I hope this is an appropriate forum for this:

I am setting up a Redhat 9 webserver to serve as my testbed for a little 
php/mysql app I want to develop.  I installed RH9 without the 
webserver/php/mysql so I could manually install the most current versions.
MySQL 4.0.16 installed fine, Apache (httpd-2.0.48) installed fine.  PHP 
4.3.4 seemed to install fine.  Unfortunately, when I try to start the 
webserver with php, I get the following error:
'...httpd: module 
/usr/local/php-4.3.4/sapi/apache2handlers/sapi_apache2.c is not 
compatible with this version of Apache.

Help!  Is there a work around for this?  Apache will start fine if I 
don't try to enable php via LoadModule in the Apache configuration file.

Any comments and suggestions appreciated.

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