I am having an issue hopefully someone else has encountered already.  I
have successfully compiled the latest expat(0.50) and sablot(1.95.1)
libraries and configured and compiled php4 and apache1.3.14 to use the
Sablotron Extensions.  

I think anyway it was successful because it says "Sablotron XSLT
support - enabled" in a phpinfo page.

When I try to actually do a transform though, I get this fatal error
that is somewhat confusing:

Fatal error: msgtype: error in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php on
line 4

I have included the code that I am running, and have noticed that I
only get an error when trying to do the transform.  In other words, the
xslt_create() line works fine. (qs.xml and qs.xsl exist in the same
directory as the index page)

$parser = xslt_create();
print "Parser Handle[$parser]";
xslt_run($parser, './qs.xsl', './qs.xml');                  
print "Here is the output:".xslt_fetch_result($parser);

Parser Handle[Resource id #1]
Fatal error: msgtype: error in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php on
line 4

Any help is of course greatly appreciated.




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